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考研时间: 2013-08-18 来源:查字典考研网



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中国科学院动物研究所 计划生育生殖生物学国家重点实验室 100101

更多信息:生殖生理学研究组 个人页面 English



国家杰出青年基金获得者。1995年于北京师范大学生物系获得学士学位,1998年于北京师范大学生物系细胞增殖与调控教育部重点实验室获得细胞生物学硕士学位,2002年于中国科学院动物研究所获得理学博士学位,2003-2005年在加拿大渥太华健康研究所从事卵巢卵泡发育和闭锁机理的研究。目前主要研究方向:(1)通过利用人胎盘绒毛滋养层细胞侵润/迁移和合体化、小鼠胎盘特异敲低或敲除等模型结合蛋白质组学和单核苷酸多态性等方法,研究胎盘早期发育和滋养层细胞分化的分子机制及相关疾病(胎儿生长受限和子痫前期)的发病机理;(2)运用条件性基因敲除小鼠、卵泡和原代颗粒细胞培养等模型,研究卵泡发育的分子机理及卵巢早衰的病理生理机制。主持国家重大科学研究计划二级课题、中加双边合作项目、国家自然科学基金杰出青年基金等。曾获国家人口和计划生育委员会优秀科技成果一等奖,教育部科技进步二等奖等。目前担任PLoS ONE期刊编委,在Trends Genet,J Clin Endocrinol Metab,Cell Death & Disease,J Biol Chem,Mol Endocrinol和Biol Reprod等国内外期刊发表SCI收录学术论文50余篇。






•国际生殖生物学学会(Society for the Study of Reproduction,SSR)会员(2001~)



•PLoS ONE杂志编委会委员(2010~)









2.中国科学院干细胞先导专项(XDA01020102;王红梅)重编程过程的细胞生物学研究—MET 和EMT.2011.01-2015.12;

3.国家自然科学基金面上项目(31171438;王红梅)Furin对滋养层细胞合作化的影响及分子机理研究 2012.01-2015.12;

4.中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目(KSCX2-EW-R-06;王红梅)重要妊娠相关疾病的分子标志物和诊治策略研究 2011.01-2013.12;


1.国家自然科学基金面上项目(30971088;王红梅)CUL7 E3连接酶在滋养层侵润和迁移中的作用2010.01-2012.12;






7.国家自然科学基金面上项目(30670262;王红梅)Proprotein Convertases在胚胎植入中的作用机理:在体RNA干扰和蛋白质组学研究2007.01-2009.12;



10.国家自然基金青年基金项目(30200133;王红梅)用RNAi和正反义技术研究植入相关因子的表达调控 2003.01-2005.12;

11.国家重点基础研究发展规划973项目(G1999055900;祝诚)“生殖健康的基础研究” 2000.04-2005.10;


1.Zhou Z,Zhang Q,Lu XY,Wang R,Wang H,Wang YL,Zhu C,Lin HY*,Wang H*.The proprotein convertase furin is required for trophoblast syncytialization.Cell Death Dis,2013,accepted.

2.Aguilar PS#,Baylies MK#,Fleissner A#,Helming L#,Inoue N#,Podbilewicz B*,Wang H#,Wong M#.Genetic basis of cell–cell fusion mechanisms.Trends Genet,2013,[Epub ahead of print].(#,equal contribution.)

3.Zhang S,Lin HY (co-first author),Kong S (co-first author),Wang S,Wang Hongmei,Wang Haibin*,Armant DR*.Physiological and molecular determinants of embryo implantation.Mol Aspects Med,2013,Jan 2 [Epub ahead of print].

4.Zhang Q,Chen Q,Lu XY,Zhou Z,Zhang H,Lin HY,Duan E,Zhu C,Tan Y*,Wang H*.CUL1 promotes trophoblast cell invasion at the maternal-fetal interface.Cell Death Dis,2013,Feb 21 [Epub ahead of print].

5.Yang X,Wang Q,Gao Z,Zhou Z,Peng S,Chang WL,Lin HY,Zhang W*,Wang H*.Proprotein convertase furin regulates apoptosis and proliferation of granulosa cells in the rat ovary.PLoS ONE,2013,[Epub ahead of print].

6.Qiu Q,Bell M,Lu X,Yan X,Rodger M,Walker M,Wen SW,Bainbridge S,Wang H,Gruslin A*.Significance of IGFBP-4 in the Development of Fetal Growth Restriction.J Clin Endocrinol Metab,2012,97,E1429–E1439.

7.Lin HY*,Underhill C,Lei JH,Helander-Claesson A,Lee HY,Gardill BR,Muller YA,Wang H*,Hammond GL*.High frequency of SERPINA6 polymorphisms that reduce plasma corticosteroid-binding globulin activity in Chinese subjects.J Clin Endocrinol Metab,2012,97,E678-E686.

8.Zhao KQ,Lin HY*,Zhu C,Yang X,Wang H*.Maternal Smad3 deficiency compromises decidualization in mice.J Cell Biochem,2012,113,3266-3275.

9.Li Y,Wu L,Lei JH,Zhu C,Wang H,Yu XG*,Lin HY*.Single nucleotide polymorphisms in the human corticosteroid-binding globulin promoter alter transcriptional activity.Sci China Life Sci,2012,55,699-708.

10.Wu L,Zhou HH,Lin HY,Qi JG,Zhu C,Gao ZY*,Wang H*.Circulating microRNAs are elevated in plasma from severe pre-eclamptic pregnancies.Reproduction,2012,143,389-397.

11.Yang XK,Zhou Y,Peng S,Wu L,Lin HY,Wang SY*,Wang H*.Differentially expressed plasma microRNAs in premature ovarian failure patients and the potential regulatory function of mir-23a in granulosa cell apoptosis.Reproduction,2012,144,235-244.

12.Lin P,Fu J,Zhao B,Lin F,Zou H,Liu L,Zhu C,Wang H*,Yu X*.Fbxw8 is involved in the proliferation of human choriocarcinoma JEG-3 cells.Mol Biol Rep,2011,38,1741–1747.

13.Fu J,Lv X,Lin HY,Wu L,Wang R,Zhou Z,Zhang B,Wang YL,Tsang BK,Zhu C,Wang H*.Ubiquitin ligase cullin 7 induces epithelial-mesenchymal transition in human choriocarcinoma cells.J Biol Chem,2010,285,10870-10879.

14.Yang Q,Chen SP,Zhang XP,Wang H,Zhu C,Lin HY*.Smurf2 participates in human trophoblast cell invasion by inhibiting TGF-beta type I receptor.J Histochem Cytochem,2009,57,605-612.

15.Zhang B,Zhou Z,Lin HY,Lv X,Fu J,Lin P,Zhu C,Wang H*.Protein phosphatase 1A (PPM1A) is involved in human cytotrophoblast cell invasion and migration.Histochem Cell Biol,2009,132,169-179.

16.Zhou Z,Shen T,Zhang BH,Lv XY,Lin HY,Zhu C,Xue LQ*,Wang H*.The proprotein convertase furin in human trophoblast:Possible role in promoting trophoblast cell migration and invasion.Placenta,2009,30,929-938.

17.Fu JJ,Lin P,Lv XY,Yan XJ,Wang HX,Zhu C,Tsang BK,Yu XG*,Wang H*.Low molecular mass polypeptide-2 in human trophoblast:over-expression in hydatidiform moles and possible role in trophoblast cell invasion.Placenta,2009,30,305-312.

18.Wang H*,Tsang BK*.Nodal signalling and apoptosis.Reproduction,2007,133,847-853.

19.Yang Q,Lin HY,Wang HX,Zhang H,Zhang XP,Wang H,Zhu C*.Expression of smad ubiquitin regulatory factor 2 (Smurf2) in rhesus monkey endometrium and placenta during early pregnancy.J Histochem Cytochem,2007,55,453-460.

20.Zhang X,Zhu C,Lin HY,Yang Q,Ou Q,Li Y,Chen Z,Racey P,Zhang S*,Wang H*.Wild fulvous fruit bats (Rousettus leschenaulti) exhibit human-like menstrual cycle.Biol Reprod,2007,77,358-364.

21.Zhang H,Li Q,Lin HY,Yang Q,Wang H,Zhu C*.Role of PPARgamma and its gonadotrophic regulation in rat ovarian granulosa cells in vitro.Neuroendocrinol Lett,2007,28,289-294.

22.Wang H*,Jiang JY,Zhu C,Peng C,Tsang BK*.Role and regulation of nodal/activin receptor-like kinase 7 signaling pathway in the control of ovarian follicular atresia.Mol Endocrinol,2006,20,2469-2482.

23.Lin HY,Yang Q,Wang H,Qi JG,Zhang H,Wang HX,Tsang BK,Zhu C*.Involvement of SMAD4,but not of SMAD2,in transforming growth factor-β1-induced trophoblast expression of matrix metalloproteinase-2.Front Biosci,2006,11,637-646.

24.Lin HY,Zhang H,Yang Q,Wang HX,Wang H,Chai KX,Chen LM*,Zhu C*.Expression of prostasin and protease nexin-1 in rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta) endometrium and placenta during early pregnancy.J Histochem Cytochem,2006,54,1139-1147.

25.Lin HY,Qian D,Zhang X,Liu GY,Wang H,Zhu C*.Gene expression of transforming growth factor-β receptors types I and II in rat endometrium during the estrous cycle and early pregnancy.Life Sci,2006,78,2669-2675.

26.Wang HX,Wang H,Lin HY,Yang Q,Zhang H,Tsang BK,Zhu C*.Proteasome subunit LMP2 is required for matrix metalloproteinase-2 and -9 expression and activities in human invasive extravillous trophoblast cell line.J Cell Physiol,2006,206,616-623.

27.Liu GY,Zhang X,Lin HY,Wang H,Li QL,Ni J,Zhu C*.Effects of E-cadherin on mouse embryo implantation and expression of matrix metalloproteinase-2 and -9.Biochem Biophys Res Commun,2006,343,832-838.

28.Yang Q,Wang HX,Zhao YG,Lin HY,Zhang H,Wang H,Sang QA,Zhu C*.Expression of tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-4 (TIMP-4) in endometrium and placenta of rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta) during early pregnancy.Life Sci,2006,78,2804-2811.

29.Zhang X,Lin HY,Liu GY,Wang H,Li QL,Zhu C*.Expressions and regulation of endothelial and inducible nitric oxide synthases in mouse uterus during the estrous cycle and early pregnancy.Front Biosci,2005,10,3172-3182.

30.Wang HX,Zhao YG,Wang H,Yang Q,Lin HY,Sang QA,Zhu C*.Expression of adamalysin 19/ADAM19 in the endometrium and placenta of rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta) during early pregnancy.Mol Hum Reprod,2005,11,429-435.

31.Lin HY,Wang H,Li QL,Liu DL,Zhang X,Liu GY,Qian D,Zhu C*.Expression of Smad2 and Smad4,transforming growth factor-β signal transducers,in rat endometrium during the estrous cycle,pre-,and peri-implantation.Anim Reprod Sci,2004,80,303-316.

32.Qian D,Lin HY,Wang H,Zhang X,Liu DL,Li QL,Zhu C*.Normoxic induction of the hypoxic-inducible factor-1α by interleukin-1β involves the extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 pathway in normal human cytotrophoblast cells.Biol Reprod,2004,70,1822-1827.

33.Liu G,Lin HY,Zhang X,Li Q,Wang H,Qian D,Ni J,Zhu C*.Expression of Smad2 and Smad4 in mouse uterus during the estrous cycle and early pregnancy.Placenta,2004,25,530-537.

34.Qian D,Lin HY,Wang H,Zhang X,Li QL,Liu DL,Zhu C*.Involvement of ERK1/2 pathway in TGF-β1-induced VEGF secretion in normal human cytotrophoblast cells.Mol Reprod Dev,2004,68,198-204.

35.Zhang X,Wang H,Lin HY,Liu GY,Li QL,Zhu C*.Regulation of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and their inhibitors (TIMPs) during mouse peri-implantation:role of nitric oxide.Placenta,2004,25,243-252.

36.Wang H,Zhang X,Qian D,Lin HY,Li QL,Liu DL,Liu GY,Yu XD,Zhu C*.Effect of ubiquitin-proteasome pathway on mouse blastocyst implantation and expression of matrix metalloproteinases-2 and -9.Biol Reprod,2004,70,481-487.

37.Wang HX,Wang H,Li QL,Lin HY,Qian D,Zhu C*.Expression of proteasome subunits LMP2 and LMP7 in the endometrium and placenta of rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta)during early pregnancy.Biol Reprod,2004,71,1317-1324.

38.Lin HY,Wang H,Zhu C*.The Smad pathway in transforming growth factor-beta signaling.Sci China C Life Sci,2003,46,449-463.

39.Wang H,Li QL,Lin HY,Yu XD,Qian D,Dai JJ,Duan EK,Zhu C*.Expression of vascular endothelial growth factor and its receptors in the rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta) endometrium and placenta during early pregnancy.Mol Reprod Dev,2003,65,123-131.

40.Qian D,Wang H,Lin HY,Zhang X,Li QL,Liu DL,Liu GY,Zhu C*.Effect of UPP on the expression of VEGF and its receptors in mouse uterus during peri-implantation.Chin Sci Bull,2003,48,338-342.

41.Li QL,Illman SA,Wang HM,Liu DL,Lohi J,Zhu C*.Matrix metalloproteinase-28 transcript and protein are expressed in rhesus monkey placenta during early pregnancy.Mol Hum Reprod,2003,9,205-211.

42.Li QL,Wang H,Lin HY,Zhu C*.Expression of gelatinases and their tissue inhibitors in rat corpus luteum during pregnancy and postpartum.Mol Reprod Dev,2002,63,273-281.

43.Liu DL,Li QL,Lin HY,Liu WZ,Wang H,Zhang X,Zhu C*.Expression and localization of RAP250 mRNA in the rat ovary:Possible implications in follicular development and ovulation.Endocrine,2002,18,173-178.

44.Li QL,Wang H,Lin HY,Shao LJ,Ni J,Duan EK,Zhu C*.Expression of VEGF in the pregnant and postpartrum rat ovaries.Sci China C Life Sci,2002,45,379-387.

45.Zhang X,Wang H,Lin HY,Li QL,Liu DL,Qian D,Liu GY,Zhu C*.Regulation of blastocyst implantation by nitric oxide in mouse.Chin Sci Bul,2002,47,1461-1465.

46.Li QL,Wang H,Zhao YG,Lin HY,Sang QA,Zhu C*.Identification and specific expression of endometase/matrilysin-2 (MMP-26) in endometrium of rhesus monkey during early pregnancy.Mol Hum Reprod,2002,8,934-940.

47.Yu XG,Li QL,Wang HM,Luo WX,Shao LJ,Ni J,Zhu C*.Expression and regulation of metalloproteinases-2,-9 and tissue Inhibitors of metalloproteinases in rat corpus luteum.Chinese Sci Bull,2002,47,1011-1014.

48.Wang HM,Song CC,Duan CW,Shi WX,Li CX,Chen DY*,Wang YC*.Effects of ubiquitin-proteasome pathway on mouse sperm capacitation,acrosome reaction and in vitro fertilization.Chinese Sci Bull,2002,47,127-132.

49.Wang H,Li Q,Shao L,Zhu C*.Expression of matrix metalloproteinase-2,-9,-14,and tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinase-1,-2,-3 in the endometrium and placenta of rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta) during early pregnancy.Biol Reprod,2001,65,31-40.

50.Shao LJ,Wang HM,Duan Ek,Zhu C*.Expression of vascular endothelial growth factor in rat uterus during peri-implantation.Chinese Sci Bull,2001,46,1178-1182.

51.Li QL,Wang HM,Shao LJ,Zhu C*.Expression of gelatinases and tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases in the rhesus monkey (Macaca Mulatta) corpus luteum.Chinese Sci Bull,2001,46,1292-1296.





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