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考研时间: 2011-11-18 来源:查字典考研网



王文博,男,1965年生,教授,博士生导师。1992年在北京邮电大学获博士学位,博士毕业后留校工作至今。2002年6月至2008年8月曾任北京邮电大学电信工程学院院长。现主要从事无线移动通信方面的研究和教学工作。曾主持或参加完成了多项国家和部级科研项目,多次获省部级奖励,并获国务院政府特殊津贴和教育部跨世纪人才支持计划。在高水平学术刊物和重要国际学术会议上合作发表了200多篇论文,出版著作10部。现任北京邮电大学研究生院常务副院长, 并兼任“泛网无线通信”教育部重点实验室学术委员会副主任,工业与信息化部“TD-SCDMA科研开发和产业化项目”专家组成员、中国通信学会理事、国防通信分委员会副主任等职务,北京通信学会常务理事.

Wenbo Wang, male, born in 1965, tenure professor and Ph.D instructor at Beijing University of Post and Telecommunications (BUPT). He received Ph. D Degree from BUPT in 1992, and then worked as a teacher in the same college. He served as the dean to the School of Telecommunication Engineering from 2002 to 2008. His main interest focuses in wireless communications. Prof. Wang has headed and participated in several national and industrial projects, and received various provincial and ministerial awards. He was also awarded Government Special Allowance and received the support of "New Century Talented Persons Project" from Ministry of Education. The publications of Prof. Wang include ten books and more than 200 papers at high level academic journals and major international academic conferences. Prof. Wang is now the executive president of School of Graduate in BUPT, Assistant Director of academic committee of the Universal Wireless Communication Lab, expert in the TD-SCDMA R&D and industrialization project organized by MIIT, senior member of CIC, Assistant Director of Defense Communications Committee and Senior Consultant of Beijing Communications Association.


Mr. Quan Qing-Yi received his Ph.D degree in communication engineering from Beijing Jiaotong University (formerly, Northern Jiaotong University) Beijing, China in 1997. Since April 1997, he has been with the School of Information and Communication Engineering, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, where he was first a Postdoctoral Research Fellow (1997 - 1999), then an Associate Professor (1999 - ). From January 2005 to July 2006 he was a Visiting Professor to the Department of Electronic Engineering, Korea Polytechnic University, Republic of Korea. His research interest is in the wireless technology and its application.


啜钢:副教授,硕士生导师。1983年北京邮电学院无线通信学士,1999年北京邮电学院通信与信息系统硕士。2006年7月-2007年7月到美国费城德雷克塞尔大学(University of Drexel)作访问学者。近年来在学报、期刊以及国际会议上发表论文二十余篇;主编了包括普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材“移动通信原理与系统”等教材和专著6部;参与编写2部。近年来作为主研人先后参加了多项国家“863”项目;作为项目负责人主持完成了包括华为、普天、中国移动和中国电信等通信著名企业的项目;参与和领导研发了CDMA网络规划软件和CDMA优化后处理软件以及CDMA系统仿真软件、TD-SCDM网络规划和优化软件等。目前任职于北京邮电大学信息与通信工程学院无线通信中心。领导的移动技术实验室隶属于WSPN和“泛网无线通信”教育部重点实验室。目前主要从事无线通信相关理论以及无线通网络的性能应用软件的研究开发工作。研究方向:无线通信理论,移动通信网络性能分析和软件开发等。

联系电话:62282921 Email:chuai@bupt.edu.cn 办公地点:明光楼7层719

Associate professor Chuai Gang, master supervisor. After graduating from BUPT as a wireless communication bachelor in 1983, he got the master degree of communication and information system in 1999. From July 2006 to July 2007, he studied at University of Drexel in Philadelphia as a visiting scholar. In recent years, He has published more than 20 theses in academic journals, periodicals and international conferences. He edited 6 teaching materials and treatises chiefly, including the book of Mobile Communication Principle and System for ordinary advanced education, and he also took part in publishing other two books. As the chief researcher, he has participated in several national "863" projections; as the leader, he has completed the projections of some famous business enterprises, such as Huawei, Putian, China Mobile and China Telecommunications. He leaded and participated in the software designing of Network Planning and Post Processing Software for Optimization of CDMA and TD-SCDMA as well as dynamic simulation for CDMA system. He is now working in wireless communication center of Information and Communication school. His wireless technology library, which belongs to WSPN and Ubiquitous Wireless Communication Library, focuses on wireless communication theory and designing network application software.

Research area: wireless theory, analysis of mobile communication network and software engineering

Tel:62282921 Email:Chuai@bupt.edu.cn ,Office: Mingguang building 719


Wenbin Guo received the B.S. degree from Tsinghua University in 1994, the M.S. degree and the ph.D. degree from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications in 1997 and 2005,Beijing,China,all in Electrical Engineering. Since 1997, he has been with the Wireless Research Center, School of Telecommunication, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing China, where he is currently an associate professor. During 2006-2007,he was visiting the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of University of Arizona at Tucson, AZ. His research interests are in various aspects of communication theory and signal processing, including blind signal processing, multi-terminal source-channel coding for wireless communication systems, and cognitive radio networks.


Prof. Hu Chunjing, associate professor, is a master tutor in the Wireless Signal Processing and Network Lab (WSPN) directed by Prof. Wang Wenbo. She received B.S. degree, M.S. degree and Ph. D degree from BUPT in 1991, 1994 and 2007 respectively. From 1994 she worked at BUPT and engaged in doing research on Speech Recognition, Machine Translation and Wireless Applications. She has published 4 books, more than 10 papers at domestic core journals and international academic conferences.


Ji Xiaodong, male, born in 1964, associate professor. He received the BS, MS and PhD degree from the Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. His research interests include wireless and mobile communications and mobile IP.


联系电话:62283376 电子邮箱:hjin @bupt.edu.cn 实验室地址:教2楼-123室

Jin Hao graduated from the school of telecommunication and engineering, BUPT and got the bachelor’s degree in 1989. She received her Ph. D from BUPT in 1996. She is now working as an associate professor at WSPN Lab in the school of information and telecommunication engineering. Since 1996, she has worked on some important research projects and published more than 20 research papers and holds two patents. Her research areas include the access technologies of next generation mobile network and the key technologies of core network in NGI.


Mugen Peng, born in 1978, Associate Professor in Beijing University of Posts & Telecommunication (BUPT). He joined BUPT as a lecturer in 2005, when receiving his PhD in Signal and Information System from BUPT. His research interests span many areas including wireless networks, mobile computing, and network information. His current research interests include radio resource management, network planning and optimization, cooperative communication, network coding, wireless multi-hop and relay communication, cross-layer design of wireless networks, wireless mesh network, and the simulation and performance evaluation of the next generation wireless networks. Now Dr. Peng is leading research projects from the National Hi-Tech R&D 863 Program of China, Natural Science Foundation of China, as well as the international famous wireless communication manufacturers and operators from the industry. Dr. Peng has published over 100 papers in refereed journals and conferences, and edited 8 books and translated 3 books. Moreover, he has applied for more than 20 patents, and contributed more than 30 proposals to 3GPP and CCSA standards. Dr. Peng is the associated editor of Wiley International Journal of communication systems. Meanwhile, he is the co-chair of physical track in WICON 2010. He served or is serving as TPC of many major IEEE conferences, including IEEE ICC 2009, IEEE ChinaCom 2009, HPN2008 and IWCMC 2009 PlanNet. He served or is serving as Editorial Board Member or/and Guest Editor of Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Journal of System Simulation, Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, and Chinese of Journal Electronics.

吴湛击,男,1977年生,硕士生导师,江苏宜兴人.2004年于北京邮电大学获“信号与信息处理”专业方向的博士学位,.博士学位论文“统一编译码理论与应用”获得北京邮电大学“优秀博士论文”。 全国高中数学联合竞赛一等奖的获得者.2004年7月至2006年7月,在松下电器尖端移动通信研究所做高级研究员。2006年7月至今,在北京邮电大学电信工程学院任教,副教授。在IEEE Communications Letter, IEE(IET) Electronics Letter和电子学报,电子与信息学报等国内外权威学术期刊上以第一作者发表论文三十余篇,以第一发明人申请国家发明专利19项,出版个人学术专著一部。完成国家自然科学基金和863项目多项.目前作为项目负责人正在主持一项国家重大科技专项,一项国家自然基金项目和一项教育部科学技术研究重点项目,科研经费充裕,任务量饱满.还是工信部所主导的LTE+标准组和IMT-advanced技术推进组都特邀的技术专家和编码调制标准技术的主要贡献者,现在担任现担任工信部LTE-advanced标准上行传输技术专题组的副组长。同时,还是工信部电信研究院和中国移动邀请的4G技术的评估专家。此外,还是国际著名学术期刊《IEEE communications letters》, 《IEEE transaction on wireless communication》和国内著名学术期刊《电子学报》,《电子与信息学报》等的审稿人。

电子信箱: wuzhanji@bupt.edu.cn, wuzhanji@163.com

Wu Zhanji, born in 1977, got Ph.D. from Beijing University of Post and Telecommunication (BUPT) in 2004. His Ph.D. thesis “The general coding theory and application” was honored as the best Ph.D. thesis by BUPT. From July, 2004 to July, 2006, he was a senior researcher in the advanced mobile telecommunication institute of the Panasonic Corporation. Since July, 2006 , he has been in BUPT as an associate professor. His research interests focus on the information theory and coding/modulation technology on wireless channel. Dr. Wu has joined many national research projects, and nowadays he is charging of National Great Science Specific Project ( IMT-advanced key technology research), National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant No. 60702050) and the key project fund of Education Ministry of China (grant No.109013). Dr. Wu has published more than thirty the-first-author papers on the first-class international and domestic academic journals, such as IEEE Communications Letter,IEE(IET) Electronics Letters and Chinese Journal of Electronics, and published one monograph “ state-of-the art modern channel coding and modulation: Theory and application” . He was invited by the Chinese next-generation mobile communication official organizations, IMT-advanced standard committee and LTE+ standard committee, as a key expert and contributor in the field of coding and modulation, and twelve technical proposals have been accepted by related national standard committee. Now, he is an associated chairman of national LTE-A uplink transmission committee, and also reviewer for well-known academic journals, such as IEEE Communications Letter,IEEE transaction on wireless communication and Chinese Journal of Electronics.

Email: wuzhanji@bupt.edu.cn, wuzhanji@163.com


Zhaohui,is currently associate professor in Beijing University of Posts &Telecommunications (BUPT), China. She received the M.S. degree in 2003 from Tianjin University and Ph.D degree in 2006 from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. She has published more than 20 papers both in local magazines and international conferences in recent years, as well as patent applications, and taken part in a large number of research projects, including 863 projects. From 2006, her research interests include MIMO detection, space-time coding design, and adaptive link transmission technology in broadband wireless communication systems.

郑侃, 博士,北京邮电大学信息与通信工程学院副教授,硕士生导师。IEEE高级会员, IEICE会员。分别于1996年、2000年和2005年在北京邮电大学获得本科、硕士和博士学位。曾在西门子(中国)有限公司、法国电信研发中心等国际企业从事无线通信系统的研发工作。目前的研究方向主要包括协同无线通信关键技术、多天线技术、无线资源管理和软件无线电等。迄今为止以第1作者在IEEE Communication Magazine、IEEE Transaction on Vehicular Technology、IEEE Transaction on Broadcasting等国际期刊、国际会议以及国内核心期刊等共发表或已接收的论文约50余篇(其中包括SCI数据库索引8篇);曾获得北京市第八届优秀青年科技论文二等奖、北京邮电大学2005届优秀博士论文。目前主持多项国家项目,包括国家自然基金项目、教育部博士点基金项目;并担任多项国家十一五重大专项项目主研人之一。

Dr. Kan ZHENG is IEEE senior member and IEICE member. Currently, he is an associate professor in the school of information and communication engineering, Beijing University of Posts &Telecommunications (BUPT). He received the B.S., M.S. and Ph.D degree from BUPT, in 1996, 2000 and 2005 respectively. He was an R&D researcher in Siemens Ltd and France Telecomm (Orange) R&D, respectively, studying the key algorithms in the wireless communication systems. His current research interests lie in the field of cooperative communication, MIMO, radio resource management and soft-defined radio (SDR). As the 1st author, he has published about 50 papers in the journals and conferences such as IEEE Communication Magazine, IEEE Transaction on Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transaction on Broadcasting. Also, he has gained the 2nd class prize of the eighth Beijing youth researcher paper and best Ph.D thesis prize in BUPT, 2005. Now he is the project leader of several national sponsored projects such as NSFC project, doctoral program of higher education. Meanwhile, he is one of main members of several eleven-five national key projects.


Jiang Hua, male, born in 1962, professor, is the department head of Communication Engineering Department, Beijing electronic science and technology institute. His research area is focus on mobile communication and signal processing. Email: jh@besti.edu.cn

陈运清,男,1964年生,中国电信集团北京研究院技术部副主任,教授级高级工程师,兼职硕士生导师。主攻宽带网络和数据通信领域。具体包括了支持多业务的IP承载网设计、MPLS互通技术、城域网优化、FTTH与家庭网络的混合研究、电信级IP QoS网络研究等领域。近年来他所负责完成的项目多次获得了中国电信股份有限公司北京研究院的院长基金奖励和集团的奖励。他获得了中国电信北京研究院2002-2003年度院级21世纪人才的荣誉和2004年度中国电信集团级优秀人才奖励,于2004年成为中国电信科技委数据专业组的成员。研究方向:无线通信。电子邮件:chenyq@ctbri.com.cn

Chen Yunqing, male, born in 1964, deputy director of technology department of China Telecom Beijing Research Institute, senior engineer in professor's level, part-time master's tutor, mainly researches on broadband network and data communication. The research includes the design of IP bearer network supporting for multi-service, MPLS inter-working technologies, MAN optimization, hybrid research of FTTH and home networks, Carrier-class IP QoS Network Research etc. in detail. In recent years, the projects he was responsible for have won President Fund of the Beijing research institute of China Telecom Co., Ltd. and the Group's incentive award many times. He won the China Telecom Beijing Research Institute school-class 21st-century-talent honor for 2002-2003 and China Telecom Group-class talent awards In 2004. He became a member of data profession group of China Telecom Science and Technology Committee. Research area: wireless communications. Email: chenyq@ctbri.com.cn

李广成,男,1963年出生。教授级高级工程师。北京邮电大学兼职硕士导师。现任烽火通信科技股份有限公司副总裁。1983年北京邮电学院无线通信学士,1986年北京邮电学院电路信号与系统硕士。中国通信学会高级会员,中国通信学会通信软件技术委员会委员。曾承担涉及光纤通信监控系统、电信管理网TMN、多业务传送平台MSTP等内容的国家、信息产业部(邮电部)、湖北省级重点项目20多项。完成了“中国光通信监控技术体系”、“中国电信管理网框架”等项目的研制;研制成功了OSV-9200区域光通信监控系统、SEMS10/20型 SDH网元级管理系统。发表了“SDH网络管理系统的原理与实现”、“光交换技术及其应用”等技术文章十多篇。获得邮电部科技进步一、二、三等奖各1次。主持了国家“863”项目“SDH 2.5G光传输设备的研制”、“8x2.5G DWDM系统的研制”、“光传输管理平台OTMP9800”、“自动交换光网络ASON设备研制”、“基于WEB的网络开放式管理平台的研究”等项目的研制工作,他获得国家科技进步三等奖一次,省科技进步二等奖一次。他在网络安全领域主持完成了国家科技部项目“大规模互联网络信息安全保障体系研究”的工作,2007年该项目获得国家科技进步二等奖。他曾先后获得湖北省计算机类“十大技术能手”称号、邮电部优秀青年知识分子称号、国务院政府特殊津贴、信产部信息产业科技创新先进工作者等称号。

Li Guangcheng, male, senior engineer in professor’s level, was born in 1963. He is currently Vice President of Fiber home Telecommunication Technology Co., Ltd, and he is also master supervisor of BUPT. After graduating from BUPT as a wireless communication bachelor in 1983, he got the master degree of Circuits Signals and Systems in 1986. He is a senior member of China Institute of Communications; he is also a member of software technical committee of China Institute of Communications. He has undertaken country, Ministry of Information Industry (Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications), Hubei Province-level key projects, which relates to optical fiber communication control systems, TMN, MSTP, etc. He completed the "China's optical communication system of monitoring technology", "China's telecommunications management network framework" and other projects. He successfully developed the OSV-9200 Regional Optical Communication Monitoring System, SEMS10/20 SDH management system. He has published "Principle and Application of SDH network management system", "Optical Switching Technology and Its Applications" and other articles more than 10. He was awarded the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications Science and Technology Advancement Prize. He has participated in several national "863" projections as the leader, such as "Development of SDH 2.5G optical transmission equipment", "Development of 8x2.5G DWDM systems", "Optical transmission management platform OTMP9800", "Automatic Switched Optical Networks ASON equipment development", "WEB-based open network management platform", etc . He was awarded National Scientific and Technological Progress third prize once, and provincial scientific and technological progress second prize once. He has completed the projections .He presided over National Science and Technology Project “large-scale network information security protection system research work”, which gained National science and technology progress second prize in 2007.He has won the titles of HuBei Province computer class “ten of technical experts”, ministry of posts and telecommunications excellent youth intellectuals , state department special government allowance, information industry scientific and technological innovation advanced worker of ministry of information industry .


Li Jingchun, male, born in 1966, senior engineer in professor's level, general engineer of Ministry of Information Industry National Radio Detection Center, part- time supervisor of master student. He received Ph. D degree in Electromagnetic Field& Microwave Technique from Xi’an University of Electronic Science and Technology in 1998. Now Dr. Li is the general engineer of National Radio Detection Center, group leader of spectrum group (WG8) China Telecommunication Standardization Association. In recent years, he presided over to accomplish a number of scientific research and technological development issues, which are of great application value, and obtained fruitful achievements. His research area is focus on mobile communication and signal processing. Email: lijingchun@srrc.org.cn

刘辛越,男,1962年出生,教授级高级工程师,工信部电信科学技术研究院硕士导师,北京邮电大学兼职硕士导师。现任北京创原天地科技公司董事长、中国通信标准化协会网络与信息安全技术委员会副主席、全国安全标准化委员会委员。1984年获北京邮电大学无线通信学士,1999年获邮电科学研究院硕士。曾主持制定信息安全国家标准三项、信息产业部通信行业标准三项、电信运营商企业标准十多项,主持完成国家发改委、科技部、工信部、国家密码管理局信息安全专项六项,支持完成国家和行业重大信息安全项目、电信运营商增值业务平台项目、电子商务平台项目30多项,发明专利多项,获信息产业部、国家密码管理局科技进步二等奖二次。主要研究方向:移动通信系统、互联网和计算机网络、信息安全、电信增值业务系统。联系方式: liuxinyue@ccit.com.cn 。

Liu Xin Yue, male, senior engineer in professor's level, was born in 1962. He is also the master supervisor of the Research Institute of Telecommunications Technology, which belongs to Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and the part-time master supervisor of BUPT. He is currently the chairman of the board of Beijing Creative Century Information Technology Co.Ltd, the vice president of Network and Information Security Technical Committee of China Communications Standards Association, and the member of the National Security Committee for Standardization. After graduating from BUPT as a wireless communication bachelor in 1984, he got the master degree from Posts and Telecommunications Research Institute in 1999. He has undertaken three information security standards of nation, three communication standards of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, more than ten telecom operators and industry standards. He has successfully developed six programs of National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and National Password Administration. He has completed more than 30 programs of Nation and Industry, Telecom Operators' platforms of value-added, platforms of e-business and many patents. With these achievements, he has been awarded ministry of information industry the state authority, scientific and technological progress second prize twice.

His research area is focus on mobile communication system, Internet and computer networks, information security, and telecommunication value-added business system.

Tel: 010-64413320 Email: liuxinyue@ccit.com.cn


Sun Shaofan, male, senior engineer in professor's level, is the part-time master supervisor of BUPT. His research area is focus on mobile communication and signal processing.

孙震强,男,1964年生,博士,北京邮电大学客座教授、兼职硕士生导师。现任中国电信股份有限公司 北京研究院无线研究室主任,高级工程师,中国电信集团科技委委员会移动专业组成员。自2002年加入中国电信北京研究院以来,一直从事第三代移动通信系统(3G)方面的研究,先后参加和主持了多个科研项目。在日本筑波大学获得工学博士学位后,曾在香港城市大学电脑科学系担当研究员一年半,主要从事无线数据通信协议和差错控制等方面的研究。还在人民邮电出版社出版了两部著作并在国内外学术期刊上发表过50多篇论文。研究方向:移动通信与信号处理. 电子邮箱:sunzhq@ctbri.com.cn

Sun Zhenqiang, male, doctor degree, was born in 1964.He is a visiting professor and a part- time master supervisor at BUPT. He is also the director of Beijing Institute of Wireless Research in China Telecom CO. Ltd, senior engineer, a member of Mobile Professional Group Committee in CST at China Telecom Group. He has been engaged in the 3G research since he joined China Telecom Beijing Research Institute, and he has participated in and chaired a number of research projects. After graduating from University of Tsukuba, Japan ,with a doctor degree, he was being a researcher at the Department of Computer Science in CITY UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG for one and a half year, whose main direction was wireless data communication protocols and error control studies. What's more, he has published two books in People's Posts & Telecom Press and published more than 50 papers in domestic and foreign academic journals. His research area is focus on mobile communication and signal processing. Email: sunzhq@ctbri.com.cn


Wu Guangying, female, senior engineer in professor's level, is the part-time master supervisor of BUPT. She is the director of technology department of China Telecom Beijing Research Institute. She has researched on IP data network planning and chaired the 3G network planning project. She also published many books and papers at academic journals. Email: wugy@ctbri.com.cn.



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