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考研时间: 2008-07-14 来源:查字典考研网


职 称: 副教授

学 历: 博士

办公邮箱: xlchang@bjtu.edu.cn

毕业学校: 香港科技大学


Xiaolin Chang

Associate Professor

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Beijing Jiaotong University (BJTU)

Beijing, P.R. China

Email: xlchang (at) bjtu.edu.cn

Office phone: 86-010-51688223

Research Areas of Interest

Quality of service (QoS) control and fault-tolerance provision in dynamic environments (wired/wireless networks, local systems)

System modeling, System performance evaluation and optimization, developing the tools and software needed to make high performance computing more effective

Computer and Network Security


PhD (Computer Science) - Hongkong University of Science and Technology, Hongkong (2000-2005), Supervisor: Jogesh K. Muppala

MSc (Computer Science) - Chinese Academy of Sciences, P.R. China (1992-1995) ,Supervisor: Sihan Qing

BSc (Computer Science) - Beijing Information and Technology University, P.R. China (1988-1992)



Journal Publications

X. Chang,and J. K. Muppala, "The Effects of AQM on The Performance of Assured Forwarding Services," In Elsevier Journal of Computer Communications,2006.

X. Chang,and J. K. Muppala, "A stable queue-based adaptive AQM mechanism," In Elsevier Journal of Computer Networks, 2006.

X. Chang, and J. K. Muppala, "On Improving Bandwidth Assurance in AF-based DiffServ Network Using a Control Theoretic Approach," In Elsevier Journal of Computer Networks, 2005.

X. Chang, Dengguo Feng, Sihan Qing, "A Single Sign on Protocol for Multiple Servers," Journal of Software, China, 2002.

Conference Publications

X.Chang, Bin Xing, Jiqiang Liu, "LWRM: A Lightweight Response Mechanism for TCG TOCTOU Attack" In Proc. 28th IEEE IPCCC 2009.

X. Chang, " Analysis of Interrupt coalescing in Gigabit Ethernet Networks”, In Proc. IEEE ICC 2008.

X. Chang, Jogesh. K. Muppala, P.C Zou, and X.K. Li,"A Robust Device Hybrid Scheme to Improve System Performance in Gigabit Ethernet Networks”, In Proc. IEEE LCN 2007.

X. Chang, Jogesh K. Muppala, P.C. Zou, Z.Y. Zheng, and X.K. Li, "A Queue-based Adaptive Approach to Improve System Performance in Gigabit Ethernet Networks,” In Proc. 26 IEEE IPCCC 2007

X. Chang, X. Lin and J. K. Muppala,"A Control-Theoretic Approach to Improving Fairness in DCF Based WLANs," In Proc. 25th IEEE IPCCC, 2006.

X. Chang, and J. K. Muppala, "The Effects of AQM on The Performance of Assured Forwarding Services,” In Proc. 24th IEEE IPCCC,2005.

X. Chang, and J. K. Muppala,"Applying Adaptive Virtual Queue to Improve the Performance of the Assured Forwarding Service," In Proc. IEEE ICC,2005.

X. Chang, X. Lin and J. K. Muppala, "An Adaptive Queue Management Mechanism for Improving TCP Fairness in the Infrastructure WLAN," In Proc. 16th Ann. International Symposium on Personal Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC 2005), Berlin, Germany, Sep. 2005.

X. Lin, X. Chang, and J. K. Muppala,"VQ-RED: An Efficient Virtual Queue Management Approach to Improve Fairness in Infrastructure WLAN," In Proc. 5th International IEEE Workshop on Wireless Local Networks (WLN 2005), Sydney, Australia, Nov. 2005.

X. Chang, and J. K. Muppala, "A Robust Nonlinear PI Controller for Improving AQM Performance," In Proc. IEEE ICC,2004.

X. Chang, and J. K. Muppala, "An Integral Sliding Mode based AQM for Stable Queue Length," In Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM, 2004.

X. Chang, and J.K. Muppala, "A Robust PI Controller for Improving Performance in the AF-based Differentiated Services Network," In Proc. 23rd IEEE IPCCC,2004.

X. Chang, and J. K. Muppala, "Adaptive Marking Threshold for Improving Performance of Assured Forwarding Services (based on local knowledge)," In Proc. IEEE Globecom, 2003.

X. Chang, and J. K. Muppala,"Adaptive Marking Threshold for Assured Forwarding Services (based on router cooperation)," In Proc. IEEE ICCCN, 2003.

S. Qing, X. Chang,J.Zhang,"Design and implementation of Secure e-commerce protocol iKPI," In Proc. 1st CCICS, 1999. China Patent: 11


Current Projects

Ph.D. Programs Foundation of Ministry of Education of China, 2009-2011

Past Projects

System Performance Evaluation in Gigabit Ethernet Network Hosts, Supported by BJTU Science Foundation

Trusted Virtual PC: Supported by a grant from the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (863 Program)

Professional Activities

Program Committee Member, IEEE WiMob 2010 ,IEEE ICCASM 2010

Program Committee Member, IEEE/IFIP EUC 2009

R&D Awards

National Science and Technology Progress Award (The Second Class in 2000 )- MOST, P.R. China

Science and Technology Progress Award (The Second Class in 1997, The first Class in 1999)- CAS, P.R. China

Working Experience

Institute of Software ,CAS, P.R. China (1995-2000)

Red Flag Software Co.,Ltd ,Beijing, China (2005-2007)


Courses I Teach

Trusted Computing

Secure Programming

Web Programming

Linux Operating System

Advanced Networking

Network Engineering



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