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考研时间: 2008-07-14 来源:查字典考研网


办公地点: 北京交通大学 信息科学研究所

邮政编码: 100044 TEL: 51684010

Email: yxiao@center.njtu.edu.cn

简 介:

肖扬教授, 博士, 博士生导师,1983年在北京邮电学院无线电专业获学士学位, 1989年在北方交通大学通信与电子系统专业获硕士学位, 1991年在北方交通大学自动化与控制专业获博士学位,1991年留校任讲师,1993年任副教授,2000年至今为北京交通大学信息科学研究所教授, 博士生导师. 1996, 1997, 1998年, 他作为德国DAAD的访问科学家和德国DFG邀请的访问科学家在德国Erlangen-Nürnberg大学进行中国国家自然科学基金-德国DFG合作课题研究。2002年7月-9月, 作为德国DAAD的访问科学家在德国University of Applied Science Giessen-Friedberg, 进行多维空时系统方面的合作研究。2005年7月-2006年7月, 作为韩国Brain Pool 项目的访问教授在韩国Chonbuk National University, 进行MIMO WCDMA系统方面的合作研究。2007年7月-2007年9月, 2008年6月-2008年8月,作为韩国IITA项目与国家自然科学基金国际合作项目的访问教授在韩国Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, 进行MIMO 无线通信系统方面的合作研究。



[1]. Zhao Y, Xiao Y, The Necessary and Sufficient Condition of a Class of Quasi-Cyclic LDPC Codes without Girth Four, IEICE Transactions on Communications, E92-B(1), pp 306-309, 2009.

[2] Guo ZQ, Xiao Y and Lee MH, Multiuser detection based on particle swarm optimization algorithm over multipath fading channels, IEICE Transactions on Communications, Vol. E90B, No.2, pp.421-424, 2007.

[3]. Xiao Y, Lee M H, “Nonlinear control of active queue management for multiple bottleneck network”, IEICE Transactions on Communications, Vol. E89B, No.11, pp. 3108-3113,2006

[4]. Xiao Y, Lee M H, “Low complexity MIMO-LDPC CDMA systems over multipath channels”, IEICE Transactions on Communications,, Vol.E89B, No.5, pp. 1713-1717,2006

[5]. Xiao Y, Lee M H, “2-D Laplace-z transformation”, IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics Communications and Computer Sciences, Vol.E89A, No.5, pp. 1500-1504,2006

[6]. Xiao Y, “2-D algebraic test for robust stability of quasi polynomials with interval parameters”, ASIAN Journal of Control, Vol.8, No.2, pp.174-179, 2006

[7] Xiao Y, Unbehauen R., Schur stability of polytopes of bivariate polynomials, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I-Fundamental Theory and Applications, Vol.49, No.7, pp. 1020-1027, 2002

[8]. Xiao Y, Unbehauen R., New stability test algorithm for two-dimensional digital-filters, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I-Fundamental Theory and Applications ,Vol.45, No.7, pp. 739-741,1998

[9] Y. Xiao and K. Kim, Congestion Control of Differentiated Service Network, ChineseJournal of Electronics, 2010, 19(1):115-118.

(1) MIMO系统与3G移动通信系统

[1] Y. Xiao, and Moon Ho Lee, “Low Complexity MIMO-LDPC CDMA Systems over Multipath Channels”, IEICE TRANS. COMMUN., Vol. E89-B, No. 5, 2006, pp.1713-1717.

[2] Y. Xiao, M. H. Lee, “MIMO multiuser detection for CDMA systems”, ICSP 2006, pp.381-384.

[3] Y. Xiao, Y. Zhao, M. H. Lee, “Canceling co-channel interference for MIMO CDMA systems”, ICSP 2006, pp.2327-2331.

[4] Y. Xiao, Y. Zhao, M. H. Lee, “MIMO precoding of CDMA systems”, ICSP 2006, pp. 397-401.

[5] Z. Q. Guo, Y. Xiao, “MIMO system multiuser detection based on particle swarm optimization algorithm”, 2006 8th International Conference on Signal Processing(ICSP 2006),16-20 Nov. 2006 , pp.2305-2310

[6] Y. Xiao, L. Lu, M. H. Lee, “FIR-RAKE receiver for TD-SCDMA mobile terminals”, Proceedings of 2006 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2006), 2006.

[7] 肖扬, 王亚琛,胡绍海,鲁凌云, 采用空时扩谱技术的CDMA系统在多用户多径条件下的性能, 电子与信息学报, 2004, 26(12): 1944-1950.

[8] Y. Zhao. Y. Xiao, “An improved structure of STS-CDMA system”, ICSP 2006, pp.2261-2264

[9] 鲁凌云, 肖扬, 杜海峰, 一种基于MIMO系统的三维空时无线信道仿真模型, 中国铁道科学(EI期刊), v 27, n 4, July, 2006, p 91-96.

[10] 鲁凌云,肖扬, 一种空时CDMA系统的多用户检测算法, 信号处理, 2004, 20(4):379-383.

[11] 郭振清 , 肖扬,“CDMA系统粒子群多用户检测算法”,信号处理,2007年06期,pp.806-809

[12] 赵莹,肖扬,采用多模Turbo编解码器增加CDMA系统用户容量,铁道学报, 2005, Vol.27 No.4, pp.66-70。(EI检索)

[13] 鲁凌云, 肖扬, 一种MOE盲自适应空时多用户检测算法的性能分析, 通信学报 JOURNAL ON COMMUNICATIONS 2005, 26(9): 46-52。

[14] Y. Xiao, Y. Zhao, M.H. Lee, “Complementary spreading CDMA systems under electrical and multipath interferences”, ICWMMN 2006, pp.1281-1284.

[15] 刘成,肖扬, 粒子群优化算法在多用户检测中的应用,中国铁道科学(EI期刊),2006, 27(4):129-132

[16] 肖扬, 姚卫新, 宋悦.一种用于TD-SCDMA通信终端的RAKE接收机, 北京交通大学学报, 2004, 28(2):8-12.

[17] 肖扬,姚卫新, CDMA时间切换空-时多用户检测, 北方交通大学学报, 2003,27(2).

[18] 肖扬, 鲁凌云,UTRA TDD模式与时间切换波束形成相结合的WCDMA系统容量, 铁道学报, 2003,25(3).

[19] 肖扬, 宋悦,TD-SCDMA移动通信中的Pre-Rake分集合并,铁道学报, 25(5):39-44.

[20] 曹素华,肖扬,WCDMA无线接口业务层面协议体系的研究以及实现思路,移动通信, 2005,增刊(11):93-96。

[21] 鲁凌云,肖扬, 基于TD-SCDMA系统的空时扩谱技术, 北方交通大学学报,2003, 27(5):21-25.

[22] 姚卫新, 肖扬,移动通信系统中一种新的联合分集方法, 中国铁道科学,24(5):70-74.


[1] Y. Xiao, H. –F. Du, Z. –Z. Cao, and M. –H. Lee, “2-D stability analysis for bottleneck networks with active queue management (AQM)”, Chinese Journal of Electronics, v 16, n 3, July, 2007, p 519-523

[2] Y. Xiao, M. H. Lee, “Nonlinear control of active queue management for multiple bottleneck network”, IEICE Transactions on Communications(SCI期刊), v E89-B, n 11, November, 2006, p 3108-3113

[3] Y. Xiao Y., H. Du, Z. Cao, M. H. Lee, “Active queue management for differentiated service network”, ICWMMN 2006, pp.357-361.

[4] Y. Xiao Y. F. Du, Z Cao, M. H. Lee, “Efficient control for network congestion”, ICWMMN 2006, pp.553-556.

[5] Z. Cao, Y. Xiao, “A new diffserv supported AQM algorithm”, ICSP 2006, pp. 2031-2034.

[6] Z. Cao, Y Xiao Y. “PERED-a new AQM algorithm”, ICWMMN 2006, pp.1401-1404


[1] J. Fan, Y. Xiao and K. Kim, “Design LDPC Codes without Cycles of Length 4 and 6”, Research Letters in Communications, Volume 2008 (2008), Article ID 354137, 5 pages, doi:10.1155/2008/354137

[2] 范俊,肖扬,“基于子矩阵移位法的大围数LDPC码设计”, 铁道学报2007 Vol.29 No.6 P.57-62

[3] 范俊,肖扬,李门浩,“一种围数为八的低密度校验码校验矩阵设计”,《北京交通大学学报:自然科学版》-2007年31卷2期 -10-14页

[4] J. Fan, Y. Xiao, “A design of LDPC codes with large girth based on the sub-matrix shifting”, ICWMMN 2006, pp.1121-1124.

[5] J. Fan, Y. Xiao, “A method of counting the number of cycles in LDPC codes”, ICSP 2006, 2183-2186。[4] Y. Xiao, M. H. Lee, “Adaptive LDPC decoding for multipath channels”, ICSP 2006, pp.342-345.

[6] Y. Xiao, M.H. Lee, “Expurgated bound estimation of LDPC codes”, ICSP 2006, pp.2048-2051

[7] Y. Xiao, Y. Zhao, M H. Lee, “Encrypting LDPC-codec”, ICSP 2006, pp.342-345, 2116-2120.

[8] Y. Xiao, M. H. Lee, “Lower bounds of weights and distances of good LDPC codes”, ICWMMN 2006, pp.589-593.

[9] Y. Xiao, M. H. Lee, “Construction of good quasi-cyclic LDPC codes”, ICWMMN 2006. pp.660-663.

[109] Y. Xiao, M. H. Lee, “Evaluations of good LDPC codes based on generator matrices”, ICSP 2006, 2187-2190.

[11] 黄和斌,肖扬,低信噪比下的Turbo编译码算法研究与性能评估,铁道学报, 2004,26(2):66-71。

[12] 谢玉明, 曹素华,肖扬, Turbo编解码结构及基于LOG-MAP算法的研究性能仿真研究, 中国铁道科学,2005,26(1):83-89。(EI检索)

[13] Xie Y –M, Cao S –H, Xiao Y, Structure of Turbo Encoder/Decoder and Performance Simulation Based on LOG-MAPAlgorithm, China Railway Science, 26(1): 83-89.

[14] 赵莹,肖扬, 多模Turbo编解码器的正交交织器设计,北京交通大学学报, 2005, 29(2):7-11. (EI检索)

[15] 曹素华,肖扬,Turbo编解码结构、LOG-MAP算法以及性能仿真研究,移动通信, 2005, 增刊(11):7-14。


2005- 期刊论文:

[1] 肖扬, 谢玉明,徐大勇, 基于二维小波变换的智能交通系统数据压缩, 计算机与数字工程,2005,33(2): 12-15. Xiao Y, Xie Y –M and Xu D –Y, Data Compression for Intelligent Traffic Systems Based on 2-D Wavelet Transformation, Computer & Digital Engineering, 2005, 33(2):12-15.

[2] 谢玉明, 曹素华,肖扬, Turbo编解码结构及基于LOG-MAP算法的研究性能仿真研究, 中国铁道科学,2005,26(1):83-89。 Xie Y –M, Cao S –H, Xiao Y, Structure of Turbo Encoder/Decoder and Performance Simulation Based on LOG-MAPAlgorithm, China Railway Science, 26(1): 83-89. 2004 期刊论文:

[3] 肖扬, 吴江,梁满贵, 不确定二维多项式的稳定性检验集合, 系统科学与数学, 2004, 24(2):278-288. [2] Xiao Y. Robust Stability Test for 2-D Continuous-Discrete Systems with Interval Parameters, Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2004, 15(3): 337-343. (EI检索)

[4] Xiao Y. Stability Conditions of Complex Switched Systems with Unstable Subsystems, Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2004, 15(6): 568-673.

[4] 黄和斌,肖扬,低信噪比下的Turbo编译码算法研究与性能评估,铁道学报, 2004,26(2):66-71。 Huang H –B, Xiao Y, Analysis and Evaluation of Tutbo Coding and Decoding Algorithms bBased on Low SNR, Journal of the China Railway Society, 2004, 26(2): 66-71.

[5] 肖扬, 姚卫新, 宋悦.一种用于TD-SCDMA通信终端的RAKE接收机, 北京交通大学学报, 2004, 28(2):8-12. (EI检索)

[6] 高爽,肖扬, 简化的三维图像重建算法, 北京交通大学学报, 2004, 28(2):30-33. EI检索

[7] 方敬, 肖扬, 医学超声波图像的边界保护滤波与特征补偿, 北京交通大学学报, 2004, 28(2): 34-37. (EI检索)

[8] 肖扬, 鲁凌云,高爽, 谢玉明,徐大勇基于二维离散小波变换的智能交通系统数据去噪声压缩, 北京交通大学学报, 2004, 28(5): 1-5.

[9] 鲁凌云,肖扬, 一种空时CDMA系统的多用户检测算法, 信号处理, 2004, 20(4):379-383.

[10] 肖扬, 王亚琛,胡绍海,鲁凌云, 采用空时扩谱技术的CDMA系统在多用户多径条件下的性能, 电子与信息学报, 2004, 26(12): 1944-1950.


[1] Gao, Shuang; Xiao, Yang; Hu, Shao-Hai. A comparison of two similarity measures in intensity-based ultrasound image registration, In: Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, v 4: 61-64. (EI检索)

[2] Yue Song; Yang Xiao. The comparison of several transmit and receive processing techniques in DS-CDMA systems, Proceedings of the IEEE 6th Circuits and Systems Symposium on Emerging Technologies: Frontiers of Mobile and Wireless Communication, 2004, Volume 2 :377 – 380。 (EI检索)

[3] Yang Xiao; Ling-yun Lu; Ya-chen Wang. Space-time spreading in downlink of TD-SCDMA systems, Proceedings of the IEEE 6th Circuits and Systems Symposium on Emerging Technologies: Frontiers of Mobile and Wireless Communication, 2004,Volume 2: 635 – 638。(EI检索)

[4] Xiao, Yang; Xie, Yu-Ming; Lu, Lingyun; Gao, Shuang. The traffic data compression and decompression for intelligent traffic systems based on two-dimensional wavelet transformation, 7th International Conference on Signal Processing Proceedings, ICSP, 2004, v 3: 2560-2563. (EI检索)

[5] Xiao, Yang; Lu, Ling-Yun; Hu, Shao-Hai. Downlink multi-beamforming control for the smart antennas of TD-SCDMA base stations, 7th International Conference on Signal Processing Proceedings, ICSP, 2004 v1: 451-454. (EI检索)

[6] Fang, Jing; Xiao, Yang; Hu, Shao-Hai. A new kind of filtered method and rendering of medical ultrasound data, 7th International Conference on Signal Processing Proceedings, ICSP, 2004, v1: 869-872. (EI检索)

[7] Xie, Yu-Ming, Xiao, Yang. The design of turbo En-decoders with orthogonal interleavers, 7th International Conference on Signal Processing Proceedings, ICSP, 2004, v3: 1906-1909. (EI检索)

[8] Chen, Wen-Jing, Xiao, Yang; Zhao, Ying, The algorithm implement of WCDMA channel estimation, 7th International Conference on Signal Processing Proceedings, 2004, v3: 1894-1897

[9] Lu, L.-Y; Xiao, Yang. An improved blind MOE adaptive space-time multiuser detection in multipath CDMA channels, 7th International Conference on Signal Processing Proceedings, ICSP, 2004, v2: 1703-1706. (EI检索)

[10] Gao, Shuang; Guo, Hua-Ping; Xiao, Yang; Hu, Qiao-Qing. The space-time processing of Intelligent Traffic System (ITS) data based on the 2-D DCT, 7th International Conference on Signal Processing Proceedings, ICSP, 2004, v 3: 2691-2694. (EI检索)

[11] Lu, Ling-Yun; Li, Hong-Yan; Xiao, Yang. Data processing platform of distributed Intelligence Traffic Systems, 7th International Conference on Signal Processing Proceedings, ICSP, v 3, 2004, p 2457-2460. (EI检索)

[12] Xiao Y, Song Y, Joachim Habermann. Pre-Rake Diversity Combining for TD-SCDMA Base Stations, Proc. of IEEE TENCON 2004, B:461-464.

[13] Xiao Y, Zhao Y. Increasing User Capacity by Using Multi-modes Turbo En-decoding for CDMA Systems, Proc. of IEEE TENCON 2004, B:465-468.

[14] Xiao Y. Downlink Multi-Beamforming for TD-SCDMA Base Stations, Proc. of IEEE TENCON 2004, B:485-488. [15] Xiao Y. Robust Stability Conditions of Interval Time-Delay Systems, Proc. of IEEE TENCON 2004, D:570-573. [16] Lu L, Xiao Y. Joint Iterative Channel Estimation for Space-Time Multiuser Detection, Proc. of IEEE TENCON 2004, A:491-494.

[17] Fang J, Xiao Y. A New Method for Contour Correspondence Based on the Internal Information in Intensity-Based Ultrasound Image Registration, Proc. of IEEE TENCON 2004, A:439-442.

[18] Lu L, Xiao Y. Low Complexity Adaptive MMSE Space-Time Multiuser Detection in Multipath CDMA Systems, Proc. of IEEE TENCON 2004, A:503-506.

[19] Lu L, Xiao Y. A Novel Blind MOE Adaptive Space-Time Multiuser Detection Scheme, Proc. of the 2004 Joint Conference of the 10th Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications and the 5th International Symposium on Multi-Dimensional Mobile Communications (APCC/MDMC’04), pp.333-337.

on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV2004), pp.1620-1625.

[21] Xiao Y, Zhao Y. Increasing User Capacity for CDMA Systems by Using Multi-Modes Turbo En-Decoding, Proc. of 16th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER COMMUNICATION (ICCC2004).

[22] Xiao Y, Yao W. A RAKE Receiver for TD-SCDMA Mobile Terminals, Proc. of IEEE VTC2004-Spring. 2003

2003- 期刊论文:

[1] 肖扬, 鲁凌云,UTRA TDD模式与时间切换波束形成相结合的WCDMA系统容量, 铁道学报, 2003,25(3).

[2] 肖扬, 宋悦,TD-SCDMA移动通信中的Pre-Rake分集合并,铁道学报, 25(5):39-44.

[3]肖扬, 状态空间时滞系统稳定性检验的二维方法, 北方交通大学学报, 2003, 27(5):7-11. (EI检索)

[4] 鲁凌云,肖扬, 基于TD-SCDMA系统的空时扩谱技术, 北方交通大学学报,2003, 27(5):21-25. (EI检索)

[5] 肖扬,姚卫新, CDMA时间切换空-时多用户检测, 北方交通大学学报, 2003,27(2). (EI检索)

[6] 韩慧华, 肖扬, 加密算法在蓝牙安全机制中的应用, 北方交通大学学报, 2003,27(2).

[7] 姚卫新, 肖扬,移动通信系统中一种新的联合分集方法, 中国铁道科学,24(5):70-74.


[1] Xiao, Yang; Lu, Ling-Yun; Habermann, Joachim. Communication Capacity of TD-SCDMA Systems, International Conference on Communication Technology Proceedings, ICCT, 2003, v 2:1185-1189. (EI检索)

[2] Lu, Lingyun; Xiao, Yang; Liu, Cheng. Multiuser Detection Algorithm for Space-Time CDMA Systems, International Conference on Communication Technology Proceedings, ICCT, 2003, v2: 1839-1844. (EI检索)

[3] Yao, Weixin; Xiao, Yang. A Novel SIR Weighting Combining Diversity Method for Mobile Communication System, International Conference on Communication Technology Proceedings, ICCT, 2003, v 2:995-999. (EI检索)

[4] Xiao, Yang. Robust Stability Test for 2-D Continuous-Discrete Systems with Interval Parameters, Proceedings of the American Control Conference, 2003, v 5: 4028-4033. (EI检索)

[5] Xiao, Yang; Lu, Ling-Yun; Habermann, Joachim. Dynamic Spatial CDMA Channel Assignments for TD-SCDMA Systems, Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2003, v 1:1104-1109. (EI检索)

[6] Xiao, Yang. Stability, controllability and observability of 2-D continuous-discrete systems Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2003, v4: 468-471. (EI检索)

[7] Xiao, Yang; Lu, Ling-Yun; Habermann, Joachim. Communication Capacity of TD-SCDMA Systems, International Conference on Communication Technology Proceedings, ICCT, 2003, v2: 1185-1189. (EI检索)

2002 专著: [1] 肖扬,动态系统分析,北方交大出版社,

2002. 期刊论文:

[1] Xiao, Yang; Unbehauen, Rolf. Schur stability of polytopes of bivariate polynomials, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and Applications, 2002, 49(7): 1020-1023. (SCI, EI检索)

[2] 肖扬,梁满贵,区间矩阵多项式的Hurwitz与Schur稳定性,北方交通大学学报, 2002, 26(2):1-6. (EI检索)

[3]黄彩虹,肖扬,韩彗华,联合多址系统中扩谱码的分配算法,北方交通大学学报,2002, 26(2):15-19. (EI检索)

[4] 肖扬,刘刚,“一类变结构系统的控制设计”, 北方交通大学学报,2002, 26(3):1-5. (EI检索) [5] Xiao, Yang. Stability test for 2-D continuous-discrete systems, Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, v 13, n 2, June, 2002, p 22-27. (EI检索)


[1] Xiao, Yang. Derivation algorithm of transfer functions of 2-D continuous-discrete systems, Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2002, v3: 511-514. (ISTP, EI检索)

[2] Xiao, Yang; Habermann, Joachim; Yao, Wei-Xin; Han, Hui-Hua. Time-switching space-time multiuser detection for CDMA systems, IEEE Region 10 Annual International Conference, Proceedings/TENCON, v 2, 2002, p 1117-1121. (ISTP, EI检索)

[3] Xiao, Yang. 2-D algebraic test for stability of time-delay systems, Proceedings of the American Control Conference, 2002, v 4:3351-3356. (ISTP, EI检索)

[4] Song, Yue; Xiao, Yang. The performance of prerake diversity combining under imperfect channel estimation based on QPSK modulation in TDD CDMA system, IEEE Region 10 Annual International Conference, Proceedings/TENCON, 2002, v 2:1126-1129. (ISTP, EI检索)

[5] Huang, Caihong; Xiao, Yang; Zhou, Datian. Implementation and conformance testing of bluetooth SDP protocol, IEEE Region 10 Annual International Conference, Proceedings/TENCON, 2002, v 2:1221-1224. (ISTP, EI检索)

[6] Kang, Shao-Li; Qiu, Zheng-Ding; Xiao, Yang; Li, Shi-He. Performance of active codes detection algorithms for the downlink of TD-SCDMA system, Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2002, v1:613-616. (ISTP, EI检索)

2001 期刊论文:

[1] 肖扬,宋明艳,变步长自适应滤波器的稳定条件,通信学报,2001, 22(10): 88-92.

[2] 肖扬,宋明艳,吴江等,二维多项式Hurwitz稳定性的有限检验,北方交通大学学报,2001, 25(2):1-4. (EI检索)


[1] Xiao, Yang. Stability test for 2-D continuous-discrete systems, Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2001, v 4:3649-3654. (ISTP, EI检索)

[2] Xiao, Yang. Robust Hurwitz-Schur stability conditions of polytopes of 2-D polynomials Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2001, v 4:3643-3648. (ISTP, EI检索)

[3] Xiao, Y. Hurwitz-Schur stability test of interval bivariate polynomials, Proceedings - IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2001, v 2:829-832. (ISTP, EI检索)

2001 International Conferences on Info-tech and Info-net, 2001. Proceedings. ICII 2001 - Beijing. 2001, V2: 418 –423. (ISTP, EI检索)

[5] Xiao Y. The stability analysis of switched systems, 2001 International Conferences on Info-tech and Info-net, 2001. Proceedings. ICII 2001 - Beijing, 2001, V3:215 –220.

[6] Han H, Xiao Y. A joint multiple access scheme for uplink channels of CDMA systems, 2001 International Conferences on Info-tech and Info-net, 2001. Proceedings. ICII 2001 – Beijing, 2001, V2:323 –328. (ISTP, EI检索)

[7] Huang C, Xiao Y. Performance analysis of an algorithm of smart antenna for the uplink of CDMA systems, Proc. Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC’01), 2001, P379-384.


[1] 肖扬,《MIMO多天线无线通信系统》,人民邮电出版社,2009。

[2] 肖扬,《多维系统的稳定性分析》,上海科学技术出版社,2003。

[3] 杜锡钰,肖扬,裘正定等,《多维数字滤波器》,国防工业出版社,1995。

[4] 肖扬,《动态系统分析》,北方交通大学出版社, 2002。


1、 提出了多维连续系统与多维离散系统的鲁棒稳定性检验定理,解决了递归多维连续系统与递归多维离散系统的稳定性检验问题;

2、 提出了多维连续系统与多维离散系统的计算机辅助分析算法,解决了高阶多维连续系统与多维离散系统分析问题;

3、 提出了混杂多维时空信号与多维连续-离散信号的定义与数学模型,解决了不同维统计特征不同的多维时空信号与多维连续-离散信号分析基础问题;

4、 提出了多维混杂时空信号与多维连续-离散信号的混合变换,包括:多维离散傅里叶-离散小波变换,多维离散余弦-离散小波变换,证明了其主要性质,提出了其实现算法,可应用于医学超声波图像去噪声与合成孔径雷达图像的微弱目标信号提取,并取得明显的效果,已申请多项发明专利;

5、 发展了二维混杂系统理论:提出二维Laplace-Z变换,提出因特网络的二维s-z域模型,以此为基础,提出多节点混合流的拥塞控制,分级服务混合流的接入控制与调度算法,可解决多节点混合流的拥塞控制问题,已申请多项发明专利;

6、 将LDPC编解码与空时混杂信号处理相结合, 提出MIMO-LDPC信号编解码算法,提出MIMO-CDMA发射机与接收机信号处理算法,已申请多项发明专利。

7、 提出LDPC码的无4环定理,无6环定理,最小码重与最小码距的充分条件,解决了准循环LDPC码好码设计和随机LDPC码设计问题,已申请多项发明专利。

8、 提出LDPC码的快速编码算法,解决了LDPC码的编码实现复杂度高的问题,已申请发明专利。






(1) 主持国家自然科学基金课题: 混杂多维信号变换及处理系统,60572093,2006.1-2008.12;

(2) 主持国家自然科学基金委员会(NSFC)与韩国科学与工程基金会(KOSEF)合作研究项目“多节点分级服务网络流体模型与拥塞控制”,(60811140343),2008.6-2010.5).

(3) 主持教育部博士点基金课题:多维空时处理,20050004016,(2006.1-2008.12);

(4) 主持国家自然科学基金课题: 动态多维离散系统的鲁棒稳定性研究,69674038,(1997.1-1999.12);

(5) 主持中国国家自然科学基金-德国科学联合会基金合作项目:Robust Stability of Dynamic Multidimensional Systems (1997.8-1998.12);

(6) 主持国家自然科学基金课题:时变多维离散系统的理论与应用,69971002,(2000.1-2002.12);

(7) 参加科技部“十五”科技攻关课题(结题):智能交通数据管理系统(2002.6-2004.5).


[1] 肖扬, CDMA系统空时扩谱方法及相应的移动台接收电路,申请号:200410008815.0,2004。

[2] 肖扬,赵莹,采用广义互补匹配滤波器的空时扩谱方法及电路,申请号:200510011298.7,2005。

[3] 肖扬,赵莹, 应用多模Turbo码的码分多址通信系统和方法,申请号:200410008814.6,2004。

[4] 肖扬,赵莹,一种用于异步信道复用的交织器组设计,申请号:200410009397.7,2004。

[5] 肖扬,谢玉明, 基于Turbo码和图像载体的抗干扰信息隐藏方法,申请号:200410009795.9, 2004。

[6] 肖扬,谢玉明, 一种基于Turbo编解码的数字抗干扰软加密方法及系统,申请号:200410046234.6,2004。

[7] 肖扬,MIMO-CDMA 基站空间复用接收机系统,申请号:200910076013.6,2009。

[8] 肖扬,MIMO-CDMA 基站空间复用发射机系统,申请号:200910076014.0,2009。

[9] 肖扬,CDMA系统空时扩谱方法的移动台接收电路,申请号:200810188360.3。

[10] 肖扬,CDMA系统空时扩谱方法的基站发射电路,申请号:200810188359.0。








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