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考研时间: 2012-07-10 来源:查字典考研网

姓名:侯进 性别: 女

职称:副教授 导师类别:硕士生导师

实验室或办公室电话: 87601742





个人简介:日本北海道大学博士,豊田工业大学博士后。研究方向主要涉及多媒体、人机交互、虚拟现实等。发表论文40多篇,著书4本,获得中国发明专利1项,主持了3项省部级项目。多次担任国际会议分会场主席和组织委员。现为国际期刊AISS、JNIT编委, 国际科学技术发展协会技术委员会委员。担任国际科技合作计划评价同行专家、教育部科研基金和科技奖励评审专家及高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金评审专家、教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金评审专家。

公开电话:+86 28 87600740;+86 28 87600741

传真号码:+86 28 87600743



一级学科 计算机科学与技术 二级学科 计算机应用技术,计算机软件与理论,计算机系统结构 研究方向 多媒体,虚拟现实

一级学科 信息与通信工程 二级学科 信号与信息处理,通信与信息系统 研究方向 多媒体信息处理,人机交互



项目名称:基于自动图像标注与翻译技术的语义图像检索,2009年高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金(新教师基金), 项目编号:20090184120022,2010.01-2012.12




项目名称:语义图像搜索引擎中机器学习关键技术研究,计算机软件新技术国家重点实验室开放课题基金, 项目编号:KFKT2009B06, 2009.06-2011.05


教材专著(Book/Book Chapters)

1. 侯进编著,《计算机控制系统》,电子工业出版社,35.8万字,ISBN 978-7-121-13480-7,2011.06.

2. 侯进编著,《计算机专业英语(第2版)——科技交流与科技论文写作》,电子工业出版社,55万字,ISBN 978-7-121-11638-4,2010.09.

3. 侯进编著,《计算机日语》,电子工业出版社,20万字,ISBN 978-7-121-10893-8, 2010.05.

4. 侯进编著,《计算机专业实用英语》,电子工业出版社,42万字, ISBN 978-7-121-07754-8, 2009.1.(西南交通大学第7届校级优秀教材三等奖)期刊(Refereed Transaction/Journal Articles)


1. 龙士军,侯进*.在曲波域中应用统计模型的图像纹理特征提取. 沈阳理工大学学报.2012. (S.J. Long and J. Hou*, “Image texture feature extraction based on the statistical modeling in the curvelet domain,” Journal of Shenyang Ligong University,2012 ) (核心)

2. 向宇,侯进*,徐芳,吴铃. 分类应变限制下的服装仿真. 计算机应用. 2012. (Y. Xiang, J. Hou*, F. Xu and L.Wu, “Clothing simulation with classified strain limiting,” Journal of Computer Application, 2012)(核心)

3. 陈长江,侯进*. 一种贝叶斯和支持向量机相结合的相关反馈策略. 成都信息工程学院学报. 2012. (C.C. Chen and J. Hou*, “A relevance feedback strategy combining Bayesian and SVM,” Journal of Chengdu University of Information Technology,2012)(核心)

4. 吴铃,侯进*,徐芳. BVH文件驱动三维人体动画的实现. 沈阳理工大学学报. 2012. (L. Wu, J. Hou*, and F. Xu, “The realization of 3D human animation by BVH,” Journal of Shenyang Ligong University, 2012) (核心)

5. 徐芳,侯进*,吴铃,向宇.针对虚拟人的文本情感语义分析. 西南科技大学学报. 2012. (F. Xu,J. Hou*,L. Wu,Y. Xiang, “The sentiment and semantic analysis of text for avatar,” Journal of Southwest University of Science and Technology,2012)(核心)

6. 肖然,侯进*. 基于markov模型的彩色图像分割算法. 计算机工程. 2012. (R. Xiao and J. Hou*, “a color image segmentation method based on markov,” Computer Enginerring,2012)(核心)

7. 蒋黎星,侯进*. 基于集成分类算法的自动图像标注. 自动化学报. 2012. (L.X. Jiang, J. Hou*, “Image annotation using the ensemble learning,” ACTA Automatica Sinica, 2012) (EI)


6. 秦雪,侯进*. 一种改进的SIFT-PCA算法在图像检索中的应用. 西南科技大学学报. 2011. (X. Qin and J. Hou*, “An improved SIFT-PCA algorithm application in image retrieval,” Journal of Southwest University of Science and Technology,2011)(核心)

7. 陈曾,侯进*,张登胜,张华忠. 基于语义区域提取的图像重排. 自动化学报. 2011, 37(11):1356-1359. (Z. Chen, J. Hou*, D.S. Zhang, and H.Z. Zhang, “Image re-ranking based on extraction of semantic regions,” ACTA Automatica Sinica, vol.37, no.11, pp.1356-1359, Nov. 2011) (EI: 20115014603404)

8. 张华忠,侯进*,秦雪,肖然. 贝叶斯分类器的集成学习方法及其在图像标注中应用. 西南科技大学学报. 2011, 26(3):53-58.(H.Z. Zhang, J. Hou*, X. Qin, and R. Xiao, “The naive bayes classifier ensemble method and its application in image automatic annotation,” Journal of Southwest University of Science and Technology, vol.26, no.3, pp.53-58, Sep. 2011)(核心)

9. 王霞,侯进*,徐雪绒. 一种文本驱动的虚拟人表情合成方法. 四川师范大学学报(自然科学版)2011年上半年专辑. 2011, 34: 14-16. (X. Wang, J. Hou*, and X.R. Xu, “Real-time text driven emotive avatar,” Journal of Sichuan Normal University (Natural Science), Suppl., vol.34, pp.14-16, Jul. 2011.)

10. 徐雪绒,侯进*,王霞. 基于正面照片的三维人脸建模方法. 四川师范大学学报(自然科学版)2011年上半年专辑. 2011, 34: 176-177. (X.R. Xu, J. Hou*, and X. Wang, “A method of 3D face modeling based on single frontal photo,” Journal of Sichuan Normal University (Natural Science), Suppl., vol.34, pp.176-177, Jul. 2011.)

11. 朱铁民,侯进*,王奋英,高亚军,赵健伟. 单晶铜纳米线的形变行为对温度和速度的依赖关系. 无机化学学报. 2011,27(5):928-934. (T.M Zhu, J.Hou, F.Y. Wang, Y.J. Gao, and J.W. Zhao,“The effects of strain rate and temperature on the deformation behavior of the single-crystal copper nanowire,” Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, vol.27, no.5, pp.928-934, May.2011)(SCI: 000290468000022/核心)

12. 朱铁民,侯进,王奋英,高亚军,赵健伟. 基于OpenGL的三维旋转算法及其在计算化学中的应用. 《中国科技论文在线精品论文》连续型电子期刊. 2011,4(7):627-634. (T.M Zhu, J.Hou, F.Y. Wang, Y.J. Gao, and J.W. Zhao,“Algorithm of 3D rotation based on OpenGL and its application in computational chemistry,” Highlights of Sciencepaper Online, vol.4, no.7, pp. 627-634, Apr.2011.)

13. J. Hou*, L. Wu, F. Xu, X. Wang, and D.S. Zhang, “Real-Time text driven avatars,” Online Journal on Computer Science and Information Technology, vol.1, no. 1, pp. 9-14, Apr.2011.

14. J. Hou*, Z. Chen, X. Qin, and D. Zhang, “Automatic image search based on improved feature descriptors and decision tree,” Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering, vol.18, no.2, pp. 167-180, Mar. 2011.(SCI: 000288894000005/EI: 20111413894943)

15. 朱铁民,侯进,王奋英,高亚军,赵健伟. 基于OpenGL 的三维旋转算法及其在计算化学中的应用. 中国科技论文在线. 2011. (T.M Zhu, J.Hou, F.Y. Wang, Y.J. Gao, and J.W. Zhao,“Algorithm of 3D rotation based on OpenGL and its application in computational chemistry,” Sciencepaper Online. Jan.2011.)


16. X. Wang, J. Hou*, Y. Xiang, and D.S. Zhang, “Dressing avatars automatically based on personality,” Sciencepaper Online. Mar.2010.

17. Z. Chen, J. Hou*, X.R. Xu, and D.S. Zhang, “An efficient face detection integrating skin color with illumination,”. Sciencepaper Online. Mar.2010.

18. J.W. Zhao, J. Hou, T.M. Zhu, F.Y. Wang, Y.H. Liu, and X. Yin, “Uniaxial tensile behavior of a bicrystal copper nanowire: structural characterization with a Fourier transformation method,” Computational Materials Science, vol.47, no.4, pp. 962-967, Feb. 2010. (SCI: 000274829800013/EI:20100312639829 )


19. J. Hou*, X. Wang, F. Xu, V. D. Nguyen, and L. Wu, “Humanoid personalized avatar through multiple natural language processing,” World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, vol.59, pp. 230-235, Nov. 2009. (EI:20100612698086)国际会议(Refereed International Conference Papers)


1. J. Hou*, Ling Wu, Fang Xu, Xia Wang, and Dengsheng Zhang, “Real-Time Text Driven Avatars,” in Proc. World Congress on Computer Science and Information Technology (WCSIT’11), Cairo, Egypt, Jan. 2011.


2. L. Wu, J. Hou*, X. Wang, F. Xu, and Y. Xiang, “Costume design and animation synthesis for personalized avatars,” in Proc. Int. Conf. Computer Application and System Modeling (ICCASM ’10), Taiyuan, Shanxi, China, Oct. 2010, pp. v8-35-39. (EI: 20104913452860 /ISTP)

3. J. Hou*, D.S. Zhang, Z. Chen, L.X. Jiang, H.Z. Zhang, and X. Qin, “Web image search by automatic image annotation and translation,” in Proc. 17th Int. Conf. Systems, Signals and Image Processing (IWSSIP’10), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Jun. 2010, pp.105-108.


4. D.S. Zhang, M. M. Islam, G. J. Lu, and J. Hou, “Semantic image retrieval using region based inverted file,” in Proc. Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications (DICTA’09), Melbourne, Australia, Dec. 2009, pp.242-249. (EI:20101412823873)

5. J. Hou*, X. Wang, F. Xu, V. D. Nguyen, and L. Wu, “Humanoid personalized avatar through multiple natural language processing,” in Proc. Int. Conf. Computer Vision, Image and Signal Processing (CVISP’09), Bali, Indonesia, Nov.2009, pp.590–595. (selected to be published as a journal paper by World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, EI: 20100612698086)

6. L.X. Jiang, J. Hou*, Z. Chen, and D.S. Zhang, “Automatic image annotation based on decision tree machine learning,” in Proc. Int. Conf. Cyber-Enabled Distributed Computing and Knowledge Discovery (CyberC’09), Zhangjiajie, China, Oct. 2009, pp.400–405. (EI: 20095312585882)


7. J. Hou*, D.S. Zhang, Z. Chen, X.R. Xu, and T. Nakamura, “Composite feature modeling and retrieval,” in Proc. 10th Int. Conf. Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV’08), Hanoi, Vietnam, Dec. 2008, vol.59, pp. 2176–2181.(EI:20091712046316/ISTP: 000266716601181)

8. D.S. Zhang, Y. Liu, and J. Hou, “Digital image retrieval using intermediate semantic features and multistep search,” in Proc. Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications (DICTA’08), Canberra, Australia, Dec. 2008, pp.513–518. (EI:20092612153422)


1. 侯进、张登胜,中国发明专利《一种基于决策树学习的自动图像标注与翻译的方法》,专利申请号:200910060241.4,申请日:2009.08.04,授权日: 2011.06.02.

2. 侯进、向宇,中国发明专利《一种分类应变限制的动态服装仿真方法》,专利申请号:201110454306.0,申请日:2011.12.30.



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