参编普通高等教育“十五”国家级规划教材《建筑环境学》,申请或授权发明专利16项,发表科研论文百余篇,其中英文期刊40篇,国际会议篇28篇,中文期刊50篇.被SCI收录论文29篇,EI收录65篇。 部分代表性论文如下: 1. Changqing Tian,Xianting Li,Chunpeng Dou. Experimental investigation and numerical simulation on the adjustment dead zone of a variable displacement wobble plate compressor. International Journal of Refrigeration, v 28, n 7, Nov 2005, p 988-996 2. Xianting Li, Zhen Yu,Bin Zhao, Ying Li. Numerical analysis of outdoor thermal environment around buildings. Building and Environment, v 40, n 6, June 2005, p 853-866 3. Xianting Li, Jianrong Yang, Wei Sun. Strategy to optimise building ventilation to aid rescue of hostages held by terrorists. Indoor and Built Environment, v 14, n 1, 2005, p 39-50 4. Xianting Li, Bin Zhao. Accessibility: a new concept to evaluate the ventilation performance in a finite period of time. Indoor and Built Environment, v 13, n 4, Aug 2004, p 287-293 5. Dongning Li, Xianting Li, Yunzhi Guo, Jianrong Yang, Xudong Yang. Generalized algorithm for simulating contaminant distribution in complex ventilation systems with recirculation. Numerical Heat Transfer Part A-Applications, v 45, n 6, April 2004, p 583-599 6. Jianrong Yang, Xianting Li, Bin Zhao. Prediction of transient contaminant dispersion and ventilation performance using the concept of accessibility. Energy and Buildings, v 36, n 3, March 2004, p 293-299 7. Xianting Li, Dongning Li, Xudong Yang, Jianrong Yang. Total air age: An extension of the air age concept. Building and Environment, v 38, n 11, Nov 2003, p 1263-1269 8. Bin Zhao, Xianting Li, Dongning Li, Jianrong Yang. Revised air-exchange efficiency considering occupant distribution in ventilated rooms. Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association, v 53, n 6, Jun 2003, p 759-763 |