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考研时间: 2013-08-16 来源:查字典考研网



1994-1/2000 美国罗格斯大学 (Rutgers University) 博士

1988-6/1992 北京大学 学士

2005 - 现在 中国科学院广州生物医药与健康研究院,研究员

2004 - 10/2005 美国 Amgen 公司,资深科学家

2000 - 8/2004 美国 Tularik 公司,科学家 ,助理科学家 ,资深研究助理

2000 - 2/2000 美国罗格斯大学 (Rutgers University) 博士后


以 X -射线晶体衍射技术为主要手段,紧密结合新药研发,着眼于与人类重大疾病和重要生理功能相关的蛋白质及其复合体的三维精细结构与功能的关系,重点研究生物大分子与小分子抑制剂的复合结构,进一步寻找具有基础理论意义或重要应用价值的突变体、复合物(体)或候选药物的先导化合物,阐明生物大分子与小分子抑制剂在结构与功能方面的分子作用机理,为药物的分子设计提供思路;同时,通过解析生物大分子的单晶结构,为设计小分子抑制剂提供一个分子水平上的模板 。


J.Xu et al.,Structure of Sorting Nexin 11 (SNX11) Reveals a Novel Extended Phox Homology (PX) Domain Critical for Inhibition of SNX10-induced Vacuolation.J Biol Chem288,16598 (Jun 7,2013).

Z.Wang et al.,Molecular basis of sphingosine kinase 1 substrate recognition and catalysis.Structure21,798 (May 7,2013).

J.P.Taygerly et al.,Discovery of INT131: a selective PPARgamma modulator that enhances insulin sensitivity.Bioorg Med Chem21,979 (Feb 15,2013).

K.Li et al.,Inhibiting NF-kappaB-inducing kinase (NIK): discovery,structure-based design,synthesis,structure-activity relationship,and co-crystal structures.Bioorg Med Chem Lett23,1238 (Mar 1,2013).

Q.Zhao et al.,Rare inborn errors associated with chronic hepatitis B virus infection.Hepatology56,1661 (Nov,2012).

W.Zhang et al.,Fluostatins I-K from the South China Sea-Derived Micromonospora rosaria SCSIO N160.Journal of natural products,(Nov 8,2012).

T.Xu et al.,Crystal structure of a mono- and diacylglycerol lipase from Malassezia globosa reveals a novel lid conformation and insights into the substrate specificity.Journal of structural biology178,363 (Jun,2012).

S.Xu et al.,Critical effect of peptide cyclization on the potency of peptide inhibitors against Dengue virus NS2B-NS3 protease.J Med Chem55,6881 (Aug 9,2012).

J.Liu et al.,Structure of the nuclear factor kappaB-inducing kinase (NIK) kinase domain reveals a constitutively active conformation.J Biol Chem287,27326 (Aug 10,2012).

L.Li et al.,Xenopus as a Model System for the Study of GOLPH2/GP73 Function: Xenopus golph2 Is Required for Pronephros Development.PLoS One7,e38939 (2012).

X.Jiao et al.,Synthesis and optimization of substituted furo[2,3-d]-pyrimidin-4-amines and 7H-pyrrolo[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4-amines as ACK1 inhibitors.Bioorg Med Chem Lett22,6212 (Oct 1,2012).

H.Cheng et al.,Design,synthesis,and in vitro biological evaluation of 1H-1,2,3-triazole-4-carboxamide derivatives as new anti-influenza A agents targeting virus nucleoprotein.J Med Chem55,2144 (Mar 8,2012).

Y.Bi et al.,Backbone (1)H,(13)C and (15)N resonance assignments of dengue virus NS2B-NS3p in complex with aprotinin.Biomolecular NMR assignments,(May 24,2012).

Y.Zhang,T.Xu,Q.Chen,B.Wang,J.Liu,Expression,purification,and refolding of active human and mouse secreted group IIE phospholipase A.Protein expression and purification80,68 (Nov,2011).

G.Wei et al.,Potent Neutralization of Influenza A Virus by a Single-Domain Antibody Blocking M2 Ion Channel Protein.PLoS One6,e28309 (2011).

Y.Wang et al.,Identification and characterization of acyclovir-resistant clinical HSV-1 isolates from children.Journal of clinical virology : the official publication of the Pan American Society for Clinical Virology52,107 (Oct,2011).

J.Wang et al.,Identification,structural properties and chelating capacity of miltipolone as a broad-spectrum inhibitor to cancer cells.Eur J Med Chem46,1117 (Apr,2011).

N.Lu,W.Wang,J.Liu,C.W.Wong,Protein kinase C epsilon affects mitochondrial function through estrogen-related receptor alpha.Cellular signalling23,1473 (Sep,2011).

S.Liu et al.,Crystallization and preliminary crystallographic studies of a cysteine protease inhibitor from the human nematode parasite Ascaris lumbricoides.Acta Crystallogr Sect F Struct Biol Cryst Commun67,228 (Feb 1,2011).

Q.Liu,Y.Shen,S.Liu,J.Weng,J.Liu,Crystal structure of E339K mutated human glucokinase reveals changes in the ATP binding site.FEBS letters585,1175 (Apr 20,2011).

L.Gong et al.,Preliminary X-ray crystallographic analysis of the glycosyltransferase from a marine Streptomyces species.Acta Crystallogr Sect F Struct Biol Cryst Commun67,136 (Jan 1,2011).

M.Gao,J.Wang,W.Wang,J.Liu,C.W.Wong,Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase affects mitochondrial function in part through inducing peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator-1beta expression.Br J Pharmacol162,1000 (Feb,2011).

M.Gao et al.,Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinases promote mitochondrial biogenesis in part through inducing peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator-1beta expression.Biochimica et biophysica acta1813,1239 (Jun,2011).

W.Zhang et al.,Heterodimers of Histidine and Amantadine as Inhibitors for Wild Type and Mutant M2 Channels of Influenza A.Chinese Journal of Chemistry28,1417 (2010).

X.Yan et al.,The synthesis and SAR of novel diarylsulfone 11[beta]-HSD1 inhibitors.Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters20,7071 (2010).

J.Zhou et al.,Atovaquone derivatives as potent cytotoxic and apoptosis inducing agents.Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters19,5091 (2009).

W.Xu,L.Yi,Y.Feng,L.Chen,J.Liu,Structural insight into the activation mechanism of human pancreatic prophospholipase A2.J Biol Chem284,16659 (Jun 12,2009).

Z.Shi et al.,Expression,purification,crystallization and preliminary X-ray crystallographic analysis of the SH3 domain of human AHI1.Acta Crystallogr Sect F Struct Biol Cryst Commun65,361 (Apr 1,2009).

A.Motani et al.,INT131: A Selective Modulator of PPAR[gamma].Journal of Molecular Biology386,1301 (2009).

R.V.Connors et al.,Identification of a PPARdelta agonist with partial agonistic activity on PPARgamma.Bioorg Med Chem Lett19,3550 (Jul 1,2009).

J.Zhou et al.,Copper(I) Iodide Catalyzed Domino Process to Quinazolin-4(3H)-ones.Synthesis2008,3974 (2008).

H.Tu et al.,Distinctive molecular inhibition mechanisms for selective inhibitors of human 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1.Bioorg Med Chem16,8922 (Oct 1,2008).

J.Sun et al.,[Establish stable cell line to express M2 ion channel of influenza A virus H5N1].Sheng Wu Gong Cheng Xue Bao24,1902 (Nov,2008).

Y.Li et al.,T2384,a novel antidiabetic agent with unique peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma binding properties.J Biol Chem283,9168 (Apr 4,2008).

D.J.Kopecky et al.,Identification and optimization of N3,N6-diaryl-1H-pyrazolo[3,4-d]pyrimidine-3,6-diamines as a novel class of ACK1 inhibitors.Bioorg Med Chem Lett18,6352 (Dec 15,2008).

L.D.Julian et al.,Discovery of novel,potent benzamide inhibitors of 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 (11beta-HSD1) exhibiting oral activity in an enzyme inhibition ex vivo model.J Med Chem51,3953 (Jul 10,2008).

Z.Wang et al.,Crystal Structures of IRAK-4 Kinase in Complex with Inhibitors: A Serine/Threonine Kinase with Tyrosine as a Gatekeeper.Structure14,1835 (Dec,2006).

J.Bella,J.Liu,R.Kramer,B.Brodsky,H.M.Berman,Conformational effects of gly-x-gly interruptions in the collagen triple helix.J Mol Biol362,298 (Sep 15,2006).

Z.Wang et al.,Structure and function of Nurr1 identifies a class of ligand-independent nuclear receptors.Nature423,555 (May 29,2003).

B.Benoff et al.,Structural basis of transcription activation: the CAP-alpha CTD-DNA complex.Science297,1562 (Aug 30,2002).

J.Liu et al.,Crystal structure of the unique RNA-binding domain of the influenza virus NS1 protein.Nat Struct Biol4,896 (Nov,1997).



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