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考研时间: 2013-08-16 来源:查字典考研网



1987-1993 加拿大McMaster大学生物系遗传学博士

1980-1984 华中农业大学农学系学士

2004至今 中国科学院广州生物医药与健康研究院,研究员

2001-2003 生物芯片北京国家工程中心,首席科学家

1999-2001 美国GCG生物信息公司,项目经理

1997-1999 美国强生Scios制药公司生物信息部,研究员

1997-1997 美国Quest Diagnostics医疗诊断公司研发部,研究员

1994-1997 美国芝加哥大学生态与进化系,博士后






Jie Liu ,Junhua Chen ,Zhiyuan Fang and Lingwen Zeng* A simple and sensitive sensor for rapid detection of sulfide anions using DNA-templated copper nanoparticles as fluorescent probes.Analyst,2012,137 (23),5502 - 5505(IF4.23)

Junhua Chen,Lingwen Zeng*Enzyme-amplified electronic logic gates based on split/intact aptamers.Biosensors and Bioelectronics.DOI:10.1016/j.bios.2012.10.030 (IF5.602)

Junhua Chen,Zhiyuan Fang,Puchang Lie,and LingwenZeng* Computational lateral flow biosensor for proteins and small molecules:A new class of strip logic gates .Anal.Chem.2012,84,6321−6325(5.856)

Zhuo Xiao,Puchang Lie,Zhiyuan Fang,Luxin Yu,Junhua Chen,Jie Liu,Chenchen Ge,,Xuemeng Zhou and Lingwen Zeng*A lateral flow biosensor for detection of single nucleotide polymorphism by circular strand displacement reaction.Chem.Commun.,2012,48 (68),8547 - 8549(6.169)

Zhiyuan Fang,Wenjuan Zhang,Chenchen Ge,Jie Liu,Puchang Lie,and Lingwen Zeng * A sandwich assay for quantitative detection of transcription factor in cell lysate.Analyst.2012,137 (18),4127 - 4130(4.23)

Chenchen Ge ,Zhiyuan Fang ,Junhua Chen ,Jie Liu ,Xuewen Lu and Lingwen Zeng* A simple colorimetric detection of DNA methylation .Analyst.2012,137,2032–2035(4.23)

Junhua Chen,Zhiyuan Fang,Jie Liu,Lingwen Zeng* A Simple And Rapid Biosensor For Ochratoxin A Based On A Structure-Switching Signaling Aptamer.Food Control 25 (2012) 555-560 (2.656)

Junhua Chen,Jie Liu,Zhiyuan Fang and Lingwen Zeng*Random dsDNA-templated formation of copper nanoparticles as novelfluorescence probes for label-free lead ions detection.Chem.Commun.,2012,48 (7),1057 –1059(6.169)

Puchang Lie,Jie Liu,Zhiyuan Fang,Boying Dun and Lingwen Zeng*A lateral flow biosensor for detection of nucleic acids with high sensitivity and selectivity.Chem.Commun.,2012,48,236-238(6.169)

Zhiyuan Fang,Chenchen Ge,Wenjuan Zhang,Puchang Lie,Lingwen Zeng*.A lateral flow biosensor for rapid detection of DNA-binding protein c-jun.Biosensors and Bioelectronics 27 (2011) 192–196(5.602)

Jiekai Chen,*,Jing Liu,*,Jiaqi Yang,You Chen,Jing Chen,Su Ni,Hong Song,Lingwen Zeng,Ke Ding,Duanqing Pei.BMPs functionally replace Klf4 and support efficient reprogramming of mouse fibroblasts by Oct4 alone.Cell Research2011 21:205-212(8.19)

Tao Wang,Keshi Chen,Xiaoming Zeng,Jianguo Yang,Yun Wu,Xi Shi,Baoming Qin,Lingwen Zeng,Miguel Angel Esteban,Guangjin Pan and Duanqing Pei.The Histone Demethylases Jhdm1a/1b Enhance Somatic Cell Reprogramming in a Vitamin-C-Dependent Manner.Cell Stem Cell 2011 Dec 2 9(6):575-587(25.421)

Zhiyuan Fang,Jing Huang,Puchang Lie,Zhuo Xiao,Chuanyan Ouyang,Qing Wu,Yixing Wu,Guodong Liu* and Lingwen Zeng*Lateral flow nucleic acid biosensor for Cu2+ detection in aqueous solution with high sensitivity and selectivity Chem.Commun.,2010,46,9043-9045 (6.169)

Li R,Liang J,Ni S,Zhou T,Qing X,Li H,He W,Chen J,Li F,Zhuang Q,Qin B,Xu J,Li W,Yang J,Gan Y,Qin D,Feng S,Song H,Yang D,Zhang B,Zeng L,Lai L,Esteban MA,Pei D.2010.A Mesenchymal-to-Epithelial Transition Initiates and Is Required for the Nuclear Reprogramming of Mouse Fibroblasts.Cell Stem Cell.2010 Jul 2;7(1):51-63.(25.421)

Cai J,Li W,Su H,Qin D,Yang J,Zhu F,Xu J,He W,Guo H,Labuda K,Peterbauer A,Wolbank S,Zhong M,Li Z,Wu W,So KF,Redl H,Zeng L,Esteban MA,Pei D.Generation of human induced pluripotent stem cells from umbilical cord matrix and amniotic membrane mesenchymal cells.J Biol Chem.2010;285(15):11227-11234.(4.773)

Chen J,Liu J,Han Q,Qin D,Xu J ,Chen Y,Yang J,Song H,Yang D,Peng M,He W,Li R,Wang H,Gan Y,Ding K,Zeng L,Lai L,Esteban MA,Pei D.Towards an optimized culture medium for the generation of mouse induced pluripotent stem cells.J Biol Chem .2010 285(40):31066-72(4.773)

Esteban MA,Wang T,Qin B,Yang J,Qin D,Cai J,Li W,Weng Z,Chen J,Ni S,Chen K,Li Y,Liu X,Xu J,Zhang S,Li F,He W,Labuda K,Song Y,Peterbauer A,Wolbank S,Redl H,Zhong M,Cai D,Zeng L,Pei D.Vitamin C Enhances the Generation of Mouse and Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells.Cell Stem Cell.2010 ;6(1):71-79(25.421)

Su-min Li,Ling-wen Zeng,Lin Feng and Dong-bao Chen* Rac1-Dependent Intracellular Superoxide Formation Mediates Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor–Induced Placental Angiogenesis in Vitro.Endocrinology 2010 151:5315-5325(4.459)

Mao X,Xu H,Zeng Q,Zeng L,Liu G.Molecular beacon-functionalized gold nanoparticles as probes in dry-reagent strip biosensor for DNA analysis.Chem Commun (Camb).2009 Jun 7;(21):3065-7(6.169)

Liu G,Mao X,Phillips JA,Xu H,Tan W,Zeng L.Aptamer-Nanoparticle Strip Biosensor for Sensitive Detection of Cancer Cells.Anal Chem.2009 Dec 15;81(24):10013-8(5.856)

Mao X,Ma Y,Zhang A,Zhang L,Zeng L,Liu G..Disposable nucleic acid biosensors based on gold nanoparticle probes and lateral flow strip.Anal Chem.2009 Feb ;81(4):1660-8(5.856)

邹新乐,李想,陈巧林,曾令文。人内质网分子伴侣BiP抗原表位筛选及其在RA血清学诊断中的作用研究。 中国免疫学杂志,2009,25(6):544-7.


Qin D,Gan Y,Shao K,Wang H,Li W,Wang T,He W,Xu J,Zhang Y,Kou Z,Zeng L,Sheng G,Esteban MA,Gao S,Pei D.Mouse Meningiocytes Express Sox2 and Yield High Efficiency of Chimeras after Nuclear Reprogramming with Exogenous Factors.J.Biol.Chem.2008 283:33730-5.(4.773)

Gao W,Li X,Zeng L,Peng T.Rapid isothermal detection assay:a probe amplification method for the detection of nucleic acids.Diag Microbiol Infect Dis.2008,60:133-141.(2.426)

Chen Q,Li X,He W,Zhang H,Gao A,Cheng Y,Lei Y,Li S and Zeng L (2007) The epitope study of a-fodrin autoantibody in primary Sjö;gren\'s syndrome.Clinical and Experimental Immunology 149(3):497-503.(3.36)

Gao A,Chen Q,Cheng Y,Lei J,Zeng L (2007) Preparation of monoclonal antibodies against a derivative of semicarbazide as a metabolic target of nitrofurazone.Analytica Chinica Acta 592(1):58-63.(3.146)



张 亮 张 岩 周一鸣 安 爽 果德安 周玉祥 曾令文 程 京*。用聚类法分析受抗真菌物质处理后的酵母细胞全基因表达谱*,生物化学与生物物理进展,2002;29(4).

Zeng L,J.M.Cameron,B.Chen and M.Kreitman 1998 The molecular clock revisited:the rate of synonymous vs.replacement change in Drosophila.Genetica 102-103(1-6):369-82.(2.148)

Hasson,E.,I.-N.Wang,Zeng L,M.Kreitman and W.F.Eanes 1998 Nucleotide variation in the triosephosphate isomerase (Tpi) locus of Drosophila melanogaster and Drosophila simulans.Mol Biol Evol 15(6):756-69.(5.55)

Joly,D.,C.Bazin,Zeng L and R.S.Singh 1997 Genetic basis of sperm and testis length differences and epistatic effect on hybrid inviability and sperm motility between Drosophila simulans and Drosophila sechellia.Heredity 78:354-62(4.597)

Zeng L.and M.Kreitman 1996 A simple strategy for sequencing cDNA clones.BioTechniques 21:446-52.(2.669)

Zeng L.and M.Kreitman 1996 pZErO-Z,a modified vector for rapid PCR product cloning and DNA sequencing.Trends in Genetics,Technical Tips Online #TL10017.(8.659)

Zeng L.1996 Resurrecting Muller\'s theory of Haldane\'s rule.Genetics 143:603-7.(4.007)

Zeng L.and R.S.Singh 1995 A general method for identifying major hybrid male sterility genes in Drosophila.Heredity 75:331-41.(4.597)

Zeng L.and R.S.Singh 1993 The genetic basis of Haldane\'s rule and the nature of asymmetric hybrid male sterility among Drosophila simulans,Drosophila mauritiana and Drosophila sechellia.Genetics 134:251-60.(4.007)

Zeng L.and R.S.Singh 1993 A combined classical and high resolution two-dimensional electrophoretic approachto the assessment of the number of genes affecting hybrid male sterility in Drosophila simulans and Drosophila sechellia.Genetics 135:135-47.(4.007)


1.Singh,R.S.andZeng L 1994 Genetic divergence,reproductive isolation and speciation.In Non-Neutral Evolution:theories and molecular data.Edited by Brian Golding.



1.一种基于不同严谨度的用于检测DNA结合蛋白的微孔板核酸杂交ELISA方法 申请号:201210131678.4

2.细胞系统装置 专利号:201230147449.2

3.一种快速免标记检测硫离子的方法 申请号:201210077991.4

4.一种基于量子点的荧光检测装置 申请号:201220314431.1

5.一种基于微流控的全自动干细胞培养扩增装置 申请号:201220403134.4

6.一种基于微流控的全自动干细胞培养扩增装置 申请号:201210289502.1

7.检测仪 专利号:201230308800.1

8.干细胞培养和扩展装置 申请号:201230337907.9


1.诱导多能干细胞自动化扩增与培养系统 申请号:201110032862.9

2.用于快速检测Cu2+的核酸纳米金传感器 申请号:201110314114.x

3.用于快速检测Pb2+的核酸纳米金传感器 申请号:201110313373.0

4.一种快速免标记检测铅离子的方法 申请号:201110387031.3


1.用于检测Hg2+的核酸纳米金生物传感器 申请号:201010169776.8

2.用于检测干燥综合征α-胞衬蛋白抗体的胶体金检测卡 申请号:201010157064.4

3.基于生物条码的核酸纳米金生物传感器 申请号:201010157076.7


1.核酸纳米金生物传感器及其制备方法 申请号:200906100128.1

2.用于检测甲型流感病毒及甲型H1N1流感病毒的核酸纳米金生物传感器 申请号:200906100201.6

3.甲型H1N1流感病毒与甲型流感病毒联合核酸实时荧光检测方法及试剂盒 申请号:200906030125.0

4.甲型H1N1流感病毒的环介导等温扩增检测方法及试剂盒 申请号:200910214165.8

5.基于量子点的液相芯片检测仪 申请号:200910041710.8

6.量子点编码微球的液相芯片 申请号:200910041713.1


1.BiP蛋白抗原表位多肽及其筛选方法与应用 申请号:200810220408.4

2.用脑膜细胞生成诱导的多功能性干细胞的方法及其应用 申请号:200810198517.0


1.一种氨基脲衍生物及其单克隆抗体与应用 专利号:ZL200710026406.7

2.磺胺对甲氧嘧啶快速检测试纸条 专利号:ZL200720048998.8

3.核酸目的序列的检测探针及检测方法 申请号:200710026202.3


1.α--胞衬蛋白抗原表位多肽混合物及其应用 专利号:ZL200610124168.9



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