广州生物院导师介绍:Miguel A.Esteban_-查字典考研网
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广州生物院导师介绍:Miguel A.Esteban

考研时间: 2013-08-16 来源:查字典考研网

姓名: MiguelA.Esteban 性别:
职务: 职称: 研究员
学历: 博士 通讯地址: 广州萝岗区科学城开源大道190号
电话: 邮政编码: 510530
传真: 电子邮件: esteban@gibh.org


1988-1994 学士学位,医学与外科学专业 纳瓦拉大学 (Pamplona,西班牙)

1999-2003 博士学位,生物化学与分子生物学专业 马德里自治大学 (西班牙)

1991-1992 纳瓦拉大学病理学系,研究助理

1992-1993 纳瓦拉大学微生物学系,研究助理(纳瓦拉大学是西班牙最知名的医科类大学)

1995-1998 免疫学临床专业资格 (需通过国家水平考试)公主医院 (马德里,西班牙)急症科夜间轮值医生

2004-2007 伦敦帝国学院医学部肾脏实验室,副研究员(主任:Patrick Maxwell教授)

2007年12月 加入广州生物医药与健康研究院,从事肿瘤干细胞研究


• Metabolism and cell cycle control in embryonic stem cells.

• Molecular pathways underlying the generation of induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells from somatic cells.

• Effects of altered oxygenation (hypoxia) on embryonic and cancer stem cell behavior.


• 博士前奖学金BEFI奖(2001),卡洛斯三世卫生机构

• 博士前奖学金FPI奖(1999),马德里自治区

• 短期访问研究奖(2002) ,卡洛斯三世卫生机构(伦敦帝国学院,肾脏实验室,为期6个月的访问研究)

• 访问研究奖(2003)),Wellcome Trust基金会,奖金金额超过£90,000;项目名称:‘Enzyme-substrate interactions underlying the hydroxylation of Hypoxia-Inducible Factor by oxygen dependent-dioxygenases’

• 英国一联合癌症研究项目负责人之一(2004),项目经费超过£50,000;项目名称:‘Role of the von Hippel-Lindau tumour suppressor in regulating intercellular adhesion’

• 英国一联合癌症研究项目负责人之一(2006),项目经费超过£100,000;项目名称:‘Role of Hypoxia-Inducible Factor in controlling epithelial-to-mesenchymal transitions’


• Cecilia Munoz,Maria C.Castellanos,Arantzazu Alfranca,Alicia Vara,Miguel A.Esteban,Juan M.Redondo,and Manuel O.Landazuri.Transcriptional upregulation of intracellular adhesion molecule-1 in human endotelial cells by the antioxidant pyrrodiline dithiocarbamate involves the activation of activating protein-1.Journal of Immunology 1996.157:3587-3597.

• Miguel A.Esteban,Pilar Avila,Miguel Alvarez-Tejado,M.Dolores Gutierrez,Angeles Garcia-Pardo,Francisco Sanchez-Madrid,and Manuel O.Landazuri.Role of the von Hippel-Lindau Tumor Suppressor Gene in the Formation of ß1-Integrin Fibrillar Adhesions.Cancer Research 2002.62:2929-2936.(文中一张图片被选用为杂志封面)

• Yolanda Cuevas,Ruben Hernandez-Alcoceba,Julián Aragones,Salvador Naranjo-Suarez,Maria C.Castellanos,Miguel A.Esteban,Silvia Martin-Puig,Manuel O.Landazuri,and Luis del Peso.Specific Oncolytic Effect of a New Hypoxia-Inducible Factor-Dependent Replicative Adenovirus on von Hippel-Lindau-Defective Renal Cell Carcinomas.Cancer Research 2003.63:6877-6884.

• Miguel A.Esteban,Stefano Mandriota,and Patrick H.Maxwell.The von Hippel-Lindau Protein:a key player in oxygen homeostasis and matrix assembly.International Congress Series (Atherosclerosis XIII;Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium,Kyoto)2004.1262:450-453.

• Miguel A.Esteban,Patrick H Maxwell.Manipulation of oxygen tensions for in vitro cell culture using a hypoxic workstation.Expert Review in Proteomics 2005.2:307-314

• Miguel A.Esteban and Patrick H.Maxwell.HIF,a missing link between metabolism and cancer.Nature Medicine,News and Views 2005.10:1047-1048.

• Miguel A.Esteban=Maxine Tran,Sarah K.Harten,Peter Hill,Maria C.Castellanos,Raju Raval,Ashish Chandra,Raju Raval,Tim S.O’Brien,and Patrick H.Maxwell.Regulation of E-cadherin expression by VHL and hypoxia-inducible factor.Cancer Research 2006.66:3567-3675.(本文接受到国际新闻媒体报道,具体请参看此网址:http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/4861500.stm)

• Maria C.Calzada=Miguel A.Esteban,Monica Feijoo-Cuaresma,Maria C.Castellanos,Salvador Naranjo-Suarez,Elisa Temes,Fernando Mendez,Maria Yanez-Mo,Michael Ohh,and Manuel O.Landazuri.The VHL tumor suppressor gene regulates the assembly of intercellular junctions through HIF independent mechanisms.Cancer Research 2006.66:1553-1560.(同等第一作者发表文章)



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