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考研时间: 2012-07-28 来源:查字典考研网

姓名:党志 性别:男 职称:教授

学院:环境科学与工程学院 最后学历:博士

主要研究方向: 污染物环境化学、污染生态修复

华南理工大学华南理工大学环境科学与工程学院院长、博士、教授、博士生导师。中国科学院地球化学所环境地球化学国家重点实验室和英国牛津布鲁可斯大学生物与分子科学学院联合培养博士。曾在美国密西根大学 (Ann Arbor) 土木与环境工程系做博士后。


1. 重金属和有害元素在生态系统中的环境地球化学与生物地球化学过程(迁移、转化、富集、归宿)研究;

2. 环境中重金属的化学形态、生物可利用性以及毒理学方面的研究;

3. 重金属污染土地的化学-植物联合修复技术研究;

4. 有机污染物(包括多环芳烃PAHs、激素和抗生素)在水体(湖泊、海洋)中的迁移、富集、降解和最终归宿;

5. 有机污染物污染土壤和水体的生物修复技术。


(1)国家自然科学基金重点项目:金属硫化物矿山尾矿钝化机理及环境地球化学效应研究 (40730741);

(2)国家基金面上项目:酸性矿山废水中重金属和硫酸根的吸附及微生物降解同时去除机理(41073088 );





1.Wei Cao, Zhi Dang* , Xing-Qiu Zhou**, Xiao-Yun Yi, Ping-Xiao Wu, Neng-Wu Zhu, Gui-Ning Lu, 2011, Removal of sulphate from aqueous solution using modified rice straw: Preparation, characterization and adsorption performance. Carbohydrate Polymers 85:571–577.

2.Yun Liu, Zhi Dang*, Guining Lu, Pingxiao Wu, Chunhua Feng, Xiaoyun Yi, 2011, Utilization of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy for monitoring pyrite oxidation in the presence and absence of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans. Minerals Engineering, 24: 833-838.

3.Yun Liu, Zhi Dang*, PingXiao Wu, Jing Lu, Xiaohua Shu, Liuchun Zheng, 2011, Influence of ferric iron on the electrochemical behavior of pyrite. Ionics, 17:169–176.

4.Ren-Ren Wu,Zhi Dang*, Xiao-Yun Yi, Chen Yang, Gui-Ning Lu, Chu-Ling Guo, Cong-Qiang Liu, 2011, The effects of nutrient amendment on biodegradation and cytochrome P450 activity of an n-alkane degrading strain of Burkholderia sp. GS3C. Journal of Hazardous Materials 186: 978–983.

5.Chuling Guo*, Lin Ke, Zhi Dang, Nora Fungyee Tam*, 2011, Temporal changes in Sphingomonas and Mycobacterium populations in mangrove sediments contaminated with different concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Marine Pollution Bulletin. 62:133–139.

6.Shuzhen Li, Pingxiao Wu*, Hailing Li, Nengwu Zhu, Ping Li, Jinhua Wu, Xiangde Wang, Zhi Dang, 2010, Synthesis and characterization of organo-montmorillonite supported iron nanoparticles. Applied Clay Science, 50:330-336.

7.Qiuqiang Chen, Pingxiao Wu*, Zhi Dang, Nengwu Zhu, Ping Li, Jinhua Wu, Xiangde Wang, 2010, Iron pillared vermiculite as a heterogeneous photo-Fenton catalyst for photocatalytic degradation of azo dye reactive brilliant orange X-GN. Separation and Purification Technology 71:315-323.

8.Jianbing Zhou, Pingxiao Wu*, Zhi Dang, Nengwu Zhu, Ping Li, Jinhua Wu, Xiangde Wang, 2010, Polymeric Fe/Zr pillared montmorillonite for the removal of Cr(VI) from aqueous solutions. Chemical Engineering Journal, 162: 1035-1044.

9.Xidan Feng, Zhi Dang*, Weilin Huang, Longyi Shao and Weijun Li,2010, Microscopic morphology and size distribution of particles in PM2.5 of Guangzhou City. Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry. 64:37–51.

10.Chuling Guo, Zhi Dang, Yukshan Wong, Nora Fungyee Tam, 2010, Biodegradation ability and dioxgenase genes of PAH-degrading Sphingomonas and Mycobacterium strains isolated from mangrove sediments. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 64:419-426.

11.Tang X., L.Y. He, X.Q. Tao, Z. Dang,∗C.L. Guo, G.N. Lua, X.Y. Yi, 2010, Construction of an artificial microalgal-bacterial consortium that efficiently degrades crude oil. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 181: 1158–1162.

12.Lixian Yao, Guoliang Li, Zhi Dang, Baomei Yang, Zhaohuan He, and Changmin Zhou, 2010, Uptake and transport of roxarsone and its metabolites in water spinach as affected by phosphate supply. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 29(4):947–951.

13.Liuchun Zheng, Zhi Dang*, Chaofei Zhu, Xiaoyun Yi, Hui Zhang, Congqiang Liu, 2010 Removal of cadmium(II) from aqueous solution by corn stalk graft copolymers. Bioresource Technology, 101: 5820–5826.

14.Gui-Ning Lu, Xue-Qin Tao, Weilin Huang, Zhi Dang*, Zhong Li, Cong-Qiang Liu, 2010, Dechlorination pathways of diverse chlorinated aromatic pollutants conducted by Dehalococcoides sp. Strain CBDB. Science of the Total Environment, 408, 2549–2554.

15.Gui-ning Lu, Xue-qin Tao, Zhi Dang*, Weilin Huang, and Zhong Li, 2010, Quantitative structure–property relationships on dissolvability of pcdd/fs using quantum chemical descriptors and partial least squares. Journal of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry, 9, Supp. 1, 9–22.

16.Gui-Ning Lu, Zhi Dang*, Donna E. Fennell, Weilin Huang*, Zhong Li, Cong-Qiang Liu, 2010, Rules of thumb for assessing reductive dechlorination pathways of PCDDs in specific systems, Journal of Hazardous Materials. 177:1145–1149.

17.Liuchun Zheng, Zhi Dang*, Xiaoyun Yi, Hui Zhang, 2010, Equilibrium and kinetic studies of adsorption of Cd (II) from aqueous solution using modified corn stalk. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 176: 650–656.

18.Yao L.X., Li G.L., Dang Z., He Z.H., Zhou C.M., Yang B.M., 2009, Phytoavailability of roxarsone and its metabolites for turnip as affected by soil pH. Geoderma 154, 48–51.

19.Lu XW, Dang Z*, Yang C 2010, Preliminary investigation of chloramphenicol in fish, water and sediment from freshwater aquaculture pond. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 6(4): 597-604.

20.PingxiaoWu∗,WeiminWu, Shuzhen Li, Ning Xing, Nengwu Zhu, Ping Li, JinghuaWu, Chen Yang, Zhi Dang, 2009, Removal of Cd2+ from aqueous solution by adsorption using Fe-montmorillonite. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 169: 824–830.

21.Qiuqiang Chen, PingxiaoWu∗, Yuanyuan Li, Nengwu Zhu, Zhi Dang, 2009, Heterogeneous photo-Fenton photodegradation of reactive brilliant orange X-GN over iron-pillared montmorillonite under visible irradiation. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 168: 901–908.

22.Yang, C.; Huang, W.; Fu, J.; Dang, Z., 2009, Impact of kerogen heterogeneity on sorption of organic pollutants. 1. Sorbent characterization. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 1585–1591.

23.Yang, C.; Yu, Z.; Xiao, B.; Huang, W.; Fu, J.; Dang, Z., 2009, Impact of kerogen heterogeneity on sorption of organic pollutants. 2. Sorption equilibria. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 1592–1598.

24.Feng XD, Dang Z*, Huang W L, Yang C, 2009, Chemical speciation of find particle bound trace metals, International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 6 (3), 337-346.(SCI)

25.Hui Zhang, Zhi Dang*, Xiao-Yun Yi, Chen Yang, Liu-Chun Zheng, Gui-Ning Lu, 2009, Evaluation of dissipation mechanisms for pyrene by maize (ZEA MAYS L.) in cadmium co-contaminated soil, Global Network of Environmental Science and Technology. 4(11): 487-496.

26.Hui Zhang, Zhi Dang*, Liu-Chun Zheng, Xiao-Yun Yi, 2009, Phytoremediation of soil co-contaminated with pyrene and cadmium by growing maize (ZEA MAYS L.), International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology. 6(2):249-258.

27.Lixian Yao*, Guoliang Li, Zhi Dang, Zhaohuan He, Changmin Zhou, Baomei Yang 2009, Arsenic speciation in turnip as affected by application of chicken manure bearing roxarsone and its metabolites. Plant and Soil, 316(1-2):117-124

28.Yao Li-Xian, Li Guo-Liang, Dang Zhi∗, Zhao-Huan He, Chang-Min Zhou, Bao-Mei Yang, 2009, Arsenic uptake by two vegetables grown in two soils amended with As-bearing animal manures. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 164(2-3):904–910.







