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考研时间: 2012-07-17 来源:查字典考研网


姓名:曾锃 性别:男 籍贯:湖南株洲

民族:汉族 政治面貌:党员 出生年月:1974年12月

学院:信息科学与工程学院 职称:副教授(2007年)

邮箱: zeng_zeng@hotmail.com


2001年7月-2004年11月: 新加坡国立大学,获工学博士学位;

1997年9月-2000年6月: 华中科技大学,获工学硕士学位;

1993年9月-1997年6月: 华中理工大学,获工学学士学位。


2005年5月-现在: 湖南大学信息科学与工程学院,并行/分布式计算、分布式网络存储、物联网等研究方向;




1. 并行/分布式计算系统

2. 分布式网络存储

3. 无线传感器网络及物联网





1、 纵向项目:无线/有线混合型瓦斯检测系统的研发,50万元




5、新加坡A*Star项目:Design, Implementation and Management of a High Performance Object-Based Storage and Retrieval System for Large Scale Multimedia Applications,47万新元。


1. Z. Zeng and Bharadwaj Veeravalli, "A Novel Distributed Architecture of Large-Scale Multimedia Storage System Using Autonomous Object-Based Storage Devices" (基于自主对象存储器的大规模多媒体存储系统的分布式结构体系), Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, volume 69, Issue 4, April 2009, Pages 349-359. (SCI 检索)

2. J. Guoguang, Z. Zeng, L. Kenli, and Y. Zhengxin, “Algorithm of Real-Time DSP Application Based on CAN Bus,” (基于CAN 总线的实时DSP 应用算法) Computer Engineering, vol. 35, no. 6, Mar. 2009. (EI 检索)

3. Z. Zeng and Y. Zhang, “A Novel Sensor Placement Method based on Complete information Coverage in Sensor Networks,” (基于信息覆盖理论的传感器节点部署方法)Journal of Application Research of Computers, Sep. 2008. (EI 检索)

4. Z. Zeng and V. Bharadwaj, “Design and Performance Evaluation of Distributed Load Balancing Strategies in Large-Scale Multimedia Storage System,”(大规模多媒体存储系统中分布式负载均衡策略的设计与研究) IEEE Trans. Knowledge and Data Engineering, vol. 40, no. 4, Feb. 2008. (SCI 、EI检索)

5. J. Guogang, Y. Zhengxin, Z. Zeng, P. Hu, “A Novel Linear Intelligent Control of High-Power Microwave Sources based on Embedded System by Intercommunication,” (基于嵌入式双向通信的大功率微波源线性智能控制系统)Mechatronics, vol. 13, no. 6, 2007. (EI 检索)

6. Z. Zeng and V. Bharadwaj, “Design and Performance Evaluation of Queue-and- Rate-Adjustment Dynamic Load Balancing Policies for Distributed Networks,” (基于队列和速率调整的分布式系统动态均衡的设计与研究)IEEE Trans. Computers, vol. 55, no. 11, pp. 1410~1422, Nov. 2006. (SCI、EI检索)

7. Z. Zeng and Bharadwaj Veeravalli, “Distributed Scheduling Strategy for Divisible Loads on Arbitrarily Configured Distributed Networks using Load Balancing via Virtual Routing,” (利用虚拟路由技术实现课分割任务的分布式任务调度算法)Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC), Sep. 2006. (SCI 检索)

8. Z. Zeng and V. Bharadwaj, “Design and Analysis of a Non-Preemptive Decentralized Load Balancing Algorithm for Multi-Class Jobs in Distributed Networks,” (分布式系统中多类任务非抢占性的非中心控制的负载均衡的设计与分析) Computer Communications, No.27, pp. 679-694, 2004. (SCI 检索)

9. Z. Zeng, V. Bharadwaj, T. T. M. Royston, and G. G. Jia, “On the Design of Strategies for Resolving Bandwidth Constraints for Large-Scale Multimedia Video-on-Reservation Systems”, (大规模多媒体视屏点播系统中带宽限制解决策略的设计)In Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications, 23-25 May, 2007. (EI 检索)

10. Z. Zeng and V. Bharadwaj, “A Replica-Conscious Static Load Balancing Strategy for Large-Scale Multimedia Storage Systems,” (大规模多媒体存储中多备份静态负载均衡策略)In Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE GLOBECOM Conference, San Francisco, USA, San Francisco, Nov. 2006. (EI 检索)

11. V. Bharadwaj, Z. Zeng, N. Gupta, and G. G. Jia, “Network-based Caching Algorithms for Reservation-based Multimedia Systems,”(基于网络的多媒体系统中缓存算法的研究) In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Grid and Cooperative Computing(GCC 2006), Oct. 2006. (EI 检索)

12. Z. Zeng and V. Bharadwaj, “Design and Performance Evaluation of Fail-over and Recovery Strategies for Large-Scale Multimedia Storage Systems,”(大规模多媒体存储系统各种系统错误恢复策略的设计和评估) The 14th IEEE International Conference on Networks (ICON), Singapore, pp. 9~14, Sep 2006. (EI 检索)

13. Z. Zeng and V. Bharadwaj, “Rate-Based and Queue Based Dynamic Load Balancing Algorithms in Distributed Systems,”(基于速率与基于队列的动态分布式负载均衡算法) The 10th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS 04), Newport Beach, California, USA, 2004. (EI 检索)

14. Z. Zeng and V. Bharadwaj, “Divisible Load Scheduling on Arbitrary Distributed Networks via Virtual Routing Approach,”(基于虚拟路由的任意拓扑结构网络的可分割任务调度算法) The 10th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS 04), Newport Beach, California, USA, 2004. (EI 检索)

15. Z. Zeng and V. Bharadwaj, “A Static Load Balancing Algorithm via Virtual Routing,”(一种基于虚拟路由技术的静态负载均衡算法) In Proceedings of the 15th IASTED International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems, Maria del Rey, CA, USA, Nov. 2003.


1. 基于互联网的传感器网络远程监控方法 (专利号: 200910043284.1)2. 一种基于虚拟路由的大型分布式系统负载均衡的方法 (专利号. 200610031511.5)

3.一种具有防尘、除尘功能的传感器及防爆设计和用途 (专利号. 200610132500.9)4.一种混合型矿井监测方法及系统装置和用途 (专利号. 200610136713.6)







