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考研时间: 2011-10-27 来源:查字典考研网

康振生 教授简介


康振生,男,1957年生于四川省安岳县。教育部长江学者特聘教授,国家"新世纪百千万人才工程" 和陕西省"三五"人才工程第一层次入选者,农业部"有突出贡献中青年专家",博士生导师。现任西北农林科技大学生物技术中心主任、陕西省农业分子生物学重点实验室主任,农业部西北农林科技大学植物病理研究所所长;兼任中国植物病理学会副理事长、陕西省植物病理学会理事长;国务院学位委员会第四届学科评议组成员、教育部高等学校教学指导委员会委员、中国植病学会抗病育种专业委员会主任、中国植病学会真菌专业委员会副主任、《植物病理学报》、《植物保护学报》和《菌物学报》等刊物的编委。


1981年 西北农学院植保专业本科毕业,获学士学位;

1988-1990 在加拿大农部温尼泊研究所完成博士论文研究工作,1990年获博士学位;

1991-1996 在西北农业大学植保系从事植物病理学教学、科研工作,先后破格晋升为副教授和教授。

1997-2001年 在德国霍恩海姆大学从事麦类病害研究工作。







(1) Yonghong Zhang, Zhipeng Qu, Wenming Zheng, Bo Liu, Xiaojie Wang, Xiaodan Xue, Liangsheng Xu, Lili Huang, Qingmei Han, Jie Zhao1 and Zhensheng Kang. Stage-specific gene expression during urediniospore germination in Puccinia striiformis f. sp tritici. BMC Genomics, 2008, 9:203, doi:10.1186/1471-2164-9-203

(2) Xiaojie Wang, Chunlei Tang, Chenfang Wang, Gang Zhang, Yanling Dong, Wei Liu, Lili Huang, Xianming Chen and Zhensheng Kang. cDNA-AFLP analysis reveals differential gene expression in compatible interaction of wheat challenged with Puccinia striiformis f. sp. Tritici. BMC Genomics 2009, 10: 289

(3) Xiaojie Wang, Wei Liu, XM Chen, CL Tang, YL Dong, JB Ma, XL Huang, B Liu, J Zhao,GR Wei, LL Huang,ZS Kang. Differential gene expression in incompatible interaction between wheat and stripe rust fungus revealed by cDNA-AFLP and comparison to compatible interaction. BMC Plant Biology, 2009, 10:9

(4) Jinbiao Ma, Xueling Huang, Xiaojie Wang, Xianming Chen3 Zhipeng Qu, Lili Huang, Zhensheng Kang. 2009. Identification of expressed genes during compatible interaction between stripe rust (Puccinia striiformis) and wheat using a cDNA library. BMC Genomics, 2009, 10:586

(5) Xiu-Mei Yu, Xiu-Dao Yu, Zhi-Peng Qu, Xin-Jie Huang, Jun Guo, Qing-Mei Han, Jie Zhao, Li- Li Huang and Zhen-Sheng Kang. Cloning of a putative hypersensitive induced reaction gene from wheat infected by stripe rust fungus. Gene, 2007, 407: 193-198

(6) Xiaojie Wang, Chunlei Tang, Lin Deng, Gaolei Cai, Xinying Liu, Bo Liu, Qingmei Han, Heinrich Buchenauer, Guorong Wei, Dejun Han, Lili Huang, Zhensheng Kang. Characterization of a pathogenesis-related thaumatin-like protein gene TaPR5 from wheat induced by stripe rust fungus. Physiologia Plantarum, 2010, 139: 27-38

(7) Bo Liu, Xiaodan Xue, Suping Cui, Xiaoyu Zhang, Qingmei Han, Lin Zhu, Xiaofei Liang, Xiaojie Wang, Lili Huang, Xianming Chen and Zhensheng Kang. Cloning and characterization of a wheat b-1,3-glucanase gene induced by the stripe rust pathogen Puccinia striiformis f. sp. Tritici. Molecular Biology Report, 2009, DOI 10.1007/s11033-009-9823-9

(8) Chang-Qing Chen, Wenming Zheng, Heinrich Buchenauer, Li-Li Huang, Ning-Hai Lu, Zhen-Sheng Kang. Isolation of Microsatellite Loci from Expressed Sequence Tags (ESTs) Library of Puccinia striiformis f.sp. tritici. Molecular Ecological Resoures, 2009, 9: 236-238

(9) Chen-Fang Wang, Li-Li Huang, Heinrich Buchenauer, Qing-Mei Han, Hong-Chang Zhang and Zhen-Sheng Kang. Histochemical studies on the accumulation of reactive oxygen species (O2- and H2O2) in the incompatible and compatible interaction of wheat - Puccinia striiformis f.sp. tritici. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology,2008, 71: 230-239

(10) Yi Zhang; Gang Zhang; Ning Xia; Xiao-Jie Wang; Li-Li Huang; Zhen-Sheng Kang. Cloning and characterization of a bZIP transcription factor gene in wheat and its expression inresponse to stripe rust pathogen infection and abiotic stresses. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 2009, 73: 88-94

(11) Wang Xiaojie, Zheng Wenming, Buchenauer H., Zhao Jie,Han Qingmei,Huang Lili and Kang Zhensheng. Development of a PCR-based detection of Puccinia striiformis in latent infected wheat leaves. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 2007, 120: 241-247

(12) Wang Xiaojie, Tang Chunlei, Chen Jinlong, Buchenauer H., Zhao Jie,Han Qingmei,Huang Lili and Kang Zhensheng. Detection of Puccinia striiformis in latently infected wheat leaves by nested PCR. J. of Phytopathology, 2009, 157:490-493

(13) Gang Zhang, Yan-ling Dong, Yi Zhang, Yi-min Li, Xiao-jie Wang, Jun Guo, Qing-mei Han, Li-li Huang, and Zhen-sheng Kang. Cloning and characterization of a novel hypersensitive induced-response gene from wheat infected by stripe rust pathogen. J. of Phytopathology, 2009, 157:722-728

(14) Kang, Irmgard Zingen-Sell, H. Buchenauer. Infection of wheat spikes by Fusarium avenaceum and alteration of cell wall components in the infected tissue. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 2005,111(1):19-28

(15) 康振生 曹丽华 郑文明 黄丽丽 李振岐. 2005.小麦条锈菌条中29号生理小种SCAR检测标记的建立. 西北农林科技大学学报(自然科学版) 33(5):53-56.

(16) 康振生 黄丽丽 H. Buchenauer 韩青梅 蒋选利. 2004. 禾谷镰刀菌在小麦穗部侵染过程的细胞学研究. 植物病理学报34(4):329-335.

(17) 康振生 黄丽丽 H. Buchenauer. 2004.小麦穗组织中脱氧镰刀菌烯醇毒素的免疫细胞化学定位. 植物病理学报34(5):419-424

(18) Z. Kang, H. Buchenauer. Immunocytochemical Localization of Cell Wall-Bound Thionins and Hydroxyproline-Rich Glycoproteins in Fusarium culmorum-Infected Wheat Spikes. Journal of Phytopathology, 2003, Vol. 151(3):120-129.

(19) Kang Z. lili huang, H. Buchenauer. Subecellular localization of chitinase and beta-1,3-glucanase in compatible and incompatible interactions between wheat and Puccinia striiformis. J. of Plant Diseases and Protection. 2003 110(2): 170-183

(20) Kang Zhen-sheng, Wang Yao, Huang Li-li, Wei Guo-rong, Zhao Jie. Histology and Ultrastructure of Incompatible Combination Between Puccinia striiformis and Wheat Cultivars with Low Reaction Type Resistance. Agricultural Sciences in China. 2003,2(10):1102-1113.

(21) 康振生 王瑶 黄丽丽 魏国荣 赵杰.2003. 小麦品种对条锈病低反应型抗性的组织学和超微结构研究. 中国农业科学 36(9):1026-1031

(22) Kang, H. Buchenauer. Immunocytochemical localization of -1,3-glucanase and chitinase in Fusarium culmorum-infected wheat spikes. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology 60:141-153, 2002.

(23) Z. Kang, H. Buchenauer. Studies on the infection process of Fusarium culmorum in wheat spikes: Degradation of host cell wall components and localization of Trichothecene toxin in infected tissue. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 2002,108(7): 653-660

(24) Kang Z. lili huang, H. Buchenauer. Ultrastructural changes and localization of lignin and callose in compatible and incompatible interactions between wheat and Puccinia striiformis. J. of Plant Diseases and Protection 2002 109(1): 25-37

(25) Zhensheng Kang, H.Buche1. Zhensheng Kang, Lili Huang, Ulrich Krieg, Astrid Mauler-Machnik and Heinrich Buchnauer. Effects of tebuconazole on morphology, structure, cell wall components and trichothecene production of Fusarium culmorum on vitro. Pest Management Science, 2001, 57:491-500

(26) Kang Z., Lili Huang and H. Buchenauer. Ultrastructural and cytochemical studies of effects of the fungicide metconazole on Fusarium culmorum in vitro. J. of Plant Diseases and Protection 2001.108 (4), 419-432

(27) Zhensheng Kang, H. Buchenauer. 2000. Ultrastructural and Immuno- cytochemical investigation of pathogen development and host responses in resistant and susceptible wheat spikes infected by Fusarium culmorum. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 57:255-268

(28) Kang, Z. and H. Buchenauer. 2000. Ultrastructural and cytochemical studies on cellulose, xylan and petin degradation in wheat spikes infected by Fusarium culmorum. J. of Phytopathology, 148(5):263-275

(29) Kang, Z., Lili Huang & H. Buchenauer. 2000. Cytochemistry of cell wall component alternations in wheat roots infected by Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici. J. of Plant Diseases and Protection, 107(4):337-351

(30) Kang, Z.; Brandl, H.; Harfold, M.; Moll, G.and Buchenauer. 2000. Ultrastructural studies on infection of Fusarium culmorum in wheat cultivars differing in their sensitivity to Fusarium head blight.52th German plant protection conference, Oct.8-12, 2000, Muniche, p163-164

(31) Kang, Z.; Zange, B,; Krieg, U.; Diehl, H-J. and Buchenauer, H. 2000. Ultrastructural and cytochemical investigations of the fungicide tebuconazole on Fusarium culmorum in vitro and in vivo. 52th German plant protection conference, Oct.8-12, 2000, Muniche, p393.

(32) Kang Z. and H. Buchenauer. 2000. Ultrastructural and cytochemical studies on the infection of wheat spikes by Fusarium culmorum as well as on degration of cell wall components and localization of mycotoxins in host tissue. Mycotoxin Research, Vol. 16, No. 1: 1-5.


Email: kangzs@nwsuaf.edu.cn

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