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考研时间: 2013-08-24 来源:查字典考研网

一. 个人简历

刘桂强,博士,副教授,光学专业和光学工程专业硕士生导师。分别于2004年7月和2007年7月在华南师范大学(信息光电子科技学院和物理与电信工程学院)获得理学(光学)硕士学位和理学(光学)博士学位。同年7月到江西师范大学任教。主要从事微纳米光学材料的应用基础研究工作。研究内容包括光子晶体的理论分析.模拟和实验研究,微纳米复合结构的光学特性以及金属表面等离子体的理论和实验研究等。主持国家自然科学基金.省教育厅科技项目各一项,参与国家自然科学和教育部重大研究项目.省级自然科学基金等多项。在J.Opt.A,Appl.Opt., J.Opt.Soc.Am.B等国际知名杂志上发表论文三十余篇,绝大部分被SCI.EI检索收录。J.Opt.A.Phys.Scripta和Appl.Opt.等杂志审稿人。

二. 联系方式

E-mail: liougq@yahoo.com.cn

三. 研究方向

1. 光子晶体的理论分析.模拟和实验制备

2. 微纳米复合结构的光学特性研究

3. 表面等离子体的理论分析.模拟和实验研究

五. 08年-10年期间发表的主要论文

1. G.Q.Liu, Y.B.Liao, S.J.Ma, Y.F.Shen, and Z.Q.Ye, Modification of spontaneous emission from quantum dots by the surface of a three dimensional photonic crystal, J.Opt.Soc.Am B 27, 1942-1946 (2010).(SCI收录)

2. G.Q.Liu, H.H.Hu, Y.B.Liao, Z.S.Wang, Y.Chen, and Z.M.Liu, Synthesis and photonic band gap characterization of high quality photonic crystal heterostructures, Optik doi:10.1016/j.ijleo.2009.09.015(2010).(SCI收录)

3. G.Q.Liu, Y.B.Liao, and X.Y.Tao, Characteristic of spontaneous emission from CdSe/ZnS core-shell quantum dots near the surface of self-assembled three-dimensional photonic crystals, J.Mod.Opt.57, 1300-1304 (2010).(SCI收录)

4. G.Q.Liu, Z.S.Wang, and Y.H.Ji, Influence of growth parameters on the fabrication of high-quality colloidal crystals via a controlled evaporation self-assembly method, Thin Solid Films 518, 5083-5090 (2010).(SCI收录)

5. G.Q.Liu, Y.H.Ji, Y.Y.Nie, Y.Chen, and H.H.Hu, Structural and optical quality of binary photonic crystal heterostructures fabricated by the modified self-assembly method, J.Mod.Opt.56, 1643-1648 (2009).(SCI收录)

6. G.Q.Liu, Z.S.Wang, Y.B.Liao, Y.Chen, H.H.Hu and Z.M.Liu, Synthesis and photonic bandgap characterization of colloidal crystals with planar defects, J.Opt.A: Pure Appl.Opt.11, 085104(2009).(SCI收录)

7. G.Q.Liu, Y.Chen, and Z.Q.Ye, Engineering a light-emitting planar defect within three-dimensional photonic crystals, Sci.Technol.Adv.Mater.10, 055001(2009).(SCI收录)

8. G.Q.Liu, Z.S.Wang, Y.B.Liao, H.H.Hu, and Y.Chen, High-quality photonic crystal heterostructures fabricated by a modified self-assembly method, Appl.Opt.48, 2480-2484 (2009).(SCI收录)

9. G.Q.Liu, Y.B.Liao, Z.M.Liu and Y.Chen, Characteristic investigation of photonic crystals fabricated theory analysis simulation and measurement.J.Opt.A: Pure and Appl.Opt.10, 115202 (2008).(SCI收录)

10. Z.S.Wang, G.Q.Liu, and Y.H.Ji, Noncyclic geometric quantum computation in a nuclear-magnetic-resonance system, Phys.Rev.A 79, 1 (2009).(SCI收录)

11. G.Q.Liu, Y.B.Liao, and Z.M.Liu, Fabrication and transmittance spectra of high quality three-dimensional photonic crystals, Acta Opt.Sinica.28, 2400-2403(2008).(EI收录)

12. LIU Gui-qiang, YANG Guan-ling, YUE Cheng-feng, The effect of baseline methods on the measurement results of nano-paritcles in photoni correlation analysis, Acta Photonic Sinica.37,370-374 (2008).(EI收录)

13. LIU Gui-qiang,YANG Guan-ling,ZHOU Shu-cang,ZENG Si-ming,and HAN Peng, Analysis on the effect of baseline value on the inversion results of cumulant method in PCS, Opto-Electro.Eng.35, 88-92 (2008).(EI收录)

14. G.Q.Liu, G.L.Yang, and S.M.Zeng, Construction of high-resolution software correlator in photon correlation spectroscopy, Proc.Spie 6838, 68381U (2008).(EI收录)

15. Z.Q.Chen, L.P.Guo, Y.Chen, X.L.Li, G.Q.Liu, et al, Controlling decoherence from fluctuating magnetic field, Int.J.Theor.Phys.49, 18-24 (2010).(SCI收录)







