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考研时间: 2013-08-17 来源:查字典考研网

那兵 Bing Na





联系方式: 电话: 0794-8258320 传真:0794-8258320



1997年本科毕业于四川大学高分子材料专业,获学士学位。1997年至2000年在中国工程物理研究院工作。2000年进入四川大学材料学专业攻读硕士学位,2002年提前攻读材料学专业博士学位。2004年10月至2005年1月应邀到德国Freiburg大学进行访问研究。2005年获博士学位。近年来以第一作者(通信作者)已在Macromolecules、J. Phys. Chem. B等国际著名期刊上发表SCI论文20篇。









3.江西省教育厅项目: 电致响应强收缩高分子记忆功能材料的研制(批准编号:GJJ08295), 研究年限:2008-2010,项目负责人。



2005年 四川省科技进步一等奖(2005-1-0130)


1.Na Bing*, Lv Ruihua, Xu Wenfei, Chen Rong, Zhao Zunxin, Yi Yong, Effect of nucleating duality on the formation of γ-phase in a β-

nucleated isotactic polypropylene copolymer, Polym. Int. 2008, 57, 1128-1133.

2.Lv Ruihua, Xu Wenfei, Na Bing*, Zhang Qin, Fu Qiang,Large tensile deformation behavior of oriented high-density polyethylene: A correlation

between cavitation and lamellar fragmentation, J.Polym. Sci. Polym. Phys. 2008, 46, 1202-1206.

3.Lv Ruihua, Xu Wenfei, Na Bing*, Yan Junzhang, Correlation of mechanical behaviors with crystalline phase and related cavitation in isotactic

polypropylene, J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2008, 108, 3185-3190.

4.Lv Ruihua, Xu Wenfei, Na Bing*, Chen Bibo, Insight into the role of filler network in the viscoelasticity of a carbon black filled thermoplastic elastomer:

A strain dependent Electrical conductivity study, Journal of Macromolecular Science Physics 2008, 47, 774–782.

5.Na Bing*, Lv Ruihua, Xu Wenfei, Yu Pingsheng, Wang Ke and Fu Qiang, Inverse temperature dependence of strain hardening in ultra-high molecular

weight polyethylene: Role of lamellar coupling and entanglement density, J. Phys. Chem. B 2007, 111, 13206-13210.

6.Na Bing*, Lv Ruihua and Zhao Zunxin, Dispersed microfibril-dominated deformation and fracture behaviors of linear low density polyethylene/isotactic

polypropylene (LLDPE/iPP) blends, J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2007, 104, 1291-1298.

7.Na Bing* and Lv Ruihua, Effect of cavitation on the plastic deformation and failure of isotactic polypropylene, J. Appl.Polym.Sci. 2007, 105, 3274-


8.Na Bing*, Lv Ruihua, Zhang Qin and Fu Qiang, Macroscopic deformation and failure of ductile polyethylene: The dominant role of

entangled amorphous network, Polym. J. 2007, 39, 834-840.

9.Na Bing, Zhang Qin, Yang Hong, Fu Qiang and Men Yongfeng, High viscous stress of oriented polyolefins under uniaxial tensile deformation, Chin. J.

Polym. Sci. 2007, 25, 285-290.

10.Na Bing, Zhang Qin, and Fu Qiang, Men Yongfeng, Hong Ke and Strobl Gert, Viscous force-dominated tensile deformation behavior of oriented

polyethylene, Macromolecules 2006, 39, 2584-2591.

11.Na Bing* and Lv Ruihua, Relationship between fracture toughness and intrinsic deformation parameters in isotropic and flow-oriented linear low-

density polyethylene, J. Polym. Sci. Polym. Phys. 2006, 44, 2880-2887.

12.Na Bing, Guo Min, Yang Jinghui, Tan Hong, Zhang Qin and Fu Qiang, Crystal morphology and transcrystallization mechanism of isotactic

polypropylene induced by fibres: interface nucleation versus bulk nucleation, Polym. Int. 2006, 55, 441-448.

13.Na Bing, Wang Ke, Zhao Ping, Zhang Qin, Du Rongni and Fu Qiang, Epitaxy growth and directed crystallization of high-density polyethylene in the

oriented blends with isotactic polypropylene, Polymer 2005, 46, 5258-5267.

14.Na Bing, Wang Ke, Zhang Qin, Du Rongni and Fu Qiang, Tensile properties in the oriented blends of high-density polyethylene and isotactic

polypropylene obtained by dynamic packing injection molding, Polymer 2005, 46, 3190-3198.

15.Na Bing, Zhang Qin, Wang Ke, Li Liangbin and Fu Qiang, Origin of various lamellar orientations in high-density polyethylene/isotactic polypropylene

blends achieved via dynamic packing injection molding: Bulk crystallization vs. epitaxy, Polymer 2005, 46, 819-825.

16.Na Bing, Wang Yong, Zhang Qin and Fu Qiang, Shish and its relaxation dependence of re-crystallization of isotactic polypropylene from an oriented

melt in the blends with high-density polyethylene, Polymer 2004, 45, 6245-6260.

17.Na Bing, Zhang Qin, Wang Yong and Fu Qiang, Orientation effects on the deformation and fracture properties of high-density polyethylene/ethylene

vinyl acetate (HDPE/EVA) blends, Polym. Int. 2004, 53, 1078-1086.

18.Na Bing, Wang Yong Du Rongni, Fu Qiang and Men Yongfeng, Crystal and phase morphology of dynamic-packing-injection-molded high-density

polyethylene/ethylene vinyl acetate blends, J. Polym. Sci. Polym. Phys. 2004, 42, 1831-1840.

19.Na Bing, Zhang Qin, Wang Yong, and Fu Qiang, Three-dimensional phase morphologie s in HDPE/EVA blends obtained via dynamic injection packing

molding, Polymer 2003, 44, 5737-5747.

20.Na Bing, Zhang Qin, Fu Qiang, Zhang Gong and Shen Kaizi, Super polyolefin blends achieved via dynamic packing injection molding: the morphology

and mechanical properties of HDPE/EVA blends, Polymer 2002, 43, 7367-7376.







