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考研时间: 2013-08-29 来源:查字典考研网



1宋文玉,李文魁. 二过蹄酸合铜配离子氧化1,2 一丙二醇的反应动力学及机理. 河北大学学报自然科学版 19, 351-355 (1999).

2李玉书,李文魁. 高铝瓷的可塑成形. 中国陶瓷 36, 10-12 (2000).

3李文魁,李玉书. 莫来石-钛酸铝复相陶瓷的研究. 电瓷避雷器, 14-16 (2001).

4Li, W. K., Chen, D. Y., Zhang, B. L., Zhuang, H. R. & Li, W. L. Effect of rare-earth oxide additives on the morphology of combustion synthesized rod-like beta-Si3N4 crystals. Materials Letters 58, 2322-2325, doi:10.1016/j.matlet.2004.02.010 (2004).

5Li, W. K., Chen, D. Y., Zhang, B. L., Zhuang, H. R. & Li, W. L. The effect of additives on the morphology of combustion synthesized rod-like beta-Si3N4 crystals. Ceramics International 30, 121-123, doi:10.1016/s0272-8842(03)00067-1 (2004).

6Li, W. K. Z., B. L.Zhuang, H. R.Li, W. L. Preparation and growth mechanism of AlN whiskers by combustion synthesis with Y2O3 as additive. Journal of Materials Science 41, 2161-2163, doi:10.1007/s10853-006-5334-4 (2006).

7LI Ming-sheng, Z. S.-j., LOU Jin,LIU Ting-zhi,HOU Ze-hua,YANG Gan-lan,HU Chang-yuan,LI Wen-kui. Deposition of photocatalytic TiO2 and N-doped TiO2 films by arc ion plating. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China S, 827-830 (2007).

8Wenkui Li, J. X. a. B. Z. Preparation of Porous Si3N4 Based Ceramics by Combustion Synthesis Key Engineering Materials 336-338, 1087-1089 (2007).

9Chen, Z. Q. et al. Microwave hydrothermal synthesis of nanocrystalline rutile. Materials Letters 62, 4343-4344, doi:10.1016/j.matlet.2008.07.024 (2008).

10Zhou Zehua, L. W. a. C. Z. Microwave Hydrothermal Synthesis of Nanosize TiO2 Key Engineering Materials 368-372, 1461-1462 (2008).

11胡长员,李文魁,多树旺,娄谨,沈友良. 材料化学教学内容和课程体系改革. 江西化工 1, 82-83 (2009).

12Changyuan Hu, S. D., Tingzhi Liu, Wenkui Li, Rongfa Zhang. Low temperature facile synthesis of anatase TiO2 coated multiwalled carbon nanotube nanocomposites. Materials Letters 64, 2472–2474 (2010).

13Chang-YuanHu, Y.-J. X., Shu-Wang Duo,Wen-Kui Li,Jun-Huai Xiang,Ming-Sheng Li and Rong-Fa Zhang. PreparationofInorganicHollowSpheresBasedonDifferentMethods. J.Chin.Chem.Soc. 57, 1-8 (2010).

14胡长员,廖晓宁,李文魁,张荣发,向军淮,李明升,李凤仪. 表面活性剂非共价功能化处理制备碳纳米管悬浊液. 过程工程学报 10, 190-194 (2010).

15Li Wenkui, Z. H. Effect of Nitrogen Pressure on the Morphology of Combustion Synthesized β-Si3N4 Crystals Advanced Materials Research 177 86-88 (2011).

16Luo Shanshan, L. W., Zhuang Hanrui. Effect of Compact Density on the Combustion Synthesizing Silicon Nitride Crystals Advanced Materials Research 177, 89-91 (2011).

17Shanshan Luo, W. L., Zehua Zhou Preparation of N doped ZnO Films by Magnetron Sputtering Advanced Materials Research 197-198, 348-351 (2011).

18Wenkui Li, S. L., Hanrui Zhuang Fabrication Porous Si3N4 -Glass Composite by Combustion Synthesis Advanced Materials Research 194-196, 1716-1719 (2011).


名 称来源经费总额起止时间署名位置

耐强腐蚀性sialon陶瓷材料的研究 2007GQC0601江西省科技厅青年科学基金(0+1)07.4-10.41

自蔓延制备氮化硅陶瓷晶须及其增韧研究 2008GQC0067江西省科技厅自然科学基金3+1.508.7-11.71


微波水热合成ZnO纳米棒及其生长动力学的模拟研究 GJJ10591江西省教育厅2.5+1.152010.1-2012.121







