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考研时间: 2012-07-28 来源:查字典考研网






丁佐华,男,博士,浙江理工大学教授,硕士生导师,中国计算机学会软件工程专业委员会委员,中国计算机学会Petri 网专业委员会委员。

1996年、1998年分获University of South Florida 数学博士、计算机硕士,1998-2001在Advanced Fiber Communication公司任高级软件工程师,2001-2005任University of South Florida计算机系研究教授。近十年来一直从事软件工程、计算机理论方面的教学和科研工作,主持一项国家自然科学基金重大研究计划面上项目、一项浙江省自然科学基金重点项目。

在《IEEE Transactions on Service Computing》、《IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems》、《Information Sciences》、《Mathematical and Computer Modeling》、《Fuzzy Sets and System》、《计算机学报》、ICSE/PESOS、ICWE、SCC、QSIC、COMPSAC、ICFEM、ICTAC、SEKE、TASE等国内外刊物或国际会议上发表学术论文60多篇,其中SCI、EI收录58篇。



2.(主持)国家自然科学基金重大研究计划:基于常微分方程的程序死锁检测研究(No. 90818013),50万,2009年1月-2011年12月。




[1] Zuohua Ding, Mingyue Jiang, Abraham Kandel. Port Based Reliability Computing For Service Composition. In: IEEE Transactions on Service Computing, accepted(SCI)

[2] Zuohua Ding, Mingyue Jiang, Jens Palsberg, From Textual Use Cases to Service Component Models. In: ICSE/PESOS 2011.(顶级会议)

[3] Zuohua Ding, Hui Shen, and Abraham Kandel, Performance Analysis of Service Composition Based on Fuzzy Differential Equations. In: IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, vol.19, no.1 pp.164-178, 2011. (SCI)

[4] Zuohua Ding, Mingyue Jiang, Geguang Pu, Jing Liu, Requirement checking: Generating uses cases out of navigational logs in Web applications, QSIC2010 (EI).

[5] Zuohua Ding, Na Zhang, Modeling and Behavior Checking of Component Based Architecture, In: SEDM’10, Chengdu, 2010. (EI)

[6] Lei Zhou, Jing Ping, Hao Xiao, Zheng Wang, Geguang Pu, Zuohua Ding, Automatically Testing Web Services Choreography with Assertions. In: ICFEM’10, 2010, pp.138-154.(EI)

[7] Xijiao Xiong, Jing Liu, Zuohua Ding, Design and Verification of a Trustable Medical System. In: ENTCS, vol.266, 2010, pp.77-92.(EI)

[8] Zuohua Ding, Hui Shen, Jing Liu, Applying Ordinary Differential Equations To The Performance Analysis of Service Composition, ICFEM2010, Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences. vol.6447,155-170.

[9] Zuohua Ding and Hui Shen, Applying Fuzzy Differential Equations to the Performance Analysis of Service Composition,Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences, vol.6215, pp. 118–125, 2010

[10] Zuohua Ding, Static Analysis of Concurrent Programs Using Ordinary Differential Equations(Invited Talk). ICTAC 2009, Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences, vol.5684, pp. 1-35, 2009. (EI)

[11] Zuohua Ding, Qi-Wei Ge, and Jueliang Hu, Fuzzy Timed Petri Nets and The Performance Analysis,Information, vol.12, no.5,2009.(SCIE)

[12] Zuohua Ding, Mingyue Jiang, Geguang Pu, Jeff W. Sanders, Modelling and Verification of Web Navigation. Proceedings of International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE’09) (top conference), Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences, vol.5648, pp.181-188, 2009. (EI)

[13] Zuohua Ding, Jing Liu, An Improvement of Software Architecture Verification, Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 243, Pages 49-67, 2009. (EI)

[14] Zuohua Ding, Mingyue Jiang, Jing Liu, Model Checking Service Component Composition By SPIN, In Proceedings of 8th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Computer and Information Science (ICIS 2009), June 1-3, 2009, Shanghai, China (EI)

[15] Zuohua Ding,Mingyue Jiang,Rebuilding Web Application Requirements Based On User Navigation,2009 Fifth International Joint Conference on INC, IMS and IDC,2009.(EI)

[16] Zuohua Ding, Mingyue Jiang, Port Based Reliability Computing For Service Composition, Proceedings of International Conference on Service Computing (SCC’09), Bangalore, India, Sept 21-25, 2009. (EI)

[17] Zuohua Ding, Mingyue Jiang, Modelling and Verification of Port Based Component Composition, Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Quality Conference (QSIC’09), Jeju, Korea, 24-25 August 2009. (EI)

[18] 丁佐华, 江明月,刘静, 基于常微分方程的死锁检测实验分析,计算机学报,vol.32, Sept. 2009. (EI)

[19] Jueliang Hu, Zuohua Ding and Geguang Pu, Path-based Approach to Integration Testing, Proceedings of IEEE SSIRI 2009, Shanghai, July 8-10, 2009. (EI)

[20] Zheng Wang, Xiao Yu, Tao Sun, Geguang Pu and Zuohua Ding. Test Data Generation for Derived Types in C Program, Proceedings of 3rd IEEE TASE’09, July 29 - 31, 2009, Tianjin, China. (EI)

[21] Jueliang Hu, Zuohua Ding, and Jing Liu, Measuring the Survivability of Object-Oriented Software, Proceedings of 3rd IEEE TASE’09, July 29 - 31, 2009, Tianjin, China. (EI)

[22] Xiaoan Bao, Na Zhang, and Zuohua Ding, Test Case Generation of Concurrent Programs Based on Event Graph, Proceedings of IEEE NCM’09, August 25-27, 2009, Seoul – Korea. (EI)

[23] Zuohua Ding, Kao Zhang and Jueliang Hu, A rigorous approach towards test case generation, Information Sciences, vol.178, pp. 4057-4079, 2008. (SCI)

[24] Zuohua Ding, Zhenbang Chen and Jing Liu, A rigorous model of service component architecture, Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, vol.207, pp. 33-48 , 2008. (EI)

[25] Zuohua Ding, Jianming Dong, Wei Han, Formal Architectural Models For Agent Based Service System, International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, vol.31, pp. 45-63, 2008。(EI)

[26] Zuohua Ding, Lujuan Xiao, Jueliang Hu, Performance analysis of service composition using ordinary differential equations, IEEE FTDCS, Oct, 2008. (EI)

[27] Zuohua Ding, Kao Zhang, Performance analysis of concurrent programs using ordinary differential equations, IEEE COMPSAC, pp. 841-846, Aug. 2008. (EI) 。







