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考研时间: 2012-07-06 来源:查字典考研网








2003年6月毕业于浙江大学光电系,获学士学位,2008年6月毕业于瑞典皇家工学院微电子与应用物理学系,获博士学位,主要从事平面光波导型集成光学器件的研究,近年来共发表SCI收录论文二十余篇,其中包括在Optics Letters, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters,Journal of Lightwave Technology等期刊上的第一作者SCI论文十余篇,并获已授权国家发明专利2项。





[1] 时尧成, 戴道锌, 何赛灵, 孙淼, “一种基于非对称干涉臂马赫曾德干涉仪型传感器”,专利号:200510060358.4,授权公告日:2008.11.12

[2] 时尧成, 何赛灵, 王喆超, “基于光子晶体和多模干涉耦合器混合型的偏振分束器”,专利号:200710067473.3,授权公告日:2009.9.9



1.国家自然科学基金项目:基于光子晶体慢光效应的微流控传感器研究 项目编号:60907018 2010.1-2012.12

2.863 子课题:高速光子集成芯片的共性关键技术 2011.1-2013.12

3.第二批中国博士后科学基金特别资助项目:基于平面光波导的单纤三向复用器的研究项目编号:200902628 2008.12-2010.6

4.第44批中国博士后科学基金项目(一等资助):基于光子晶体与传统光波导的新型混合集成光子器件研究 项目编号:20080440198 2009.12-2010.12

5.973 子课题:新型人工电磁介质的理论与应用研究 项目编号:2004CB719800 2008.9-2009.12

6.教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金项目:传统光波导与光子晶体混合光集成器件的研究 [2009]1341 2010.1-2012.12


1.Yaocheng Shi, Fu Xin, and Daoxin Dai, “Design and fabrication of a 200 GHz Si-nanowire-based reflective arrayed-waveguide grating (de)multiplexer with optimized photonic crystal reflectors,” Applied Optics, 49(26):4859-4865, Sep.2010.

2.Tao Cai, Qingkun Liu, Pengxin Chen, Yaocheng Shi* and Sailing He, “An efficiently tunable Micro-Ring resonator using a liquid crystal cladded polymer waveguide,” Applied Physics Letters, 97(12): 121109, Sep.2010.

3.Yuqing Jiao, Pengxin Chen, Jing Hu, Yaocheng Shi*, Daoxin Dai, and Sailing He, “Experimental demonstration of bending multimode interference couplers for arbitrary power splitting,” Electronics Letters, 46(8 ): 583-584, April 2010.

4.Yaocheng Shi, Naeem Shahid, Mingyu Li, Audrey Berrier, Sailing He, and Srinivasan Anand, “Experimental demonstration of an ultracompact polarization beamsplitter based on a multimode interference coupler with internal photonic crystals,” Opt.Eng.(letter), vol.49, 060503, June 2010.

5.Yaocheng Shi, “A compact polarization beam splitter based on a multimode photonic crystal waveguide with an internal photonic crystal section,” Progress in Electromagnetic Research, PIER 103, page 393-401, March 2010.

6.Yaocheng Shi, Srinivasan Anand and Sailing He, “Design of a polarization insensitive triplexer using directional couplers based on sub-micron silicon rib waveguides,” IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, 27(11):1443-1446, June 2009.

7.Yuqing Jiao, Daoxin Dai, Yaocheng Shi*, and Sailing He.Shortened polarization beam splitters with two cascaded multimode interference sections.IEEE Photonics Technology Letters,21(20): 1538-1540, Sep.2009.

8.Yaocheng Shi, Sailing He and Srinivasan Anand, “Ultracompact directional couplers realized in InP by utilizing feature size dependent etching,” Optics Letters, 33(17):1927-1929, Sep.2008.

9.Yaocheng Shi, Srinivasan Anand and Sailing He, “A polarization insensitive 1310/1550nm demultiplexer based on sandwiched multimode interference waveguides,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 19(22): 1789-1791, Nov.2007.

10.Yaocheng Shi, Daoxin Dai, and Sailing He, “Proposal for an ultra-compact polarization beam splitter based on a photonic-crystal-assisted multimode interference coupler,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 19(11): 825-827, June 2007.

11.Yaocheng Shi, and Daoxin Dai, “Design of a Compact Multimode Interference Coupler Based on Deeply-etched SiO2 Ridge Waveguides,” Optics Communications, 271/2: 404-407, March 2007.

12.Yaocheng Shi, Daoxin Dai, and Sailing He, “Novel ultracompact triplexer based on photonic crystal waveguides,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 18(21):2293-2295, Nov.2006.

13.Yaocheng Shi, Daoxin Dai, and Sailing He, “Improved performance of a silicon-on-insulator-based multimode interference coupler by using taper structures,” Optics Communications, 253/4-6:276-282, Sep.2005.

14.Yuqing Jiao, Yaocheng Shi, Daoxin Dai, and Sailing He, “Accurate and efficient simulation for silicon-nanowire-based multimode interference couplers with a 3D finite-element mode-propagation analysis,” Journal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics, vol.27, pp.1813-1818, Sep 2010.

15.Jianwei Wang, Xiaowei Guan, Yingran He, Yaocheng Shi, Zhechao Wang, Sailing He, Petter Holmström, Lech Wosinski, Lars Thylen, and Daoxin Dai, “Sub-μm2 power splitters by using silicon hybrid plasmonic waveguides,” Optics Express 19(2), 838-847, 2011.

16.Yimin Lou, Hui Wang, Qingkun Liu, Yaocheng Shi, and Sailing He, "Analysis and fabrication of corner cube array based on laser direct writing technology," Appl.Opt.49, 5567-5574 (2010).

17.Y.M.Lou, Q.K.Liu, H.Wang, Y.C.Shi, and S.L.He, "Rapid fabrication of an electrically switchable liquid crystal Fresnel zone lens," Applied Optics, vol.49, pp.4995-5000, Sep 2010.

18.Daoxin Dai, Fu Xin, Yaocheng Shi and Sailing He, “Experimental demonstration of an ultracompact Si-nanowire-based reflective arrayed-waveguide grating (de)multiplexer with photonic crystal reflectors,” Optics Letters, 35(15): 2594-2596, Aug.2010.

19.Daoxin Dai, Yaocheng Shi, Sailing He, “Comparative study of the integration density for passive linear planar lightwave circuits based on three different kinds of nanophotonic waveguides,” Applied Optics, 46(7):1126-1131, March 2007.

20.Daoxin Dai, Yaocheng Shi, Sailing He, “Characteristic analysis of nanosilicon rectangular waveguides for planar light-wave circuits of high integration,” Applied Optics, 45(20):4941-4946, July, 2006.

21.Daoxin Dai, Yaocheng Shi, “Deeply-etched SiO2 ridge waveguide for sharp bends,” IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, 24(12): 5019-5024, Dec.2006.

22.A.Berrier, Y.Shi, J.Siegert, S.Marcinkevicius, S.He and S.Anand, “Accumulated sidewall damage in dry etched photonic crystals,” Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 27(4): 1969-1975, July/Aug 2009.

23.Daoxin Dai, Yaocheng Shi, Sailing He, “Theoretical Investigation for Reducing Polarization-sensitivity in Si-nanowire-based arrayed-waveguide grating (de)multiplexer with polarization-beam-splitters and reflectors,” IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 45(6): 654-660, June 2009.







