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考研时间: 2012-07-06 来源:查字典考研网











新体制超宽带微波混沌雷达研究 20081231

GFJG-E10658 20070630

微波异向介质理论与应用基础研究 自选课题 99999999

用于mimo信道仿真的新型数值方法研究 浙江大学 20081231


1.Multi-frequency Resonator Based on Dual Bands S Shaped Left-handed MaterialMulti-frequency Resonator Based on Dual Bands S Shaped Left-handed Material Poogress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium 20063P8<>, 20060804 D.X.Wang,J.T.Huangfu,L.X.Ran,B.I Wu,T.M.Grzegorczyk,H.S.Chen,J.A.Kong

2.The Effective Permittivity of Metal Rod Arrays In Thz BandThe Effective Permittivity of Metal Rod Arrays In Thz Band Poogress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium 20063P8<>, 20060804 S.Xi,L.F.Shen,J.T.Huangfu,L.X.Ran,J.A.Kong

3.A Miniaturized Phased Array Aperture Antenna Based On Bulk Ferroelectric MaterialA Miniaturized Phased Array Aperture Antenna Based On Bulk Ferroelectric Material Poogress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium 20063P8<>, 20060804 L.Peng,J.T.Huangfu,L.X.Ran,Y.Y.K.Zou,J.A.Kong

4.Experimental Realization of A Wide-band Backward Coupling Waveguide Coupler Using Left-handed MaterialExperimental Realization of A Wide-band Backward Coupling Waveguide Coupler Using Left-handed Materi Poogress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium 20063P8<>, 20060804 J.J.Zhang,J.T.Huangfu,H.S.Chen,L.X.Ran,J.A.Kong

5.Highly Directive Antenna Based on Anisotropic MetamaterialsHighly Directive Antenna Based on Anisotropic Metamaterials Poogress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium 20061P5<>, 20060802 Y.Yuan,J.T.Huangfu,L.F.Sheng,L.X.Ran,J.A.Kong

6.Subwavelength Imaging in Stratified Photonic Crystal SlabSubwavelength Imaging in Stratified Photonic Crystal Slab Poogress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium 20061P5<>, 20060802 H.F.Zhang,L.F.Sheng,J.T.Huangfu,Y.Yuan,L.X.Ran,J.A.Kong

7.Equivalent circuit model for left-handed metamaterialsEquivalent_circuit_model_for_left-handed_metamaterials JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS100<2>, 20060715 Chen HS, Ran LX, Huangfu JT, Grzegorczyk TM, Kong JA

8.Measurement of negative permittivity and permeability from experimental transmission and reflection with effects of cell misalignmentMeasurement_of_negative_permittivity_and_permeability_from_experimental_transmission_and_reflection JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS99<123114>, 20060615 Dongxing Wang, Jiangtao Huangfu(通信作者),Lixin Ran, Hongsheng Chen,Tomasz M.Grzegorczyk,Jin Au Kong

9.Backward coupling waveguide coupler using left-handed materialBackward_coupling_waveguide_coupler_using_left-handed_material APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS88<211903>, 20060522 Yu Yuan, Lixin Ran, Hongsheng Chen, Jiangtao Huangfu(通信作者),tomasz M.Grzegorczyk ,Jin Au Kong

10.Experimental confirmation of negative refractive index of a metamaterial composed of Omega-like metallic patterns基于微带结构的一维异向介质仿真研究 电路与系统学报111<2>, 20060401 皇甫江涛; 冉立新; 陈抗生

11.Experimental verification of zero order bandgap in a layered stack of left-handed and right-handed materialsExperimental_verification_of_zero_order_bandgap_in_a_layered_stack_of_left-handed_and_right-handed_m OPTICS EXPRESS14<4>, 20060320 Yu Yuan,Lixin Ran,Jiangtao Huangfu,Hongsheng Chen,Linfang Shen,Jin Au Kong

12.Metamaterial with randomized patterns for negative refraction of electromagnetic wavesMetamaterial_with_randomized_patterns_for_negative_refraction_of_electromagnetic_waves APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS88<031908>, 20060118 H. Chen, L. Ran, D. Wang, J. Huangfu, Q. Jiang, J. A. Kong

13.非理想信道下Colpitts混沌电路的自适应同步研究 《电路与系统学报》11<4>, 2006-09-05

14.Simulation of a Novel Structure for two-dimensional Left-handed MaterialSimulation of a Novel Structure for two-dimensional Left-handed Material Poogress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium 20054P4a<>, 20050825 Jiangtao Huangfu,Linxin ran,Hongsheng Chen,Xianmin Zhang,J.A.Kong

15.Performance comparison of two synchronization schemes for Colpitts circuits based chaotic communication system over noise channelPerformance_comparison_of_two_synchronization_schemes_for_Colpitts_circuits_based_chaotic_communicat Proceedings of the World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA)2<>, 20050615 Zhiguo Shi,Jiangtao Huangfu,Lixin Ran

16.Design and simulation of new type lefthanded metamaterial structure一种新型人工异向介质结构的设计和仿真 浙大学报工学版39<4>, 20050401 皇甫江涛,冉立新,陈抗生

17.Negative refraction of a combined double S-shaped metamateriaNegative_refraction_of_a_combined_double_S-shaped_metamateria APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS86<151909>, 20050401 Chen HS,Ran LX,Huangfu JT,Zhang XM,Chen KS,Grzegorczyk TM,Kong JA

18.Experimental realization of a one-dimensional LHM-RHM resonatorExperimental_realization_of_a_one-dimensional_LHM-RHM_resonator Microwave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Transactions on53<4>, 20050401 Yan Li, Lixin Ran, Hongsheng Chen, Jiangtao Huangfu, Xianmin Zhang ,Kangsheng Chen,Grzegorczyk TM,Jin Au Kong

19.Design and testing of different metamaterial structuresDesign_and_testing_of_different_metamaterial_structures IEEE International Workshop on Antenna Technology PROCEEDINGS<>, 20050307 Jiangtao Huangfu,Lixin Ran,Hongsheng Chen,Xianmin Zhang,Kangsheng Chen,Jin Au Kong

20.Magnetic properties of S-shaped split-ring resonators Magnetic_properties_of_S-shaped_split-ring_resonators Progress In Electromagnetics Research,PIER 51<51>, 20050211 H. S. Chen, L. X. Ran, J. T. Huangfu, X. M. Zhang, K. S. Chen,Grezegorczyk.TM,J.A.Kong

21.Experimental Study on Several Left-handed MetamaterialsExperimental_Study_on_Several_Left-handed_Metamaterials Progress In Electromagnetics Research,PIER 51<51>, 20050211 L. Ran, J. Huangfu, H. Chen, X. Zhang, K. Cheng,T.M.Grzegorczyk,J.A.Kong

22.Impact of the metamaterial slab on the propagation of a Gaussian beam 浙大学报Vol.38, 2005-10-01

23.Experimental confirmation of negative refraction index of a combined double S-shaped metamaterial Applied physics lettersVol.86, 2005-04-01

24.Experimental Realization of a One Dimensional LHM-RHM Resonator IEEE MTTVol.53, 2005-04-01

25.一种新型人工异向介质结构的设计和仿真 浙大学报Vol.39, 2005-04-01

26.Design and testing of different metamaterial structures 2005 IEEE International Workshop on Antenna Technology<>, 2005-03-01

27.Magnetic properties of S-shaped split-ring resonators Progress In Electromagnetics Research<>, 2005-01-01

28.Experimental Study on Several Left-handed Metamaterials. Progress In Electromagnetics Research<>, 2005-01-01

29.Refraction of Gaussian beam in prism of metamaterials高斯波束在异向介质棱镜中的折射 浙江大学学报工学版38<12>, 20041201 陈红胜,皇甫江涛,冉立新,章献民,陈抗生,孔金瓯

30.Left-handed materials composed of only S-shaped resonatorsLeft-handed_materials_composed_of_only_S-shaped_resonators PHYSICAL REVIEW E70<5>, 20041130 Hongsheng Chen, Lixin Ran, Jiangtao Huangfu, Xianmin Zhang, Kangsheng Chen

31.Metamaterial exhibiting left-handed properties over multiple frequency bandsMetamaterial_exhibiting_left-handed_properties_over_multiple_frequency_bands JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS90<9>, 20041101 Hongsheng Chen, Lixin Ran, Jiangtao Huangfu, Xianmin Zhang, Kangsheng Chen,grzegorczyk.TMS,JA Kong

32.Impact of the metamaterial slab on the propagation of a Gaussian beam异向介质平板对高斯波传播的影响 浙江大学学报(工学版)38<10>, 20041001 陈红胜,冉立新,皇甫江涛,章献民,陈抗生,孔金瓯

33.Microwave solid-state left-handed material with a broad bandwidth and an ultralow lossMicrowave_solid-state_left-handed_material_with_a_broad_bandwidth_and_an_ultralow_loss PHYSICAL REVIEW B70<>, 20040820 L. Ran,J. Huangfu,H. Chen,Y. Li,X. Zhang, K. Chen,J. A. Kong

34.Beam shifting experiment for the characterization of left-handed propertiesBeam_shifting_experiment_for_the_characterization_of_left-handed_properties JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS95<5>, 20040301 Lixin Ran, Jiangtao Huangfu, Hongsheng Chen, Xianmin Zhang, Kangsheng Chen

35.Experimental confirmation of negative refractive index of a metamaterial composed of Omega-like metallic patternsExperimental_confirmation_of_negative_refractive_index_of_a_metamaterial_composed_of_Omega-like_meta APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS84<9>, 20040301 Jiangtao Huangfu, Lixin Ran, Hongsheng Chen, Xian-min Zhang, Kangsheng Chen

36.Circuit Analysis on S-shaped resonator International Symposium on Photonic Crystals and Meta-materials<>, 2004-12-01







