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考研时间: 2012-07-06 来源:查字典考研网








已授权发明专利8项,发表学术论文60余篇,其中SCI收录学术论文31篇,论文已被他引100余次(Web of Science)。

作为项目负责人承担了包括国家自然科学基金,浙江省自然科学基金,浙江省科技计划项目,中国博士后科学基金(一等资助) 以及多项企业合作课题。教学方面,承担了电子信息工程专业必修课程“无线通信原理与应用”等课程的主讲工作,承担的浙江大学实验设备研制项目“OFDM通信系统实验设备研制”验收鉴定评为优秀。2009年4月由浙大出版社出版教材“基于Xilinx FPGA的OFDM通信系统基带设计”。



1.信息与信号处理 2.无线通信与网络


Published Journal Papers:

Wang XF, Chen JF, Shi ZG, Chen KS, Fuzzy-control based particle filter for maneuvering target tracking, Progress In Electromagnetics Research, 2011, 118: 1-15.

Hong SH, Wang L, Shi ZG, Chen KS, Simplified particle PHD filter for multiple target tracking: algorithm and architecture, Progress In Electromagnetics Research, 2011, 120: 481-498.

Wei XC, Shi ZG, Li EP, A novel combined equivalent networks analysis for power and ground planes with narrow slots, IEEE Trans. Electromagn. Compat., 2010, 52(4): 994-1000.

Hong SH, Shi ZG, Chen JM, Chen KS, A low-power memory-efficient resampling architecture for particle filters, Circuit System and Signal Processing, 2010, 29(1): 155-167 .

Hong SH, Shi ZG, Chen KS, Easy-hardware-implementation MMPF for maneuvering target tracking: algorithm and architecture, Journal of Signal Processing Systems, 2010, 61: 259-269.

Yang SN, Shi ZG, Chi H, Zhang XM, Zheng SL, Jin XF, Yao JP, Photonic analog-to-digital conversion using multiple comparators and Mach-Zehnder modulators with identical half-wave voltages, Optics Communications, 2009, 282(4): 504-507.

Li Y, Gu YJ, Shi ZG, Chen KS, Robust adaptive beamforming based on particle filter with noise unknown, Progress In Electromagnetics Research, 2009, 90: 151-169.

Li LY, Liu HW, Teng BH, Shi ZG, Li WM, Li XH, Wang SX, Novel microstrip lowpass filter using stepped impedance resonator and spurline resonator, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 2009, 51(1): 196-197.

Chen JF, Shi ZG, Hong SH, Chen KS. Grey prediction based particle filter for maneuvering target tracking, Progress In Electromagnetics Research, 2009, 93: 237-254.

Shi ZG, Hong SH, Chen JM, Chen KS, Sun YX, Particle Filter-Based Synchronization of Chaotic Colpitts Circuits Combating AWGN Channel Distortion, Circuits Systems and Signal Processing, 2008, 27(6): 833-845.

Cao KJ, Chen JM, Shi ZG, Xu WQ, Sun YX, Localization for mobile target in wireless sensor networks, Journal of Electronics (China), 2008, 25(4): 523-528.

Hong SH, Shi ZG, Chen KS, EKF-based dual synchronization of chaotic Colpitts circuit and Chua ’s circuit, KYBERNETIKA, 2008, 44(4): 482-491.

Shi ZG, Hong SH, Chen KS, Experimental study on tracking the state of analog Chua’s circuit with particle filter for chaos synchronization, Physics Letters A, 2008, 372: 5575-5580.

Shi ZG, Hong SH, Chen KS, Tracking airborne targets hidden in blinde Doppler using current statistical model particle filter, Progress In Electromagnetics Research, 2008, 82: 227-240.

Liu HW, Shi ZG, Boutejdar A, Knoechel RH, Schuenemann KF, Harmonics suppression of Wilkinson power divider using spurlines with adjustable rejection bands, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 2008, 50(3): 601-604.

Gu YJ, Shi ZG, Chen KS, Li Y, Robust adaptive beamforming for steering vector uncertainties based on equivalent DOAs method, Progress In Electromagnetics Research, 2008, 79: 277-290.

Gu YJ, Shi ZG, Chen KS, Li Y, Robust adaptive beamforming for a class of Gaussian steering vector mismatch, Progress In Electromagnetics Research, 2008, 81: 315-328.

Hong SH, Shi ZG, Chen KS, Novel roughening algorithm and hardware architecture for bearings-only tracking using particle filter, Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 2008, 22: 411-422.

Gu YJ, Li Y, Shi ZG, Chen KS, Constellation labeling and compression for M-ary symbols with unequal a Priori probability, WSEAS transactions on communications, 2007, 6(6): 738-745.

Liu HW, Shi ZG, Knoechel RH, Schuenemann KF, Circuit modeling of spurline and its applications to microstrip bandstop filters, Microwave Journal, 2007, 50(11): 126-128.

Shi ZG, Ren W, Liu HW, Chen KS, Novel ″buried-on-wall″ 900 MHz cavity-backed slot antenna with circular polarization, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters 2007, 49(12): 3169-3172.

Liu HW, Sun LL, Shi ZG, Dual-bandgap characteristics of spurline filters and its circuit modeling, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 2007, 49(11): 2805-2807.

Shi ZG, Zhang Y, Liu HW, Ran LX, Randomness test of signal generated by microwave chaotic Colpitts oscillator, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 2007, 49(8): 1981-1984.

Ren W, Shi ZG, Chen KS, Novel planar monopole UWB antenna with 5-GHz band-notched characteristic, Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 2007, 21(12): 1645-1652.

Ren W, Shi ZG, Liu HW, Chen KS, Novel compact 2.4/5-GHz dual-band T-slot antenna for WLAN operations, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 2007, 49(6): 1236-1238.

Qiao S, Zhi ZG, et al, A new architecture of UWB radar utilizing microwave chaotic signals and chaos synchronization, Progress In Electromagnetics Research, 2007, 75: 225-237.

Shi ZG, Qiao S, et al, Ambiguity functions of direct chaotic radar employing microwave chaotic Colpitts oscillator, Progress In Electromagnetics Research, 2007, 77: 1-14.

Zang W, Shi ZG, Du SC, Chen KS, Novel roughening method for reentry vehicle tracking using particle filter, Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 2007, 21(14): 1969-1981.

Shi ZG, Ran LX, Microwave chaotic Colpitts oscillator: Design, implementation and applications, Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 2006, 20(10): 1335-1349.

Shen C, Shi ZG, Ran LX, Adaptive synchronization of chaotic Colpitts circuits against parameter mismatch and channel distortions, Journal of Zhejiang University: Science, 2006, 2(SII): 228-236.

Du SC, Shi ZG, Zang W, Chen KS, Using interacting multiple model particle filter to tracking airborne targets hidden in blind Doppler, Journal of Zhejiang University Science, 2007, 8(8): 1277-1282.

Shi ZG, Ran LX, Chen KS, Simulation and experimental study of chaos generation in microwave band using Colpitts circuit, Journal of Electronics, 2006, 23(3): 433-436.

Fan Y, Shi ZG, Ran LX, Chen KS. A secret sharing featured secure communication system based on dual synchronization of chaos in Colpitts circuits, Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Science), 2006, E-11(2): 158-164.

Shi ZG, Ran LX, Chen KS, Multiplexing chaotic signals generated by Colpitts oscillator and Chua circuit using dual synchronization, Chinese physics letters, 2005, 22(6): 1336-1339.







