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考研时间: 2013-08-01 来源:查字典考研网

2002. 09. 01 - 2004. 08. 31 韩国 首尔大学 硕士

2004. 09. 01 - 2008. 02. 28 韩国 首尔大学 博士

2008. 03. 01 - 2009. 05. 31 韩国 首尔大学 前任研究员

2009. 06. 01 - 2012. 02. 29 韩国 首尔大学 研究教授

2012. 03. 01 - Present 中国 中国药科大学 教授


Biomedical Polymer-based Drug Delivery, Gene Delivery, Tissue Engineering


1. Kim JH and Jiang HL et al. Biomaterials. 2012;33:1894-1902. (5-Year Impact Factor: 8.415) Citation> 0

2. Kim BS and Jiang HL et al. Prog Polym Sci. 2011;36:238-68. (5-Year Impact Factor: 28.980) Citation> 6

3. Jiang HL et al. Biomaterials. 2009;30:5844-52. (5-Year Impact Factor: 8.415) Citation> 36

4. Jiang HL et al. J Control Release. 2008;131:150-7. (5-Year Impact Factor: 7.529) Citation> 46

5. Jiang HL et al. Biomaterials. 2008;29:1931-9. (5-Year Impact Factor: 8.415) Citation> 36

6. Kim TH and Jiang HL et al. Prog Polym Sci. 2007;32:726-53. (5-Year Impact Factor: 28.980) Citation> 110

7. Jiang HL et al. J Control Release. 2007;117:273-80. (5-Year Impact Factor: 7.529) Citation> 126


1. Jiang HL, Kim YK, Cho CS, Cho MH, Medical polymer-based gene therapy. In: Non-Viral Gene Therapy. Editor: Yuan X, pp. 417-438 © 2011 INTECH Open Access Publisher, Croatia.

2. Jiang HL, Choi YJ, Cho MH, Cho CS, Chitosan and chitosan derivatives as DNA and siRNA carriers. In: Chitin, chitosan, oligosaccharides and their derivatives. Editor: Kim SK, pp. 377-390 © 2010 CRC Press.

3. Jiang HL, Kim YK, Arote R, Jere D, Choi YJ, Cho MH, Cho CS, Polysaccharide-graft-polyethylenimine as gene carriers, In: Polysaccharides: Development, properties and applications. Editor: Tiwari A, pp. 187-200 © 2010 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

4. Jiang HL, Cho CS, Safety and efficiency of gene therapy for clinical applications. In: Gene therapy focused on gene carriers. Editor: Cho CS, pp. 185-198, 2009 Seoul National University Press.


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