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考研时间: 2015-12-09 来源:查字典考研网


1. 电商大战美黑色星期五

2. 国防和军队改革同推进

3. 以分钟计算的克强节奏

4. 2020年普及签约家庭医生

5. 公安部研究黑户落户制

6. 北京拥堵时间成本最高

7. 天津拟建最大克隆工厂

8. 美国发布全球旅行警示

1. 黑色星期五

Black Friday


Major Chinese e-commerce platforms are offering promotions for the Black Friday shopping event, which follows the US Thanksgiving holiday, providing a new channel for Chinese consumers to buy imported items at a discount.


黑色星期五标志着圣诞购物季的开始(the start of the Christmas shopping season),这个说法是零售商在20世纪60年代创造出来的。在繁忙的圣诞礼品采购季中,这一天正是商店生意开始好转的时候。英语中in the red表示亏损,into the black则是财政上变得有盈余的意思,Black Friday由此而来。

美国人习惯在感恩节过后马上开始为亲友选购圣诞节礼物(Christmas gifts),所以黑色星期五跟中国的双11不同,不是纯粹的人造购物节(not really a made up shopping carnival)。感恩节是11月最后一个星期四,许多身在他乡的美国人会在周五请假,凑出一个长周末,赶回家和家人相聚,所以这个周五很适合开始圣诞购物。

近年来,黑色星期五的购物热潮也逐渐从线下扩展到了线上,并借助电商平台扩大成全球性的购物狂欢节。今年各跨境电商平台(cross-border e-commerce platforms)对黑五的追逐空前热烈,例如,亚马逊宣布下调亚马逊欧洲网站直邮中国的邮费(shipping costs),降幅最高可达50%(provide reductions of up to 50%)。


网络星期一(感恩节假期后的第一个工作日的网购促销活动) Cyber Monday

剁手党 hands-chopping people

限时抢购 flash sale

礼品卡 gift card

现金礼券 cash coupon

直邮 direct shipping

海淘 buy products from overseas websites

冲动购买 impulse buying

2. 国防和军队改革

defense and military reforms


President Xi Jinping said deepening defense and military reforms is a crucial step for the militarys future, a sure path to a strong military, and a call of the time to realize the Chinese dream as well as a strong military dream.


习近平强调,要动员全军和各方面力量(call on the military and related sectors),全面实施改革强军战略(the strategy of strengthening the military through reforms)。

深化国防和军队改革(deepen defense and military reforms)要着力解决体制性障碍、结构性矛盾、政策性问题(break down systematic, structural and policy barriers),推进军队组织形态现代化(modernize the organization of the military),进一步解放和发展战斗力、进一步解放和增强军队活力(further unleash the combat capacity and vigor of the military),建设同我国国际地位相称、同国家安全和发展利益相适应的巩固国防和强大军队(build a firm defense and strong military commensurate with Chinas international standing and interests in security and development)。


中央军事委员会(军委) the Central Military Commission (CMC)

军委集中统一领导 the CMCs centralized and unified leadership

军委管总 the CMC takes charge of the overall administration of the Chinese Peoples Liberation Army and the Chinese Peoples Armed Police

战区主战 battle zone commands focus on combats

军种主建 different military services pursue their own construction

军委战区部队的作战指挥体系 a three-tier CMC - battle zone commands - troops command system

军委军种部队的领导管理体系 administration system that runs from CMC through various services to the troops

非战斗机构人员 non-combatant personnel

裁军(动词) cut military personnel; slash troop numbers; cut troops

裁军(名词) reduction in troops; troop cut

3. 克强节奏

Keqiang rhythm


Premier Li Keqiangs tight schedule in Suzhou continued after his fast-paced diplomacy in the just concluded Malaysia trip for the ASEAN annual meeting. Chinese media dubbed Lis diligent working style Keqiang rhythm.


一位外交官发愁道:尽管总理历次出访日程皆以高效率(efficient)、快节奏(fast-paced)著称,但像此次这样两大多边外事活动(foreign affairs)无缝衔接、密不透风的日程安排(intensive/tight schedule)还前所未有。我们简直不知道该怎么安排!

的确,梳理总理此次外交日程(diplomatic schedule)便可发现,20日至23日,他出席了在马来西亚吉隆坡举行的第十八次中国东盟领导人会议(the 18th China-ASEAN leaders meeting)、第十八次东盟与中日韩领导人会议(the 18th ASEAN-China, Japan and South Korea leaders meeting)和第十届东亚峰会(the 10th East Asia Summit),并对马来西亚进行正式访问(official visit)。期间,他还在几个网站发表主旨演讲(keynote speech),并穿插若干场双边机制性会议。

随后,他于24日凌晨飞抵苏州,出席第四次中国中东欧国家领导人会晤(the Fourth Leaders Meeting of China and Central and Eastern European Countries),并于当晚连轴与爱沙尼亚、波兰、斯洛文尼亚等中东欧国家领导人举行双边会谈(hold bilateral talks)。


克强经济学 Likonomics

外交场合 diplomatic occasions

高铁外交 high-speed rail(way) diplomacy

熊猫外交 panda diplomacy

乒乓外交 ping-pong diplomacy

尿布外交 diaper diplomacy

4. 签约家庭医生

signed-up family doctor


The National Health and Family Planning Commission said local health authorities should make efforts to ensure every family is signed up with a qualified doctor by the end of 2020.


卫计委还要求大力推进全科医生(general practitioner)转岗培训,充实全科医生队伍。以提高实用技能为重点,加强社区卫生在岗人员(medical staff at community-level hospitals and clinics)培训和继续医学教育,社区卫生技术人员每5年累计参加技术培训时间不少于3个月。

在我国,人们习惯于生小病跑大医院,因为不少人担心基层医院(grassroots hospitals)的医疗水平有限。这种观念不仅会导致看病更难更贵,而且会加剧城乡医疗资源分布不均(worsen the imbalance in the distribution of medical resources between rural and urban areas)。


医疗证明 medical certificate

医疗用品 healthcare products

医疗资源 medical resources

检验结果 medical results

分级诊疗制度 hierarchical medical system

住院 hospitalization

转诊 referral

5. 黑户

people who lack a hukou; unregistered citizens


China is considering registering its tens of millions of people who lack a hukou, or household registration, which would mark a historic solution to a decades-old problem.


就中国的户籍制度来说,黑户是指在全国人口普查(national census)中没有户籍资料,没有户口卡(常住人口登记卡),并且没有身份证的人。没有户籍资料导致的黑户是我们平时生活中接触最多的,可以用英文people who lack a hukou (household registration)、people unregistered in the household registration system或者unregistered residents来表示。

相关统计显示,我国黑户人口总量在1300万左右,占总人口1%。这些黑户中60%以上是超生人员(extra births),其他还包括没有主动上户口(do not report for registration)、弃婴(abandoned babies)、未婚生育(birth out of wedlock)、重要证件丢失(lose key certificates)、户籍办理程序繁琐或基层部门不作为(dereliction of community-level governments)等多种原因导致的无户籍人员(unregistered residents)。因为没有户口,他们大多数人没有社会保障(social security),失去正常的工作、生活和受教育机会,极度缺乏安全感(hold a strong sense of insecurity)。此外,黑户的存在也加剧了社会不稳定(increase the possibility of social instability)和户籍造假等问题。


户口迁移政策 household registration transfer policy

户口 registered permanent residence; household registration

户籍制度改革 reform of household registration system

积分落户制度 points system for household registration

人口管理 population management

6. 拥堵时间成本

time-cost due to traffic congestion


Beijing commuters lose an average of RMB808 in time-cost per month due to traffic congestion, the highest among major Chinese cities, according to An Analysis Report of Traffic in Major Chinese Cities in the Third Quarter of 2015 released on Tuesday by AutoNavi Software Co.


北京通勤族交通高峰期(rush hour)每出行1小时,就有30分钟耗费在严重堵车上(wasted on traffic jams)。报告还显示,经济越发达、基本工资越高(higher base pay)的城市,因拥堵造成的损失越大。每个月因拥堵造成时间成本(time-cost)超过600元、排在北京之后的依次是广州(753元)、深圳(728元)、上海(649元)、大连(628元)和天津(601元)。

调查称,叫车服务的广泛使用(frequent use of ride-hailing services)被认为是加剧交通拥堵的一大原因。交通拥堵指数(traffic jam index)在今年5月开始攀升。然而,第三季度的首堵并不是北京。报告显示,济南超越北京,拥堵排名由上季度第四飙升至第一,成为全国最拥堵的城市(the most congested city)。


通勤者 commuter

交通拥堵 traffic congestion

空域拥堵 air traffic congestion

路怒 road rage

变道 lane change

专车服务 chauffeur-driven car-on-demand service

7. 克隆工厂

cloning factory


Tianjin plans to build the worlds largest animal cloning factory next year for the cloning of beef and dairy cattle, sniffer dogs and racehorses.


该克隆工厂将主要从事优质工作犬(working dogs)、宠物犬(pet dogs)、非人灵长类(non-human primates)、优质肉牛(high-grade beef cattle)、顶级赛马(racehorses)等动物的克隆业务,从而实现克隆技术在现代畜牧品种改良(breed improvement)中的应用。据介绍,该项目将首先从批量化克隆优质日本和牛(Wagyu)开始,在全球首次实现动物领域的克隆大规模化,降低高端肉类(high-end meat)在国内的价格,让老百姓以实惠的价格买到高端牛肉。

按照计划,克隆工厂一期工程将实现年产肉牛胚胎(beef cattle embryos)数量10万头。项目二期工程(second phrase)投产后,这一数字将扩展为100万头。该项目计划投资2亿元,将建成动物克隆实验室(laboratory)、克隆动物中心(cloned animal center)、生物多样性基因资源库(gene bank of diverse species)及科教展示中心(science and education exhibition hall)等。目前,克隆工厂厂房建设基本完成,预计2016年上半年正式投产。

克隆在广义上是指利用生物技术(biotechnology)由无性生殖(asexual reproduction)产生与原个体有完全相同基因组之后代的过程。克隆技术在植物领域已经广泛应用,包括草莓、香蕉、木瓜等就大规模使用了植物无性繁殖技术(vegetative propagation),而动物克隆技术比植物克隆要晚实现了30多年。


繁殖 reproduce

染色体 chromosome

亲子鉴定 paternity test

濒危物种 endangered species

器官移植 organ transplantation

8. 全球旅行警示

global travel alert


Citing increased terrorist threats from militant groups in various regions of the world, the US State Department issued a global travel alert to American citizens on Monday.


美国国务院在警示中提醒美国公民,在公共场所或者乘坐交通工具时要保持警惕(exercise vigilance when in public places or using transportation),注意周边环境,避免到人多或者拥挤的地方(avoid large crowds or crowded places)。在假日期间、在参加假日期间的各项活动时尤须格外小心(exercise particular caution)。

美国政府发布的旅游警讯通常有2种,一种是这次发布的旅行警示(travel alert),内容较明确,期限较短,但未必表示有立即的危险,而是因为最近一连串事件而促请大家提高警觉。美国曾在2011年两度发布全球旅游警示,一次是在美国击杀基地组织首脑本拉登之后,一次则是在911恐怖攻击10周年前夕。

另一种是旅行警告(travel warning)。美国发布旅行警告是希望公民慎重考虑是否前往某个国家或地区。发布旅行警告的原因包括政局不稳(unstable government)、内战(civil war)、存在严重的犯罪和暴力行为(ongoing intense crime or violence)或恐怖袭击频发(frequent terrorist attacks)等。与旅行警示不同,旅行警告可能会因为存在安全威胁而持续多年。


旅行计划 travel plan

旅行许可 travel permit

旅行证件 travel documents

额外安检 additional security screening

紧急联系人 emergency contact

免签 visa exemption

落地签 visa upon arrival

过境免签 transit visa exemption; transit without a visa







