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考研时间: 2008-01-01 来源:查字典考研网

张东柯男 ,1963年3月生,江苏涟水县人, 1984年毕业于南京工学院工程热物理专业(学士学位),1986年在同校获硕士学位。1993年在澳大利亚纽卡斯尔大学获得博士学位。博士学位毕业后于1993-1998年在南澳大利亚阿德雷得大学化工系任教,担任讲师(1993-1995),高级讲师(1996-1997),副教授(1998),系副主任。兼任澳褐煤发电联合研究中心首席科学家,南澳州政府能源与环境顾问。1999年到西澳帕斯柯腾技术大学任化工教授,化工系主任。2000年通过与工业界及政府合作,建立澳州煤炭与可持续发展联合研究中心,任首席科学家。化工系主任任期满后,于2002年作为创始人建立了柯腾技术大学的燃料与能源研究中心,专心于能源与环境的基础研究和技术开发。1995年被聘任被聘任华中理工大学客座教授, 1996年获国际燃烧协会的大卫.瓦壬奖, 1997年被聘任东南大学客座教授, 1998年获阿德雷得大学的最佳研究生导师称号, 2000年英国皇家工程师协会与澳化工协会联合颁发的契登.幽德大奖. 2002年被中国科学院评为中科院百人计划里的海外评审专家, 2003年被聘任中科院山西煤炭化学研究所博士导师和兼职研究员。


主要科研方向包括粉煤燃烧与发电,煤气化,煤灰利用,以煤炭为基础的多联产综合资源利用;新能源开发,可再生能源, 如生物质, 城市垃圾, 污水淤泥的气化, 制油, 燃烧. 煤炭利用过程中污染物的生成与控制的研究和技术开发, 天然气利用,天然气转换液体燃料的技术,工业催化剂的基础研究和技术开发, 工业炸药的运用与安全研究, 可持续发展以及能源政策与战略的研究。在过去的十年里,获得1000万澳元的科研经费, 发表了260篇学术论文, 指导了19名博士和2名硕士研究生.


1. Zhang, D.K., Laser-induced ignition of pulverised fuel particles, Combustion and Flame, 90: 134, 1992.

2. Zhang, D.K., Hills, P.C., Wall, T.F., and Tate, The ignition of coal particles and explosions in surrounding combustible gases during heating by laser irradiation, Fuel, 71: 1206, 1992.

3. Zhang, D.K., and Wall, T.F., An analysis of the ignition of coal dust clouds, Combustion and Flame, 92: 475, 1993.

4. Zhang, D.K., Bifurcation behaviour of a heterogeneous-homogeneous reaction system with a constant power source, Combustion and Flame, 96: 171, 1994.

5. Headon, K., and Zhang, D.K., Performance of zeolite supported catalysts for selective catalytic reduction of nitric oxide and oxidation of methane, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 36: 4595 - 4599, 1997.

6. Telfer, M.A., and Zhang, D.K., An investigation of sulphur retention and the effect of inorganic matter during pyrolysis of South Australian low-rank coals, Energy and Fuels, 12:6, 1135 - 1141, 1998.

7. Zhang, D.K., Jackson, P.J., and Vuthaluru, H.B., Low-rank coal and advanced technologies for power generation, an invited plenary paper at the 1997 Engineering Foundation Conference on Impact of Mineral Impurities in Solid Fuel Combustion (Ed. R.P Gupta, T.F. Wall, and L. Baxter), Page 45, Kluwer Academic Press, New York, 1999.

8. Zhang, D.K., and Sujanti, W., The effect of exchangable cations on low-temperature oxidation and self-heating of a Victorian brown coal, Fuels, 78:10, 1217 - 1224, 1999.

9. Zhang, D.K., and Poeze, A., Variation of sodium forms and char reactivity during gasification of a South Australian low-rank coal, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Vol 28, pp. 2337 - 2344, 2000.

10. Zhang, D.K., Energy options in sustainable development, an invited plenary paper, Proceedings, the 6th Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Combustion and Energy Utilisation, Kuala Lumpur, 20 - 22 May 2002


1. Integrated Fluidised-bed Conversion of Coal and Natural Gas to Syngas with Adjustable H2/CO Ratio

2. Technological options for poly-generation using Collie coal

3. Neutron Diffraction Spectrometry for Characterisation of Multi Metal Oxide Catalysts for Partial Oxidation of Propylene to Acrolein

4. Self-Heating and Spontaneous Combustion of Mt McRae Shale: The Effects of Shale Composition, Weathering, Moisture, and Spent ANFO Residuals

5. Improvement in p.f. operations

6. Utilisation of solid waste and by-products of coal

7. Putrescible Material as Supplementary Feedstock to the Oil-from-Sludge Process

8. Development of a Novel Process for Natural Gas Reforming by Partial Oxidation

9. Partial Oxidation of Natural Gas for Synthesis Gas and Methanol Production

10. Mechanisms of Ammonium Nitrate Decomposition and Stability of Industrial Explosives in Reactive Mining Grounds

11. Elucidation of Mechanisms Relating to the Pseudo-Catalytic Behaviour of Ethane in Promoting the Oxidation of Nitric Oxide

12. Value-added utilisation of Collie coal and natural gas

13. Remediation of acid rock drainage of highly reactive mining ground and safety associated with ammonium nitrate based industry explosives

14. A novel technique for direct natural gas to methanol conversion by partial oxidation catalysed by NOx



Professor Dong-ke Zhang

Centre for Fuels and Energy

Curtin University of Technology

GPO Box U1987, Perth

Western Australia 6845


联系电话:+61 8 9266 1133

E-mail: dongke.zhang@uwa.edu.au







