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考研时间: 2015-11-09 来源:查字典考研网


I. Translate the following words and expressions into the respective target language (40 points).

1.shadow banking 影子银行

2. drones 无人机

3. Edward Snowden 爱德华斯诺登

4. federal deficit 联邦赤字

5. Likonomics 李克强经济学

6. toxic politics 毒性政治,有毒政治

7. all-time high 最高纪录

8. Learning City 学习型城市

9. puppy love 早恋,初恋

10. Schengen Visa 申根签证(签署申根协定的欧洲国家所发出的签证)

11. subway salmon 抢上地铁的人

12. selfie 自拍

13. Obamamania 奥巴马狂热

14. connotation 含义,隐含意义

15. cohesion and coherence 衔接与连贯

16. discourse analysis 语篇分析

17. translation studies 翻译研究

18. Esperanto 世界语

19. denotation 指称;指称之物;指称意义;外延

20. GMO crops 转基因作物(Genetically modified crops )

21. 中国梦 chinese dream

22. 反四风运动 Four Winds campaign ― combat formalism, bureaucracy, hedonism and extravagance

23. 光盘行动 clear your plate campaign

24. 城镇化 urbanization

25. 中国式过马路 Chinese style of crossing road

26. 幸福指数 Happiness Index

27.中国好声音 The Voice of China

28. 机构改革 Institutional reform

29. 雾霾 haze

30. 十八届三中全会 the 3rd Plenary Session of 18th Communist Party of China Central Committee

31.正能量 Positive Energy

32. 创新驱动发展战略 the strategy of innovation-driven development

33. 中华文化走出去 Chinese Cultures Going-out Strategy

34. 常住人口 permanent population

35. 海淘 Overseas online shopping

36. 不靠谱 unreliable

37. 奢侈品牌 luxury brand

38. 黄金周 golden week

39. 群众路线 the mass line

40.照镜子、正衣冠、洗洗澡、治治病 Watch from the mirror, groom oneself, take a bath and seek remedies

II. Translate the following two source texts into their respective target language. (110 points)

Source Text 1: (55 points)

Economies of scope are conceptually similar to economies of scale. Whereas economies of scale for a firm primarily refers to reductions in the average cost (cost per unit) associated with increasing the scale of production for a single product type, economies of scope refers to lowering the average cost for a firm in producing two or more products. Here,economies of scope make product diversification efficient if they are based on the common and recurrent use of proprietary know-how or on an indivisible physical asset. For example, as the number of products promoted is increased, more people can be reached per unit of money spent. At some point, additional advertising expenditure on new products may become less effective (an example of diseconomies of scope). Related examples include distribution of different types of products, product bundling, product lining, and family branding.If a sales force sells several products, it can often do so more efficiently than if it is selling only one product. The cost of its travel time is distributed over a greater revenue base, so cost efficiency improves. There can also be synergies between products such that offering a range of products gives the consumer a more desirable product offering than would a single product.

Economies of scope can also operate through distribution efficiencies: it can be more efficient to ship a range of products to any given location than to ship a single type of product to that location. Further economies of scope occur when there are cost savings arising from byproducts in the production process. An example would be the benefits of heating from energy production having a positive effect on agricultural yields. A company that sells many product lines sells in many countries, or both will benefit from reduced risk levels as a result of its economies of scope. If one of its product lines falls out of fashion or if one country has an economic slowdown, the company will likely be able to continue trading. Not all economists agree on the importance of economies of scope. Some argue that the concept applies only to certain industries, and then only rarely.

Source Text 2: (55 points)





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