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考研时间: 2019-02-24 来源:查字典考研网

  学校: 陕西科大

  专业: 工学->轻工技术与工程->制浆造纸工程

  年级: 2019

  招生人数: 1

  招生状态: 正在招生中


  (1) 主持国家自然科学基金青年项目“高识别性蛋白印迹材料的设计、构筑及其识别机制研究”。

  (2) 主持陕西省自然科学基础研究计划项目“基于大分子单体的蛋白质稳定印迹技术研究”。

  (3) 主持陕西省教育厅专项科研计划项目“离子液体改性细菌纤维素膜材料的制备及其抗菌机理的研究”。

  (4) 主持制浆造纸科学与技术教育部/山东省重点实验室开放基金课题和轻化工程国家级实验教学示范中心开放课题各一项。

  (1) Qian L*, Lei D, Duan X, et al. Design and preparation of metal-organic framework papers with enhanced mechanical properties and good antibacterial capacity [J]. Carbohydrate polymers, 2018, 192: 44-51. (SCI一区)

  (2) Qian L*, Yang M, Zhang S, et al. Preparation of a sustainable bioadsorbent by modifying filter paper with sodium alginate, with enhanced mechanical properties and good adsorption of methylene blue from wastewaters [J]. Cellulose, 2018, 25: 2021-2036. (SCI一区)

  (3) Zhang S*, Yang M, Qian L*, et al. Design and preparation of a cellulose-based adsorbent modified by imidazolium ionic liquid functional groups and their studies on anionic dye adsorption [J]. Cellulose, 2018, DOI: 10.1007/s10570-018-1815-2

  (4) Li Z, Guan P*, Hu X, S Ding, Y Tian, Y Xu, L Qian*. Preparation of Molecularly Imprinted Mesoporous Materials for Highly Enhancing Adsorption Performance of Cytochrome C [J]. Polymers, 2018, 10: 298. (SCI二区)

  (5) Qian L*, Sun J, Hou C, et al. Immobilization of BSA on ionic liquid functionalized magnetic Fe3O4 nanoparticles for use in surface imprinting strategy [J]. Talanta, 2017, 168: 174-182. (SCI二区)

  (6) Song W, Qian L*. Synthesis of l-phenylalanine imprinted hydrogels with anti-biofouling capability by using a novel zwitterionic functional monomer [J]. Separation and Purification Technology, 2017, 182: 247-254. (SCI二区)

  (7) 钱立伟*, 李季, 宋文琦, 等. 采用大分子单体稳定印迹牛血清白蛋白[J]. 高等学校化学学报, 2016, 37(11): 2092-2100. (SCI四区)

  (8) Qian L*, Hu X, Guan P, et al. An effective way to imprint protein with the preservation of template structure by using a macromolecule as the functional monomer [J]. RSC Advances, 2015, 5(73): 59062-59069. (SCI二区)

  (9) Qian L*, Hu X, Guan P, et al. The effectively specific recognition of bovine serum albumin imprinted silica nanoparticles by utilizing a macromolecularly functional monomer to stabilize and imprint template [J]. Analytica chimica acta, 2015, 884: 97-105.(SCI一区)

  (10) Qian L, Hu X, Guan P, et al. Preparation of bovine serum albumin imprinting sensitive hydrogels using ionic liquid as co-monomer and stabilizer [J]. Talanta, 2014, 121: 56-64. (SCI二区)

  (11) Qian L, Hu X, Guan P, et al. Thermal preparation of lysozyme-imprinted microspheres by using ionic liquid as a stabilizer[J]. Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry, 2014, 406(28): 7221-7231. (SCI二区)



  有意愿报考或咨询的同学可以直接联系钱老师:13669272714, qianliwei@nwpu.edu.cn

  也可以与杨苗秀联系(代为传达):QQ:354010231 13488223028




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